After you complete Judy’s Main Job questline (Automatic Love, The Space in Between, Disasterpiece and Double Life you’ll get the option to start with the Voodoo Boys Main Job Questline, which starts with M’ap Tann Pelen. No significant choices are made during this first job, but on the subsequent Main Job, I Walk the Line you’ll need to make a choice at the end which will have consequences in the second part of the upcoming Main Job Transmission.
During your encounter with the NetWatch agent you’ll either have to subdue him, as Placide wants, or cut a deal with the agent.
The NetWatch Agent¶
Near the end of I Walk the Line you’ll confront the NetWatch agent Placide sent you after, who in turn will offer you a deal. Your choice here is binary, either accept it, or decline it:
“Not interested. I just need an in with the Voodoo chief.”
“Care to back that up.”
[Run diagnostic] “OK.”
[Run diagnostic] “OK.”
“All right, let’s hear your offer.”
- “OK, fine.”
“All right, let’s hear your offer.”
[Run diagnostic] “OK.”
[Run diagnostic] “OK.”
“Care to back that up.”
- [Incapacitate agent] “Convo’s going nowhere.”
To decline, at any point in the conversation you just need to pick the [Incapacitate agent] “Convo’s going nowhere.” option, otherwise you’ll need to hear him out and ultimately accept his proposition.
Initially, nothing seems awry and the first part of Transmission will play out more or less the same way… although Placide is decidedly handsier if you took the NetWatch agent’s deal.
Transmission will be interrupted by another Johnny segment, Never Fade Away, after which the second part of Transmission will start. Here is where the consequences of your actions will be felt.
If you did not make a deal with the NetWatch agent, the rest of the Voodoo Boys questline goes smoothly - provided you don’t go out of your way to pick a fight.
Transmission: Refused the Deal¶
If you refused to cut a deal with the NetWatch agent, you’ll come out of Never Fade Away just peachy. No complications (although you can talk your way into a fight by drawing a gun on Brigitte, if you wish), you can just walk on out of the Voodoo Boys hideout and exit the chapel. Job done.
Transmission: Made the Deal¶
If you made a deal with the NetWatch agent, he’d have interfered during your chat with Alt, resulting in Alt taking drastic action. Suffice to say, Brigitte and the Voodoo Boys netrunners do not end up better for this, and their loss rightfully provokes the rest of the Voodoo Boys gangers, including Placide. You’ll have to fight or sneak your way out of the hideout and defeat Placide in the chapel. While this is more work, it’s also more rewarding, for what that’s worth.
There are no long-term consequences outside of this questline regardless of what choice you pick. Neither NetWatch nor the Voodoo Boys are going to come to your aid or hold a grudge once you exit the chapel.
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