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Cyberpunk 2077

Legendary Cyberware Locations

Ben Chard
Nathan Garvin
, &
Shane Williams
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There are several major components to character builds in Cyberpunk 2077, with obvious ones being how you distribute your attribute and perk points. No less important, however, is what cyberware you install. In fact, you’ll have far more freedom to pick and choose between attributes and perks than you will with your Operating System, which arguably makes cyberware the most defining aspect of your playstyle. While you can find various bits of cyberware and cyberware mods as loot, most of the best stuff is sold by Ripperdocs - whom you’ll need to visit to customize your cyberware loadout regardless of how you acquired said cyberware.

Following are lists of all the legendary cyberware you can find in the game, sorted by the Ripperdoc that sells them:

(1 of 2) The Ripperdoc in the Badlands,

The Ripperdoc in the Badlands, (left), and his location on the map. (right)

Badlands Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Bioconductor Circulatory System 18 Body €$14000
  • Reduces all cyberware cooldowns by 30%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Biomonitor Circulatory System 18 Body €$42000
  • Instantly restores 100% Health when Health drops to 15%. Cooldown 120 sec.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Blood Pump Circulatory System 16 Body €$35000
  • Activate to instantly restore 90% of max Health. Cooldown 180 sec.

City Center - Downtown Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Arasaka Mk.4 Operating System N/A €$35000
  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
  • Decreases the RAM costs of Covert quickhacks by 2.
  • Quickhacking an enemy affected by Ping will reset the duration of ping.
  • Increases combat quickhack duration by 40%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Bioplastic Blood Vessels Circulatory System 14 Body €$14000
  • Increases Health regen outside of combat by 50 points per second.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Gorilla Arms Arms N/A €$10250
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Mantis Blades Arms N/A €$100350
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Monowire Arms N/A €$100450
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Projectile Launch System Arms N/A €$100450
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Qiant “Warp Dancer” Sandevistan Mk.5 Operating System 18 Reflexes €$43750
  • Slows time by 10% for 8 sec. Cooldown 30 sec.
  • Increases any damage dealt by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
  • Increases Crit Chance by 10% and Crit Damage by 50% when Sandevistan is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Sandevistan: Arasaka Software Cyberware Mod N/A €$600
  • Enemies take 70% more time to notice you while Sandevistan is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Shock-N-Awe Immune System 15 Cool €$7000
  • After taking damage, there is a 10% chance of releasing a large electroshock that deals damage to nearby enemies.

Heywood - Wellsprings Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Beast Mode Cyberware Mod N/A €$600
  • While Berserk is active, increases Armor, Resistances and Health regeneration by 15%.
  • Melee attacks deal 100% more damage when Berserk is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Gorilla Arms Arms N/A €$10250
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Mantis Blades Arms N/A €$100350
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan Mk.5 Operating System 20 Reflexes €$43750
  • Slows time by 30% for 18 sec. Cooldown 60 sec.
  • Increases damage by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
  • Increases Crit Chance by 20% and Crit Damage by 35% when Sandevistan is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Monowire Arms N/A €$100450
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Netwatch Netdriver Mk.5 Operating System N/A €$43750
  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
  • Offensive quickhacks can be uploaded to 3 targets within a 6-meter radius.
  • Increases damage dealt by quickhacks by 30%.
  • Increases cyberdeck RAM recover rate by 9 unit(s) per 60 sec.
  • Increases quickhack spread distance by 60%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Projectile Launch System Arms N/A €$100450
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Second Heart Circulatory System 16 Body €$42000
  • Instantly restores 100% of max Health when your Health falls to 0. Cooldown 2 min.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Syn-Lungs Circulatory System 16 Body €$7000
  • Increases Stamina regen by 25%.

Pacifica - West Wind Estate Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Camillo RAM Manager Frontal Cortex 16 Intelligence €$14000
  • When your cyberdeck’s RAM reaches 2, instantly free 30% of it. Cooldown 4 min.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Ex-Disk Frontal Cortex 18 Intelligence €$28000
  • Increases your cyberdeck’s max RAM units by 5.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Fuyutsui Tinkerer Mk.3 Operating System N/A €$43750
  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
  • Increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 9 unit(s) per 60 sec.
  • Increases combat quickhack duration by 50%.
  • Increases quickhack spread distance by 40%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Stephenson Tech Mk.4 Operating System N/A €$35000
  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
  • Quickhack cooldown reduced by 45%.
  • Increases combat quickhack duration by 50%.
  • Reduces quickhack upload time by 25%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Visual Cortex Support Frontal Cortex 16 Intelligence €$21000
  • Increases Crit Damage by 45%.

(1 of 2) The Ripperdoc in Arroyo,


The Ripperdoc in Arroyo, (left), and his location on the map. (right)

Santo Domingo - Arroyo Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Kerenzikov Nervous System 18 Reflexes €$35000
  • Allows you to aim and shoot while dodging. Slows time by 90% for 3.5 sec. When blocking, aiming or attacking during a slide or dodge. Cooldown 5 sec.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Neofiber Nervous System 18 Reflexes €$7000
  • Increases Evasion by 15%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Zetatech Berserk Mk.4 Operating System 16 Body €$35000
  • Berserk reduces weapon recoil by 10% and increases Armor and Resistances by 10%. Duration: 5 sec. Cooldown 10 sec.
  • Can initiate a Superhero Landing.
  • Defeating enemies restores 5% max Health when Berserk is active.

(1 of 2) The Ripperdoc in Rancho Coronado,

The Ripperdoc in Rancho Coronado, (left), and his location on the map. (right)

Santo Domingo - Rancho Coronado Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Microgenerator Circulatory System 16 Technical €$7000
  • When your Health drops to 15%, release an electroshock that deals damage equal to 50% of the target enemy’s max Health. Applies Shock to enemies.

Watson - Little China Ripperdoc (Vik)

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Dynalar Sandevistan Mk. 4 Operating System 15 Reflexes €$35000
  • Slows time by 25% for 16 sec. Cooldown 30 sec.
  • Increases damage by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
  • Increases Crit Chance by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Smart Link Hands N/A €$21000
  • Allows you to use the smart-targeting module on smart weapons.
  • Increases the chance for smart bullets to hit targets by 15% and Crit Damage by 25%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Trajectory Analysis Ocular System Mod N/A €$20800
  • Increases headshot bonus damage by 50%.

Watson - Kabuki Ripperdoc (Robert)

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Black-Market Battery Cyberware Mode N/A €$5000
  • Increases max charge and charge damage by 100%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Raven Microcyber Mk.4 Operating System N/A €$35000
  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
  • Increases the time it takes for an enemy netrunner to hack you by 100%.
  • Increases quickhack spread distance by 60%.
  • Increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 6 unit(s) per 60 sec.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Subdermal Armor Integumentary System N/A €$14000
  • Increases Armor by 200.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Zetatech Berserk Mk.5 Operating System 18 Body €$43750
  • Berserk reduces weapon recoil by 20%, increases melee damage by 20%, and increases Armor and Resistances by 20%. Duration: 10 sec. Cooldown 30 sec.
  • Can initiate a Superhero Landing.
  • Defeating enemies restores 5% max Health when Berserk is active.

Watson - Kabuki Ripperdoc (Charles)

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Adrenaline Booster Circulatory System 18 Body €$28000
  • Instantly restores 50% Stamina when you defeat an enemy.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Feedback Circuit Circulatory System 15 Technical €$21000
  • Instantly restores 10% Health after you discharge a fully charged weapon.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
RIN3U Battery Cyberware Mod N/A €$5000
  • Defeating an enemy fully restores Stamina.

Watson - Kabuki Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Ballistic Coprocessor Hands N/A €$21000
  • Increases the chance to ricochet shots with Power weapons. Increases the number of times bullet ricochet by 2.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Microrotors Skeleton 18 Reflexes €$14000
  • Increases attack speed by 25%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Sandevistan: Micro-Amplifier Cybeware Mod N/A €$600
  • When Sandevistan is activated, it removes all Burn, Shock, Poison and Bleeding effects.

Watson - Northside Ripperdoc (Cassius Ryder)

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Heal-on-Kill Frontal Cortex 18 Reflexes €$35000
  • Instantly restores 10% Health after defeating an enemy.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Mechatronic Core Frontal Cortex 16 Technical €$21000
  • Increases damage to drones, mechs and robots by 50%.

Westbrook - Charter Hill Ripperdoc (Nina Kraviz)

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Animal Knuckles Cyberware Mod N/A €$5000
  • Causes internal Bleeding on successful hits.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Bionic Lungs Skeleton 18 Body €$7000
  • Increases Stamina by 60%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Militech Berserk Mk.5 Operating System 18 Body €$43750
  • Berserk reduces weapon recoil by 15%, increases melee damage by 15%, and increases Armor and Resistances by 15%. Duration: 10 sec. Cooldown 60 sec.
  • Can initiate a Superhero Landing.
  • Defeating enemies restores 5% max Health when Berserk is active.
  • Gain 40% more Health when Berserk is active.
  • Increases max Stamina by 40% when Berserk is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Synaptic Signal Optimizer Skeleton 20 Body €$2800
  • Increases Health by 60%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Tetratronic Rippler Mk.4 Operating System N/A €$43750
  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
  • Ultimate quickhacks can spread once.
  • Reduces the RAM cost of Ultimate quickhacks by 3.
  • Reduces quickhack upload time by 75%.
  • Quickhack cooldown reduced by 45%.

(1 of 2) The location of the unnamed Ripperdoc in Japantown,

The location of the unnamed Ripperdoc in Japantown, (left), and their location on the map. (right)

Westbrook - Japantown Ripperdoc

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Biodyne Berserk Mk.4 Operating System 16 Body €$35000
  • Berserk reduces weapon recoil by 25%, increases melee damage by 25%, and increases Armor and Resistances by 5%. Duration: 5 sec. Cooldown 30 sec.
  • Can initiate a Superhero Landing.
  • All ranged attacks deal 20% more damage.
  • Defeating enemies restores 4% max Health when Berserk is active.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Haming-8 Rotor Cyberware Mod N/A €$7000
  • Increases Mantis Blade attack speed by 45%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Limbic System Enhancement Frontal Cortex 15 Intelligence €$21000
  • Increases Crit Chance by 25%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Reflex Tuner Nervous System 18 Reflexes €$17500
  • Slows time by 80% for 4 sec. when your Health drops to 25%. Cooldown 40 sec.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Synaptic Accelerator Nervous System 20 Reflexes €$35000
  • Slows time by 50% for 4 sec. when you are detected by enemies. Cooldown 60 sec.

(1 of 2) Fingers can be found on Jig-Jig Street, in Japantown.

Fingers can be found on Jig-Jig Street, in Japantown. (left), His location on the map. (right)

Westbrook - Japantown Ripperdoc (Fingers)

Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Cataresist Immune System 15 Cool €$14000
  • Increases all Resistances by 35%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Pain Editor Immune System 16 Cool €$28000
  • Reduces all incoming damage by 10%.
Cyberware Type Req. Cost
Qiant Sandevistan Mk.5 Operating System 15 Reflexes €$35000
  • Slows time by 25% for 12 sec. Cooldown 16 sec.
  • Increases any damage dealt by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
  • Increases Crit Chance by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CD Projekt
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 December 2020
  • Last Updated
    8 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in night city, a megalopolis obsessed with power, Glamour and body modification. As V, choose one of three backgrounds and take on the dangers of night city with the aid of this guide.

The Guide for Cyberpunk 2077 will include:

  • 100% Walkthrough - Covering all three backgrounds; Corpo, Nomad and Street Kid.
  • Character Development - An In-depth section on how to create your ideal V with expert analysis and strategies.
  • Side Jobs - Details on where to find every sidequest, challenge and mini-game along with all possible outcomes.
  • All Endings - How to achieve every ending in Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Full coverage of all Items - Every weapon, item and more laid bare
  • Trophy Guide & Roadmap - Earn the Platinum Trophy in the fastest and easiest way possible!

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