There are several mission-specific trophies/achievements to obtain throughout the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Campaign and some require you to tackle objectives/kill enemies in a unique way to obtain them. Read below to find out how to obtain the Your Tax Dollars at Work Trophy/Achievement in the Danger Close Mission.
You’ll be in control of a AC-130 in the Danger Close Mission.
How to Get The Your Tax Dollars at Work in MW3¶
You’ll need to progress through the game until you reach the Danger Close mission, which is the thirteenth mission in the game, and whilst you’re in control of the AC-130 you’ll need to use the missiles to successfully eliminate one enemy. Whilst you are in control of the aircraft you’ll want to look for your teammates which can be found on the west side of the map to trigger enemies to spawn, then you’ll have three ammo types to switch between 25MM, 40MM, and Missiles, so switch over to the Missile by pressing Triangle on PlayStation or
Y on Xbox. As you may expect from a missile, the range of the blast is quite large which means taking down a single enemy will be a challenge.
The easiest way to obtain this trophy/achievement is to wait for the enemies to start spawning and avoid firing directly in the center of the pack and instead focus your attention on the enemy standing on the outside of the group, as this will allow you to launch the missile a little further afield and then let the blast take them out. Your best opportunity to do this is at the start of the mission as there are not too many enemies for you to accidentally hit.
(1 of 2) Position your missile near the enemy on the outside
Position your missile near the enemy on the outside (left), and keep the towards the edge of the target to ensure they’re hit by the blast. (right)
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