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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

How To Unlock Gilded Camo in MW3

Craig Robinson
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Camos are an important grind for many in CoD titles, and the venture through Modern Warfare 3’s camo challenges will be a very long yet rewarding experience. As part of the new camo grind, players will first encounter Gilded Camo and a brand new take on the Gold Camo skin for Modern Warfare 3 weapons. To get a kick start on the process, here’s a look at how to unlock Gilded Camo in MW3.

Here is a guide on how to unlock Gilded Camo in MW3. Image via Activision.

How to Get Gilded Camo in MW3

To unlock Gilded Camo in Modern Warfare 3, players will need:

  1. Complete all base camo challenges for the weapon they are grinding. (There are four base camos for each gun)
  2. Complete the weapon’s associated Gilded challenge.

The first thing you need to do is work your way through the gun, unlocking the base camo challenges at certain levels. You can find the base camo challenges under the customize menu and see the four challenges and the base camo skins you can get on the gunsmith. When you get these challenges, beat them and continue to level the gun up as normal. Once you have all four, you can then start the Gilded Camo challenge for that weapon. They’ll typically be ‘get 10 double kills’, ‘10 headshots’, ‘50 kills’, or small and easy challenges of that nature.

Once you have done all four base camos, you then unlock the Gilded Camo Challenge. Players can find the weapon’s Gilded Camo challenge under the weapon mastery screen, which profiles the unlockables for the gun. For example, the MCW Assault Rifle requires you TO get 3 Operator kills with one magazine ten times. So, you simply need to get three kills without reloading and then do it ten times over. Once it is done, you will unlock the Gilded Camo for that gun only and need to repeat the process for every other Modern Warfare 3 weapon.

Each weapon category has its own set of challenges, with some of the weapons within a category having slightly different challenges than others because of how the weapon’s profile is built. You can find the following Gilded Camo Challenges as follows:

  • Assault Rifles: Get 3 Operator Kills with 1 Magazine 10 times.
  • SMGs: Get 10 Kills without an enemy Operator damaging you.
  • Shotguns: Get 2 kills shortly after sprinting in 1 Life.
  • LMGs: Get 2 Kills without releasing the trigger 10 times.
  • Battle Rifles: Get 3 Kills with a single magazine without dying.
  • Marksman Rifles: Get 10 kills using a lazer attachment.
  • Sniper Rifles: Get 10 kills while Focused Down Sights 10 Times.
  • Pistols: 10 kills without the enemy damaging you.
  • Launcher: 10 Kills by direct hitting an enemy.
  • Melee: 10 kills on enemies affected by your tactical.

Please note that Gilded Camo challenges are only available on Modern Warfare 3 weapons. Modern Warfare 2 weapons have their own completionist challenges, with Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic and Orion being theirs. Feel free to check our MW2 guide, as we did tips on how to unlock each camo, and even had tips for most guns in the game.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Activision Blizzard
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    1 November 2023
  • Last Updated
    1 December 2023
    Version History
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Modern Warfare 3 is the next installment in the Call of Duty franchise and was developed by both Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games. It features reimagined maps from the original MW2 which was released back in 2009. This guide for MW3 contains the following:

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