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Cyberpunk 2077

On A Tight Leash

Ben Chard
Nathan Garvin
, &
Shane Williams
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Subdistrict Prerequisite Type
Wellsprings Street Cred Lv 1 Gun for Hire


On a Tight Leash is a Gig (Gun for Hire) you’ll find in Wellsprings, Heywood. When you near its location along the southeastern edge of the district you’ll get a call from Padre.

(1 of 2) Disable cameras,

Disable cameras, (left), and takedown two guards to secure the roof. (right)

Neutralize Jose Luis

Make your way over to the bus depot where Jose is hiding and you’ll find it crawling with Valentinos and the odd camera. Get close enough to observe the Valentinos and they’ll start talking before eventually dispersing around the lot outside the depot.

As an obvious first step, quickhack the camera and turn it off, then scan and tag as many of the Valentinos as possible. Again, Legendary Ping will make this much, much easier. Once done you should be able to see that sneaking in the front entrance is probably the most difficult way of doing things. Fortunately you have options… assuming you can just take out Jose Luis with Legendary Ping and the combat quickhack of your choice.

From the front gate to the bus depot, head left and you’ll find a side alley running along the depot you can head down virtually unopposed. Make your way down along the parked busses until you near a wall. More importantly, you’ll find a gate to your right, where one lone Valentino waits with her back to you. This is tricky, as you’ll have to scale the wall (keep a lookout for the Valentinos in the bus depot lot, and the ones in the building nearby), and drop down close enough to your target to avoid detection from other Valentinos, but far enough away so she won’t hear you drop down. The Hidden Dragon perk, a silenced weapon, or the Reboot Optics quickhack will all make this easier, but if you have Reinforced Tendons you can just jump over to the roof and bypass this ganger.

You’re not quite out of the woods yet, as another Valentino patrols the roof. This one is much easier to take out, as there are no other eyes on her - but there is a camera you need to disable. Once you’ve taken out the Valentino on the roof, you’re good to go! Before you move on Jose Luis, search for an Access Point [Intelligence 9].

(1 of 5) If your Technical Ability is high enough, you can enter through a door on the roof,

With that done, you’ll need to reach Jose Luis. If your Technical Ability is high you can open a locked door [Technical 13], or you can drop through a skylight, avoid or dispatch several Valentinos in the building below to reach some stairs, or… use a silenced weapon to shoot out a window and just jump on in. It’s also worth noting that if you can shoot through the window, you can pick off Jose Luis just as easily. You’d be better off not raising a ruckus if you can avoid it, however, as you still need to carry Jose’s body out.

After you’ve neutralized Jose, you can see to the optional objective “Find out why the NCPD dropped the investigation” if you wish. Just use the terminal on the desk Jose was standing near and read the message “Last warning”. Before you lug Jose out, note that you can fish for a legendary drop in a container near some cabinets along the wall.

(1 of 2) You can dump off Jose alive for a few more eddies,

You can dump off Jose alive for a few more eddies, (left), but it’s honestly easier to just kill Jose and leave the depot. (right)

You’ll gain a bonus if you bring Jose back alive, which requires you to lug his body out of the depot and deposit him in the trunk of a car, but honestly, this is probably more trouble than it’s worth. You can escape the way you came in, and it’ll be rather difficult to get out with Jose unless you take out most of the Valentinos in the bus depot and surrounding lot (dropping off the roof with Jose tends to kill him). Either wipe out the Valentinos in the area, or just make sure Jose is dead and simply waltz out the way you came in. Either way, you’ll need to call Padre to finish things up, and when you do you can tell him the intel you learned if you completed the bonus objective.

While we’re dubious whether it’s worth the extra effort to get Jose back alive, there are incentives for clearing out the Valentinos. If you can explore the bus depot freely, you can find some hatches in the floor of the garage that’ll lead to a locked door [Technical 9], behind which you’ll find a good amount of loot (perhaps including a legendary crafting spec), not to mention two Access Points [Intelligence 9] in the building by the entrance to the depot lot. You can also find quite a bit of Militech paraphernalia, which doesn’t advance the gig any, but it does provide some flavor chatter between V and Johnny.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CD Projekt
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 December 2020
  • Last Updated
    8 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in night city, a megalopolis obsessed with power, Glamour and body modification. As V, choose one of three backgrounds and take on the dangers of night city with the aid of this guide.

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