Treyarch has tried something new by making a Zombies in Modern Warfare 3 more of DMZ Mode. However, some things remain the same from the previous games, such Pack-a-Punching, Perks and Easter Eggs! For example, you can get yourself friendly Hellhounds which will protect you as you fight off the hoard by visiting a Doghouse and offering a Chunk of Flesh. Read below to learn more!
You’ll find Doghouses scattered around the map.
Where to Find Hellhounds MW3¶
Before you should even consider looking for the Hellhound you’ll want to obtain “A Chunk of Flesh” which is obtained as a random drop from Zombies, so you’ll want to fight them off until you eventually acquire one. Unfortunately, these are a rare drop so you’ll want to try fighting larger groups of zombies to increase your chances of one dropping. With the Chunk of Flesh in your possession you’ll want to open up your map when you’re in a safe spot and then look for a POI (Point of Interest) that’s conveniently called Doghouse. However, these will only appear when you’re relatively near them, so just explore the world normally until you stumble across it.
When you arrive, clear out any nearby enemies, then approach the Doghouse and interact with it by pressing Square on Playstation or
on Xbox. You’ll now want to find the Chunk of Flesh in your Rucksack and deposit it, then a friendly named Hellhound will appear and defend you for the rest of your run. However, the Hellhound does have its own Health Bar and can be killed so you’ll want to keep checking up on it in case it finds itself fighting too many enemies at once and then you can help it mow them down. If your friendly neighborhood Hellhound does, unfortunately, get taken out, then you can resummon it by doing the same process at a different Doghouse.
(1 of 2) You’ll want to look for this Doghouse POI on your Map,
You’ll want to look for this Doghouse POI on your Map, (left), and bring a Chunk of Flesh to it to summon the Hellhound. (right)
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