After recovering Panam’s ride, she’ll ask for further assistance, prompting this quest’s sole important decision.
There are many dialogue choices in Panam’s Main Job questline in general, and in Ghost Town specifically, but surprisingly few of them matter. In fact, only one decision really have any meaningful consequences at all. After you successfully ambush the Raffen and reclaim Panam’s car you’ll get a choice - help Panam hunt down Nash, or refuse:
- “Nash wasn’t part of the deal.”
- “Let’s do the 6th Street deal first.”
- “You wanna raid the Raffen base? Are you outta your mind?”
- “OK. So where’s this hideout?”
If you respond with “OK. So where’s this hideout?” you’ll indulge her murder kick, which makes her happy. Not that it really matters much - you can still start Panam’s Side Job questline and romance her even if you decline to hunt down Nash. If you pick any of the other three options, Panam will throw one of her characteristic tantrums and you’ll get two more dialogue options:
- “Fine. Where’s this den?”
- “No. Not what we agreed.”
Should be pretty obvious what these two do; “Fine. Where’s this den?” will capitulate to Panam and cause you to set off after Nash, “No. Not what we agreed.” will shut her down.
Refusing to Help Panam¶
If you refuse to help Panam go after Nash, you’ll just skip the fight with him and his Raffen. She’ll brood on the drive over to the Sunset Motel, but otherwise the quest finishes like normal. The only loss you’ll suffer from skipping this is Nash’s iconic weapon. You can still get the Rayfield Caliburn and all associated loot, you can still start Panam’s Side Job questline and you can still romance Panam.
(1 of 2) Help Panam defeat Nash and his Raffen,
Help Panam defeat Nash and his Raffen, (left), then loot Nash for his iconic weapon, “Widow Maker”. (right)
Hunting Nash with Panam¶
If you decide to help Panam sate her bloodlust, she’ll drive you a short distance to the mines where the Raffen Shiv - led by Nash - can be found. Engage in small talk, but when you arrive a fight will begin. No room for stealth here, no nuance, nothing - once you’re out of Panam’s vehicle, you’ll be in the midst of a firefight. Dispatch all the Raffen Shiv, then loot Nash for his iconic precision rifle, Widow Maker. The quest then finishes as normal.
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