You’ll find 2 Suspected Organized Crime Activities throughout the Little China subdistrict of Watson. These Hustles deal with a group of enemies in a larger area than Assault in Progress and you’ll need to take out all of them before looting the final stash.
Suspected Organized Crime Activity #1¶
This Suspected Organized Crime Activity begins just outside the Drake Ave Fast Travel. The goal here is to clear out these rooftops of enemies and there are two ways to approach it, either from the top or the bottom, with the top giving you the easier time through it.
With that in mind, make your way along the freeway until you enter via the top and you’ll see a way in. The first thing you should notice is the abundance of cameras along with Snipers so you’ll want to keep to Stealth and use Quickhacks to disable the cameras. From here, you can descend the ladder, take out the first two guards and then watch for the next on the right.
With this initial three out of the picture, you can dispatch the lone guard watching over the edge of the building at the stairs and then carefully look down and disable the other cameras (3 in total). This then gives you the freedom to either deal with the rest of the enemies here with Stealth or take the element of the surprise and use the nearby canisters to defeat them in a shootout. Once the area is clear, loot the container on the landing pad to complete the Hustle.
(1 of 4) Coming from the top gives you the advantage here
Suspected Organized Crime Activity #2¶
This Suspected Organized Crime Activity can be found just to the west of the Goldsmith St Fast Travel and unlike the previous Hustle, you’ll almost certainly have to use force at some point. The positions of the enemies make this a tough one to clear out using primarily Stealth, there’s not enough places to hide the bodies for one, but it is doable.
It’s best to enter the market via the northeast and then consider using the camera to distract the Tyger Claw at the entrance and use a Stealth Takedown. From here, you’ll find another in front of you at the stall while another patrols to your left. Deal with them as you see fit and then wade into the center.
A shootout is the most likely scenario here and your foes have a fearsome Netrunner with them, if you don’t have the Perk that shows their location when being hacked, look for any enemies crouched behind cover and take them out immediately, Overheat will deal Thermal damage over time. Once the area is cleared out, claim the container on the bench to end the Hustle.
(1 of 3) Stealth is doable, but difficult
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