You’ll find 7 Assaults in Progress throughout the Rancho Coronado subdistrict of Santo Domingo. These usually involve taking out a small group of enemies before looting a container to complete it.
Assault in Progress #1¶
(1 of 2) Head Southeast of the Megabuilding H6 to find this Assault in Progress.
Head Southeast of the Megabuilding H6 to find this Assault in Progress. (left), then collect the evidence from the bag. (right)
Head Southeast of the Megabuilding H6 to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find five enemies using assault rifles. Do a loop around the area and take down the enemies, then collect the evidence from the bag.
Assault in Progress #2¶
(1 of 2) Head West of the MLK & Brandon Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head West of the MLK & Brandon Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the body. (right)
Head West of the MLK & Brandon Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find four enemies using assault rifles. Three of them are grouped up, so you can throw a grenade to kill them then take down the remaining one. Finally collect the evidence from the body.
Assault in Progress #3¶
(1 of 2) Head Southwest of the MLK & Brandon Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Southwest of the MLK & Brandon Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the bag. (right)
Head Southwest of the MLK & Brandon Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find five enemies all using assault rifles. Approach the area from the right and take down each enemy when they arent looking, then collect the evidence from the bag.
Assault in Progress #4¶
(1 of 2) Head Northwest of the Hangreaves St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Northwest of the Hangreaves St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the body. (right)
Head Northwest of the Hangreaves St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find four enemies, three of which are using assault rifles and one is using a shotgun. Simply, take down each enemy when they arent looking, then collect the evidence from the body.
Assault in Progress #5¶
(1 of 2) Head Southwest of the Hangreaves St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Southwest of the Hangreaves St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the body. (right)
Head Southwest of the Hangreaves St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find five enemies, three of which are using assault rifles, one are using shotguns, and one is using melee. Simply, shoot the explosive barrel in the center of the area to deal a chunk of damage, then finish off the enemies with your most powerful weapon. Finally, collect the evidence from the body.
Assault in Progress #6¶
(1 of 2) Head East of the Megabuilding H4 Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress.
Head East of the Megabuilding H4 Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. (left), then collect the evidence from the trunk of the car. (right)
Head East of the Megabuilding H4 Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find five enemies, three are using assault rifles, and two are using shotguns. Approach from the left side and take down each enemy, then collect the evidence from the trunk of the car.
Assault in Progress #7¶
(1 of 2) Head Northwest of the Rancho Coronado South Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress.
Head Northwest of the Rancho Coronado South Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. (left), then collect the evidence from the body. (right)
Head Northwest of the Rancho Coronado South Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find five enemies, two are using assault rifles, two are using shotguns, and one is using melee. Shoot the explosive in the center of the area to deal a nice chunk of damage, the finish them off with a powerful weapon before collecting the evidence from the body.
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