You’ll find 4 Reported Crimes throughout the Northside subdistrict of Watson. These Hustles deal with finding a corpse that will usually lead to loot somewhere else upon looking at the nearby clues.
One thing led to another¶
To begin this Hustle, make your way to the south of Northside, northwest of the All Foods Fast Travel. Once you get there, you’ll spot a group of Tyger Claws. You can easily sneak up on all of these to save you some pain however there is a drone to deal with. If you have the Quickhack Short Circuit, use it to disable it immediately and clear out the rest of the area.
Once clear, check the computer to learn the location of the nearby antenna. Head around the corner to find some stairs leading up a tower, take them up and then deal with the lone Tyger Claw before claiming the goods from the stash.
(1 of 4) You can deal with the first enemy without alerting the others
Needle in a haystack¶
You can start this Hustle by heading to the southeast of the Docks Fast Travel found to the northwest of Northside. Once you reach the location, use Stealth to takedown the Tyger Claw standing in the middle before using the same tactic on both the Tyger Claw on the container and examining the body.
Once the area is clear, search the corpse yourself to find details on a nearby container. Head to the right and leap up to reach the container and open it to find a haul of goods and complete the Hustle.
(1 of 3) All three enemies can be taken down by stealth
Don’t forget the parking brake!¶
You’ll be able to start this Hustle by heading to the northeast of Northside, northeast from the Offshore St Fast Travel. Once you arrive, use Stealth to take care of the two Scavengers away from the rest of the group and then open fire on any remaining ones.
Once the area is clear, head over to the computer and read the messages to learn of the sunken van. Head over to the water, leap in and swim to the bottom to find the stash to end the Hustle.
(1 of 3) Approach from here to use Stealth on the enemies
Dredged Up¶
This Hustle won’t become avaiable until you reach Act II and complete the Playing for Time Main Job. Once the Hustle becomes available, head to the northeast of Northside, northeast from the All Foods Plant Fast Travel and you’ll find some Wraiths looking around the area. Use either Stealth or lethal means to take them out and then search the container in the center for a Shard.
With the information on it, make your way to the south of the searchable area to find some blood you can scan. Follow this trail around the corner and down some stairs where it will eventually lead you to one final Wraith and the Stash.
(1 of 3) Search the container once the area is clear
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