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Cyberpunk 2077

All Iconic Cyberware Locations in Phantom Liberty

Nathan Garvin
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When it comes to iconic gear, iconic weapons are by far the most important in terms of gameplay impact. That said, iconic weapons aren’t the only bits of iconic gear out there; you can also find iconic clothing, iconic quickhacks, and iconic cyberware. While the former two have negligible impact on your build, the latter can prove to be somewhat more interesting, even if most iconic cyberware doesn’t tower above the competition as much as iconic weapons do. This page will list all the iconic cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, providing details on what each piece of iconic cyberware does and where you can find it.

(1 of 2) Iconic cyberware - recognizable by its unique icon background - can be upgrade to Tier 5++.

Iconic cyberware - recognizable by its unique icon background - can be upgrade to Tier 5++. (left), While a bit of iconic cyberware will appear at lower levels, most of it won’t spawn until you have access to higher tier drops (read: you need to be around Lv40). (right)

What Is Iconic Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077?

In Cyberpunk 2077 there are essentially two broad categories of equipment; on one hand, you have the standard gear - weapons, clothing, and quickhacks. You can equip and unequip this gear freely, getting access to different quickhacks, weapon profiles, and stats from clothing. Cyberware is more… intimate, requiring the surgical intervention of a Ripperdoc to install or remove cyberware, which gives various bonuses depending on what cyberware is equipped. Most of these bonuses are passive, but there are a few active cyberware elements, like the operating system (berserk, netrunner, or sandevistan being the three main types), arms (gorilla arms, mantis blades, monowire or projectile launcher) along with some scattered variants like blood pumps and optical camo. Simply put, what cyberware you equip has a tremendous impact on your build, comparable only to your attributes and perks. Cyberware also is the primary source of your armor, and how much cyberware you can equip is restrained by your cyberware capacity.

As for iconic equipment, various types of gear can be iconic, including weapons, quickhacks, clothing, and yes, even cyberware. In older versions of the game, iconic gear was noteworthy in that it could be upgraded from one rarity tier to the next, but as of patch 2.0, all gear can be upgraded from common/Tier 1 (white) to legendary/Tier 5 (orange). Iconic weapons have unique properties that make them stand out from other weapons, and both iconic weapons and iconic cyberware can be upgraded to Tier 5++ - something non-iconic gear cannot boast. Iconic clothing and iconic quickhacks are generally less special, and in general aside from having a fancy background in menus, iconic gear has lost a lot of what made it truly special.

Still, there’s some unique, iconic cyberware out there with stats and effects that other cyberware doesn’t possess, and there are also higher-end iconic variants of otherwise more common cyberware with higher stats than its aforementioned more mundane counterparts. That said, picking out the best cyberware for your build isn’t as simple of a matter as picking out whatever iconic items are being sold and equipping them - just because it’s iconic doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better than a different type of cyberware, iconic or not, nor does it even mean it’s better than a non-iconic version of the same cyberware! For example, the RAM Reallocator is an iconic variant of the Camillo RAM Manager cyberware, and what do you get for the iconic variant? Same effects, but with an 85-second cooldown instead of a 100-second cooldown, and you’ll use up 30 more Cyberware Capacity for this bonus. Even if you’re in the market for cyberware that periodically restores your RAM when you run low, you might not be willing to fill up that much Cyberware Capacity for it.

Where to Get Iconic Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077?

While iconic weapons can be found all over the place - purchased from merchants, looted from airdrops, found during jobs and gigs, or just hidden randomly throughout the world, iconic cyberware generally only comes from two sources: pilfered from airdrops (these drops are random) or purchased from Ripperdocs, particularly the ones in Dogtown (a Phantom Liberty exclusive location). Other Ripperdocs may sell the odd bit of iconic cyberware, but the Dogtown Ripperdocs have a far more expensive stock.

Getting your hands on iconic cyberware isn’t just a matter of where, however, but also of when. Much of the iconic cyberware can’t be found as lower-tier variants (at least, it can’t be purchased from Ripperdocs at lower tiers), so you may just have to level up until higher-tier items drop. Getting your level to the high 30s or 40+ should cause more iconic cyberware to start spawning. With the default Lv15 protagonist you can create specifically for Phantom Liberty, only three pieces of Tier 2 iconic cyberware were for sale: Chrome Compressor, Immovable Force, and the Leeroy Ligament System - a mere fraction of the Tier 5 cyberware that was in stock at higher levels.

(1 of 2) Most iconic cyberware can be purchased from Ripperdocs in Dogtown,

Most iconic cyberware can be purchased from Ripperdocs in Dogtown, (left), but you can also find them while plunder airdrops. (right)

All Iconic Cyberware in Phantom Liberty

Below you’ll find a list of all the iconic cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, most of which can be purchased from Ripperdocs in Dogtown or looted from airdrops. Unless otherwise noted, all the stats listed will be the Tier 5 variants - your mileage may vary depending on your level.

Cyberware Slot Cyberware Capacity Armor Effect
Adreno-Trigger Nervous System 20 +30% movement speed for 50 sec. When entering combat.
Axolotl Frontal Cortex 55 -10.5% Cooldown instantly for all cyberware after neutralizing an enemy.
Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate 0 Outside of combat, you can easily escape the Law (up to Bounty level 4).
Chitin Integumentary System 42 200 +10% Health Regen Rate per [Body] Attribute Point.
Chrome Compressor Operating System 0 +38 Cyberware Capacity
COX-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer Frontal Cortex 50 Allows your quickhacks to deal Crit Hits. 100% Crit Chance with quickhacks. -8 Max RAM.
Deep-Field Visual Interface Nervous System 40 Crit Chance increases the farther you are from the enemy (max. +95% at 90m).
Electromag Recycler Circulatory System 40 +4% Health and Stamina when you hit an enemy with a fully charged Tech Weapon shot.
Immovable Force Hands 35 -30% recoil, -25% bullet spread. Automatically activate effects for ranged weapons that otherwise only occur when behind cover.
Isometric Stabilizer Circulatory System 40 -18% Stamina cost for all attacks.
Kiroshi “Cockatrice” Optics Face 30 Increases Crit Chance by 30%. 10x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
Leeroy Ligament System Legs 8 12 +18% movement speed
Militch “Apogee” Sandevistan Operating System 44 When active: Slow time by 85% (you are not slowed), +10% headshot damage, +9% Crit Chance, +13% Crit Damage. Neutralizing an enemy when active gives +20% extended duration, +22% Stamina. Max Duration: 8 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec.
Militch “Falcon” Sandevistan Operating System 39 When active: Slow time by 70% (you are not slowed), +10% damage, +10% Crit Chance, +5% Crit Damage. Neutralizing an enemy when active gives +10% extended duration, +5% Health. Max Duration: 9 sec. Cooldown: 35 sec.
Militech Berserk Operating System 35 When active: Invulnerable to damage, cannot use items, melee weapons only, +30% attack speed, -100% stamina cost, +20% movement speed, Increase damage at low Health (max. +50% damage when below 20% Health), When it ends: +25% Health for each enemy neutralized. Duration: 12 sec. Cooldown: 35 sec.
Netwatch Netdriver Mk.1 Operating System 25 13 RAM. Allows you to perform quickhacks on enemies and devices while scanning. -20% traceability for quickhacks uploaded through cameras. -50% RAM cost for Device and Vehicle quickhacks. Combat quickhacks uploaded through devices gain: +15% damage, +20% effect duration.
Peripheral Inverse Integumentary System 32 28 The closer an attacking enemy is, the less damage they deal to you. -40% incoming damage at 3 m. Damage reduction tapers off to 0% at 6 m.
RAM Reallocator Frontal Cortex 40 Instantly recovers 23% Max RAM when available RAM falls to 20%. +2 Max RAM. Cooldown: 85 sec.
Rara Avis Skeleton 52 +35% Armor.
Revulsor Nervous System 35 Slows time by 60% for 4 sec. When your Health drops below 25%. Your movement is not slowed. Cooldown: 40 sec.

Now that you know how and where to get some fancy iconic cyberware, check out the following pages to make sure your knowledge on how cyberware works in patch 2.0 is up to snuff, and ensure you have some iconic weapons capable of defending your swanky chrome:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CD Projekt
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 December 2020
  • Last Updated
    8 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in night city, a megalopolis obsessed with power, Glamour and body modification. As V, choose one of three backgrounds and take on the dangers of night city with the aid of this guide.

The Guide for Cyberpunk 2077 will include:

  • 100% Walkthrough - Covering all three backgrounds; Corpo, Nomad and Street Kid.
  • Character Development - An In-depth section on how to create your ideal V with expert analysis and strategies.
  • Side Jobs - Details on where to find every sidequest, challenge and mini-game along with all possible outcomes.
  • All Endings - How to achieve every ending in Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Full coverage of all Items - Every weapon, item and more laid bare
  • Trophy Guide & Roadmap - Earn the Platinum Trophy in the fastest and easiest way possible!

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