This job will begin immediately after We Gotta Live Together ends. When you come to, follow Panam down to the basilisk tent, where you’ll need to take a shard offered by Saul and view a drone fly-over of the target construction site and… well, mostly listen to Saul babble, but you can scan some objects if you want to feel like you’re contributing. When you’re done scanning, disconnect from the drone, then hop in the basilisk.
(1 of 3) Follow Saul and avoid artillery fire.
Follow Saul and his squad through artillery fire, and when the basilisk proves it’s not the most reliable reptile in the desert you’ll have to shoot down some drones with the rifle Panam gives you. When the basilisk is back online, drive up to the bridge and disperse the Militech forces there, then cross through two barricades to reach the construction site at the end of the bridge and unleash the basilisk’s gaze upon the construction site’s defenders. Drive through the gate and Panam will attend to the tank, tasking you with getting out and clearing the interior of the construction site.
Alas the basilisk… it was too pure for this world.
(1 of 2) Fend off the Militech counterattacks - tech weapons will allow you to shoot through cover, and better yet, enemy vehicles.
Fend off the Militech counterattacks - tech weapons will allow you to shoot through cover, and better yet, enemy vehicles. (left), When the basilisk is up and running (again) hop back in and use it to dispatch some enemy armor. (right)
Advance through the construction site and help the Alcedaldos put down the requisite eight enemies here. Most of them are drones, but there will be a few Militech troopers, as well, and frankly, the Aldecaldos probably don’t even need your help. Once they’re all defeated, head up some stairs to reach a control room. You aren’t actually tasked with doing anything while you’re up here, but the arrival of some Militech reinforcements will keep you busy.
When warned of the imminent arrival of Militech, leave the control room and head to the right side of the base, which is where the first wave of reinforcements will arrive. A Tech weapon will allow you to shoot through cover (or better yet, pick enemies off as they drive up in their vehicles), and generally make this easier. Stealth isn’t really an option, but with the Aldecaldos backing you up, you can afford to fight defensively, if need be.
After you defeat the Militech troopers on the right, a squad will arrive on the left, and after that, an AV will land and a third squad will also drive right into the center of the base, being accompanied by a Mech. All in all you’ll be tasked with dispatching 33 enemies, and when all three aforementioned waves are clear, return to Panam and get back in the basilisk. Looks like this old serpent still has some life left in her!
Drive out of the construction site and shoot down drones as they arrive. A second wave of larger birds will follow, and you can’t shoot them down, so ignore them and focus on the armor they drop. Blow up any toys Militech drops off, then drive back to the construction site and into the tunnel you opened up - at great cost.
That’ll end the job Forward to Death, which will be immediately followed by Belly of the Beast. Just chat with Panam while the basilisk auto-pilots its way towards your destination.
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