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Sea of Stars

Port Town of Brisk Walkthrough - Sea of Stars

Jarrod Garripoli
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The whole goal on Sleeper Island, in Sea of Stars, is to find a boat to help you reach Wraith Island. After making your way through Coral Cascades, you will finally be able to make it to the Port Town of Brisk. As you come to expect, the town won’t have enemies, but there will be plenty of extra content to do here, like a good number of chests to find and Rainbow Conches to grab.

Brisk is the town where you are trying to get your boat to Wraith Island.

All Treasures in the Port Town of Brisk in Sea of Stars

Rainbow Conch (x6)
Mushroom Scramble
Pirate Garb
Arcane Amulet
Power Belt
Shiny Pearl
Sapphire Ore
9x Grains
6x Seafood

Upon first entering the town, there will be a few quick scenes (including an anime cutscene). Your scope of exploration is a bit limited at first, due to story reasons, so it’s probably best to just go straight to that right now. Head south from the entrance, until you reach the docks, then follow that east-southeast to a scene with some pirates. After the scene, continue east and when you see the docks going southeast, head in that direction. Keep following it until you reach a large set of stairs, with a doorway you can enter. This is The Humble Boast, so head inside.

(1 of 3) You’ll meet the pirates, who offer a chance to go to Wraith Island.

Go straight into the kitchen for a short scene, then approach the back of the tavern to find the pirates. Agree to the terms and watch the following scene, then you’ll hear about the task asked of you. The Abandoned Wizard’s Lab is your goal, found to the north of Brisk. All of the pirates, sans the captain, will join your cargo (they’ll help you enter the lab). As you’re leaving the tavern, Yolande will stop you and talk about the Wheels minigame. She will also hand over a good starter kit, allowing you to play the minigame. You can find the Wheels table mostly in taverns, so it’s a good idea to play it as you progress through the game.

Unfortunately, the town is still blocked off by the pirates’ signs. Exit the town and re-enter it to remove all of those signs (you could also save and reload, too), which means it’s time to finally fully explore Brisk.

Exploring the Port Town of Brisk

From the entrance, head south to the docks, then look west to find a little clearing. Speak to the NPC here, if you want, who mentions the chest just above him has a conch. It’s in the corner, slightly obscured by the tree, so open it for the Rainbow Conch. As you were heading south, you likely saw a ladder on the side of the one building, so head on over to that. Climb the ladder, then go south and look on the one building for a basket, which contains a Mushroom Scramble.

(1 of 7) Look in this area to find a chest with a Rainbow Conch.

Return to where the ladder is and walk across the rope north of it. Drop off of, and climb, the ledges to your south to reach another chest (30G). Drop off of the building and take the nearby stairs, going all the way north, to an open building. Before heading inside, check around the back of this building for another chest (50G). Inside the building, you will see a NPC and three chests. This is the Chest Minigame and the goal is to find the 10G option. It costs 5G each time you play the game and finding the 10G chest a total of five times (doesn’t have to be in a row), will net you a Rainbow Conch.

Double back to the docks and continue southeast, until you reach the save point. Just south of that is a part sticking out into the water. Jump into the water and swim underneath that portion, heading north, to find the Hidden Market. On the left side is a chest that contains another Rainbow Conch and if you speak to the merchant, you’ll see she requires a Trader’s Signet to be able to do business. This was an item that you looted in the Wind Tunnel Mines (behind the Mines Key door), so if you don’t have it, then go back and get it. The Hidden Market sells a few Relics, as well as an extremely useful accessory, the Eye of Yomara. The only problem is the accessory costs a whopping 888G, so it’s quite expensive.

Exit the secret shop and start swimming west. You’re looking for a small boat in the water, with a father and son on it. Speak to the son to learn that he hates fishing and wants it over with. However, his father won’t stop until he catches 40 fish, so that’s where you come in. The kids wants a total of 40 filets (the non-shrimp looking ones), so hand them over if you have them. Note that you can hand over what you have, which will contribute to the total. Once you have handed over 40 filets, you will be rewarded with a Rainbow Conch.

(1 of 7) Swim underneath this dock in Brisk to find the Hidden Market.

There’s still plenty more to be gotten here, so head back to the save point and check out the vendor right next to it. Purchase the Recipe: Papillotte, which is probably the only thing to buy here, as the equipment shop to the right will have nothing new. Head up the stairs in between the shops, then take a left as soon as you can. You should see a chest on a lower level, so climb and drop to it (Pirate Garb). At the top of the same stairs as before, head right as soon as possible and climb onto the wall. Head right on that wall, then drop off onto the wooden area, where you should see another chest (Arcane Amulet).

Jump off and walk up the nearby stairs, going into the first building to the north of them. There will be an NPC here with a colored wheel, which is another minigame. However, no matter how many times you play this minigame, you cannot win at it. You do need to play once, though, so do that and lose, then exit the building. If you look just to the right of the building now, you will see a NPC there. Speak to him and offer up the 90G on the winning number for the BS Roulette, which will be 22. Go back inside and choose that number, with your prize being Question Pack #2. If you’re confused, don’t worry, as this item won’t become relevant until later in the game.

(1 of 6) You won’t be able to win at this minigame, no matter how many times you try.

A little northeast of the person who just ripped you off will be two wooden railings. Climb onto the southern of the two, then use that to climb onto the roof of the buildings. Cross the first rope to the northwest to find another chest (Power Belt), then start moving southwest, across the tops of the buildings. Cross either of the two ropes to the west, then go a little west-southwest for another chest on top of the building (Shiny Pearl). Jump down to the east and head north, until you reach the fountain with the statue of the Sleeper.

Use the stairs just to the northwest, then enter the building up here. This is the Golden Pelican and you appear to need a reservation, which is something you won’t be getting until later in the game. There will be another set of stairs leading higher nearby, but ignore that right now and get onto the roof to your east. Walk across the wooden beam and jump into the hole on the next roof. You’ll land inside the one house, on top of the fireplace, where you can get the chest with a Sapphire Ore.

(1 of 8) Drop into the hole on this rooftop.

Return to those previously ignored stairs and go up them, following the path until you reach what looks like a dead end. You can enter the building from the left side here, bringing you to the second level and allowing you to reach on the right side. You will appear on a balcony with a wooden box, so use your Mistral Bracelet to knock it off to the south. Drop down with it and blow it right, then up. Use the wooden box to climb onto the building to your north, where you can go behind the building. Keep going left, then down, to enter a secret area that has a chest (Rainbow Conch).

Double back to the BS Roulette building and go south, to the stairs. Climb onto the wall to the right of the stairs and drop off to your northeast. If you look a little more to the east, there will be a basket on the roof that contains 9x Grains. Make your way back to the docks and just continue east, until you reach the beach. Look to your north to spot another basket, with this one yielding 6x Seafood. Head straight south from there to see some children playing in the sand. Speak to them and they will hand over a Rainbow Conch.

(1 of 3) There is a basket with some Grains on this rooftop.

That finally wraps up all of the stuff you can find in Brisk, which should be all of it, actually. The next stop on your grand adventure will be the Abandoned Wizard’s Lab, to the north of the town.

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  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    3 November 2023
    Version History
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Sea of Stars is a retro-inspired Japanese role-playing game that pays homage to classics like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. Featuring a turn-based combat system that engages the player, as well as beautiful pixel work, the game will bring you back to those classics and fill you with nostalgia.

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