Precious Cargo is one of the Open Combat Missions that you’ll get to experience throughout your playthrough and they feature items for you to collect, such as Weapons, Field Upgrades, Armaments, and Plate Carrier. If you’re striving for 100% Completion then you’ll need to collect these for the Gearhead Trophy/Achievement.
Overview of the Previous Cargo Map.
All Precious Cargo Field Upgrade Locations¶
There are a total of four field upgrades stored in small orange supply boxes scattered around the Precious Cargo map which include Recon Drones, Heartbeat Sensor, Munitions Box, and Snapshot Pulse.
Where to Find The Recon Drone in Precious Cargo¶
The Recon Drone can be found relatively close to the spawn point, simply follow the road down until you pass the truck in the center, then you’ll find a large digger sitting next to an open container. Inside, you’ll find a small supply box that contains the Recon Drone.
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the Recon Drone. (right)
Where to Find The Snapshot Pulse in Precious Cargo¶
The supply box containing the Snapshot Pulse can be found by opening up your map and heading to the southernmost point of the map, then entering the small building to find it in the corner.
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the Snapshot Pulse, (right)
Where to Find The Heartbeat Sensor in Precious Cargo¶
The supply box containing the Heartbeat Sensor can be found by opening up your map and heading over to the wooden crates in the southwest corner, then you’ll want to look for a blue container on the outside edge.
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the Heartbeat Sensor. (right)
Where to Find The Munitions Box in Precious Cargo¶
The supply box containing the Munitions Box can be found by opening up your map and heading over to the Harbormaster Building in the southeast corner, then make your way into the back room on the first floor.
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the Munitions Box. (right)
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