You will visit many different locations in Sea of Stars, and as you explore these places, you will come across many treasure chests. It’s always a good idea to open the chests that you find, since you can obtain new equipment, or even key items that might be used later. This page will detail the locations of every chest you can find in the X’tol’s Landing area of the game.
Treasure Chest 1¶
(1 of 2) Jump down to the left to find this cave entrance.
Jump down to the left to find this cave entrance. (left), Inside is a chest that contains the Solstice Mage Ring. (right)
X’tol’s Landing is a small area you pass through, when you first land on Sleeper Island, so there’s not a whole lot to find here. There’s only three chests and you can get them all on your first visit. Right when you first land from the golem tossing you from Evermist Island, look to your south to see a ledge that you can jump off of there. Keep going down and into the cave you see, where you’ll find this chest with a Solstice Mage Ring. This is a great item that lets every single character in the immediate party regen a single MP, whenever you perform a timed block correctly.
Treasure Chest 2¶
You can then leap down to this chest after getting the previous one.
From the previous chest, after exiting from the cave, you should be able to spot another chest just to the right of the cave’s entrance. Drop off the ledge and open the chest there for 90G.
Treasure Chest 3¶
On the way towards the exit, there is a hidden chest here with a Rainbow Conch.
As you descend from the top on your first time through, you will eventually fall down some ledges. This is right before you hop across some small gaps and hit a button that creates bridges. As you climb down those ledges, look to the left side right before you reach the bottom. You should see a slightly hidden chest there, colored blue, so open it for a Rainbow Conch. There’s sixty of these across the game and this is the very first one you can get. To find out more information, visit the What to Do With Rainbow Conches page.
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