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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

MW3 Perk System Explained: Vests, Gloves, Boots

Craig Robinson

While Call of Duty has traditionally had a fairly simple perk system with perks allocated to different slots. However, Modern Warfare 3’s perk implementation is changing slightly, with each one being associated with a different piece of gear. While, in essence, perks are allocated to the slots, each item slot now has additional visual changes to your character, alongside other minor changes to match the type of item you are using. Throw in some vests, which affect your resistance to damage alongside changing the perks and loadouts you run, and you have an entirely new system in MW3. Here’s everything you need to know about Perk in MW3.

All MW3 Perks Explained

Here is a MW3 Perk list, explaining how the new MW3 perk system works. Image via Activision.

As alluded to, the traditional perk system is gone and replaced with perks being on items. Each item carries over the perks you typically associate with CoD games and grants some other benefits, too. You’ll find most traditional perks are spliced into one or two item types, but in others, you can see similarities or exact for 1 for 1s. We’ll highlight some examples in the tables of all MW3 perks below.

Item Perk Effect Type
Quick-Grip Gloves Increase weapon swap speed. Gloves
Ordinance Gloves Throw Equipment farther/ Resets fuse timer on thrown-back grenades. Gloves
Commando Gloves Reload while sprinting. Gloves
Scavenger Gloves Resupply ammo and throwing knives from dead players. Gloves
Marksmen Gloves Reduces Sway and Flinch while ADS. Gloves
Assault Gloves While Jumping, ADS and accuracy is improved Gloves
Lightweight Boots Increases movement and sprint speed. Also reduces noise while swimming. Boots
Climbing Boots Increases climbing and mantling speed. Reduces fall damage. Boots
Running Sneakers Increases Tactical Sprint duration and reduces Refresh Time. Boots
Tactical Pads Increases slide distance and allows for ADS while sliding. Also increases stance transition speeds and crouched movement speeds Boots
Stalker Boots Increase strafe and ADS movement speed. Boots
Covert Sneakers Eliminated movement noise (Dead Silence) Boots
Tac Mask Reduces the strength of flashes, gas, and stun effects. Gear
Mission Control Commlink Reduce killstreak cost by 1 and scorestreak by 125 (Hardline). Gear
Bone Conduction Helmet Reduces combat noise for better clarity of enemy footsteps and gunshot locations. Gear
Mag Holster Improves reload speed (Fast Hands) Gear
Blacklight Flashlight Shows Recent Enemy Footsteps (Tracker) Gear
L/R Detector Warns of hostile lazer and radiation sources. Gear
Threat Identification System While ADS, auto pings enemy locations in crosshairs. Gear
Data Jacker Enemies you kill drop smartphones. Collecting smartphones generates a radar ping from that location. Gear
Signal Jammer Emits a signal that disrupts claymores and mines. Warns of nearby enemy equipment. Gear
Hijaked IFF Strobe Undetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. You do not get highlighted by Recon Drones or Tactical Cameras. Gear
Ghost T/V Camo Blocks detection from UAVs, enemy radar sources, and heartbeat sensors while moving. Gear
EOD Padding Reduces damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire damage. (EOD Perk) Gear.

MW3 Perks & Vests

For the most part, players will be able to equip at least one gear, boots, and gloves perk, and make a build from that. However, there is another slot that plagues can change on their loadout that gives them some other MW3 perks, along with altering their lethal, tactical, and other perk slot availability. For example, the Engineer’s Vest will offer players 2 Gear perks alongside the usual Boot and Glove perks. However, this comes at the cost of losing your Lethal. Meanwhile, the Gunner Vest removes your gear’s perk in favor of giving you the Overkill perk built into the Vest. We’ll profile the vests and their peaks, along with the loadout changes below for clarity.

Vest Perk Effect Tactical Lethal Field Uprade Gloves Boots Gear
Infantry Vest Increases Tac Sprint Duration and reduces refresh time. Duplicate effects do not stack. If equipped with Running Sneakers, you get Lightweight boots instead. Yes Yes Yes 1 1 1
Engineer Vest Spot enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through Walls. ADS highlights them for the team. Faster Field Upgrade Recharges. X2 None Yes 1 1 2
Gunner’s Vest Deploy with max ammo, improves reload speed, and grants Overkill (two primary weapons.) If you have Mag Holster, then you get the effects of Mission Control Commlink. 1 1 Yes 1 0 1
Demolition Vest Resupply Lethal and Tactical equipment every 25 seconds. 1 2 Yes 1 1 1
CCT Comms Vest Increases duration enemies stay on radar and zooms out radar for you and nearby allies. Enemies you kill drop Intel Packs, which generate a radar ping for you and nearby allies when collected. If equipped with Data Jacker, then gain the effects of Mission Control Commlink. 0 0 Yes 1 1 2
Overkill Vest Increase weapon swap speed, grants reloading while sprinting. If you use Quick Grip gloves or Commando Gloves, gain the effects of Marksman Gloves. 1 1 No 1 1 1

As you can see, there are some Vests that grant similar perks available on other item slots. Building a loadout is certainly more complicated than normal, but those who figure it out can really get a better class or role in a team to perform like never before with your MW3 Perks feature.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Activision Blizzard
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    2 November 2023
  • Last Updated
    1 December 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Modern Warfare 3 is the next installment in the Call of Duty franchise and was developed by both Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games. It features reimagined maps from the original MW2 which was released back in 2009. This guide for MW3 contains the following:

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