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Sea of Stars

All Combo Skills Locations in Sea of Stars

Jarrod Garripoli
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You have a variety of skills at your disposal in Sea of Stars, although each character will only have three normal skills, as well as one ultimate skill. Very early in the game, you will learn about Combo Skills, powerful attacks that utilize more than one party member. You will learn some of these automatically through the story, but most of the others you will have to find in the game’s world. This page will list the locations of all of the Combo Skills in the game.

Combo Skills are powerful moves that can make battles a lot easier for you.

List of All Combo Skills in Sea of Stars

The following list is all of the Combo Skills in the game, complete with who is needed for the skill, as well as the number of Combo Points needed to use the move. Following the table will be a detailed description of where to get every Combo Skill. If it isn’t listed, then that Combo is gotten automatically during the main story.

Combo Characters Combo Points
Solstice Strike Zale and Valere 1
Mending Light Zale and Valere 2
Solar Rain Garl and Zale 2
Bash Drop Garl and Valere 2
X-Strike Zale and Serai 2
Soonrang Zale and Valere 2
Moon Shiv Valere and Serai 3
Item Roulette Garl and Serai 1
Arcane Moons Valere and Resh’an 1
Venom Bomb Garl and Resh’an 2
Conflagrate Zale and Resh’an 3
Arcane Barrage Serai and Resh’an 2
Moonrock B’st and Valere 2
Elbow Loop B’st and Serai 2
Arcane Sun B’st and Zale 2
Bottle Punch B’st and Resh’an 3

Where to Find the Mending Light Combo Skill

The Mending Light Combo Skill is located in Forbidden Cavern and it’s very hard (almost impossible) to miss, since it’s on the main path and you will walk right by it. As you’re going through the area, you will encounter a keyhole on a ledge. Solve the puzzle in that room (check the Forbidden Cavern page for more info) and you will be able to unlock that door. After doing so, you will pass through a hallway and in the middle will be the Mending Light Combo Skill.

(1 of 3) It’s pretty hard to miss the Mending Light skill, as it’s right on the main path.

Where to Find the Solar Rain Combo Skill

The Solar Rain Combo Skill is found in the Moorlands. As you head through the area normally, you will encounter a Solstice Puzzle towards the eastern exit. It’s kind of difficult to miss this, as it’s pretty much on the main path. The goal of this Solstice Puzzle is to light all three runes at the same time. Move the light towards the two upper ones, leaving it on until the moon symbol appears. You will then want to quickly move the light to the other moon symbol, doing the same thing. While doing this, the first one will start despawning, but the symbol won’t go away until all of the lights are gone. After lighting the two moon symbols, go to the sun one. If all of the sun and moon symbols are on at the same time, you will get the Solar Rain Combo Skill.

Where to Find the Bash Drop Combo Skill

(1 of 3) There will be some enemies by the Solstice Puzzle, so clear them out.

You will find the Bash Drop skill in Coral Cascades. It’s at the bottom of the area, so if you miss it the first time, then just come from that entrance. There is a rundown shack on the bottom, which has a campfire and a save point. If you head north of there, you will see another Solstice Puzzle, but you will have to clear out the enemies there first. Light the right side first, making sure the pillar comes out of the ground, then do the left side. Once both pillars have been raised, the waterfall will separate, revealing a cave. The Bash Drop Combo Skill is inside that cave.

Where to Find the X-Strike Combo Skill

Once you make it to Wraith Island, there will be plenty of stuff going on and you will eventually get to the Haunted Mansion dungeon. Progress through the dungeon, until you have to make the Master Ghost Sandwich. Upon doing that, the door right next to the NPC will open, leading you to a library. Place the Knight’s Helmet and Crown on their respective statues to make a portrait with some skulls appear in the middle of the room, on the wall.

(1 of 4) Place the crown and helmet on their respective statues.

Those same skull symbols will appear on the upper level, on both sides of the room. The idea behind this puzzle is to cycle through the skulls, so the order matches the portrait. The solution for this is as follows:

  • Bird, Ant, Monkey, Bull (left side, left to right)
  • Bull, Monkey, Antlion, Bird (right side, left to right)

If done right, then the X-Strike Combo Skill will spawn right in front of the fireplace, on the ground floor.

Where to Find the Moon Shiv Combo Skill

(1 of 2) Start lighting the moon path, then quickly jump on the platform before the rune appears.

Start lighting the moon path, then quickly jump on the platform before the rune appears. (left), The combo skill will be behind the enemy you find up here. (right)

On Watcher Island, one of the places you will visit is the Sacred Grove. As you progress through this area, you will come to a Solstice Puzzle, next to some enemies. This isn’t like the other ones, where you need to light both at the same time, though. Just north of the puzzle is a platform, which will rise into the air once you’ve lit the moon side of the puzzle. The goal here is to put the light on the moon side, then hurry up and climb onto that platform. When the sun symbol is lit, the platform will rise with you on it. Defeat the enemy up here, then loot the Moon Shiv Combo Skill behind it.

Where to Find the Item Roulette Combo Skill

You will find this in Glacial Peak. If you missed it while doing the story there, you can head back by using the portal on the small island in Lake Docarria, then taking the portal from the Great Archives. Note that you can’t get this when you are first going through the place, as you need the Solstice Amulet, the item you get at the end. At some point, following the main path, you will find a Solstice Puzzle. Light the moon side first, then switch to the sun. If you do it correctly, the walls of the light block will go down, allowing you to move it around with the Mistral Bracelet.

(1 of 3) Solve the Solstice Puzzle here to free the black with the light.

That’s the first part of getting this skill, though. Move the block to the left, then up, and use the light to break the rock there. After that, move the block right, down, and right one more time. Once again, destroy the rock, then move the block up one last time. You should see an ice block just above the light block now. Move the ice block right, then down, and melt it using the light to reveal the Item Roulette Combo Skill.

Where to Find the Arcane Moons Combo Skill

(1 of 3) Clear the leaves away from the Solstice Puzzle.

For this one, you will be heading to Mesa Island, and to the Autumn Hills area, specifically. At some point, you will encounter a Solstice Puzzle, with there being two moon runes and two sun runes. There’s also some leaves all around the place, so use your Mistral Bracelet to clear them away from the puzzle. Light the two sun runes on the bottom to make a lever appear, which is needed to progress, but it also keeps both of the suns lit. From there, you can light the two moon runes, causing the Arcane Moons Combo Skill to appear.

Where to Find the Venom Bomb Combo Skill

(1 of 2) You will want to enter the cave found to the right of the sunshroom.

You will want to enter the cave found to the right of the sunshroom. (left), Make your way to the back of the cave to find the combo skill. (right)

While still on Mesa Island, go to the Songshroom Marsh area. It is found pretty far into the area, if you’re here for the first time. When you come to a spot with a thin board, where you balance your way across, you’d normally have to shine a light on a sunshroom, raising it and allowing you to enter a cave. That cave will have a set of three sunshrooms, but you don’t want to go in there. If you keep going right, there is a slightly hard to see cave entrance there. Go inside, fight the two enemies (if you want, as you can sneak past them), and you’ll find the Venom Bomb Combo Skill after crossing two mushroom platforms.

Where to Find the Conflagrate Combo Skill

(1 of 2) Ignore the Solstice Puzzle and enter the doorway on the left side.

Ignore the Solstice Puzzle and enter the doorway on the left side. (left), The combo skill is on the platform in the back of the room. (right)

Once you make it to the Skylands, part of the main story will take you to the Air Elemental Skyland area. Towards the end of this area, there will be a Solstice Puzzle with four runes. Ignore that and drop down on the left side to find a doorway. Enter it, grapple across (chest with a Rainbow Conch), then hop across the gaps at the top to reach the Conflagrate Combo Skill.

Where to Find the Soonrang Combo Skill

Before you can get this skill, you will need to have progressed the main story, until you’ve reached Mirth. There, you will be given the key to the Solstice Shrine back on Evermist Island. Return to X’tol’s Landing and have the golem there toss you back to Evermist, where you will be able to find the shrine to the right of the Mountain Trail southern entrance. For info on how to solve the puzzle inside, visit the Evermist Island Solstice Shrine page. Your reward for finishing it will be the Soonrang Combo Skill.

(1 of 3) Moraine will give you the key to the shrine, during the main story.

Best Combo Skills in Sea of Stars

So, you have all of the Combo Skills and are wondering which ones to actually use. Well, Mending Light is one you get very early and it remains useful for the entirety of the game, due to there being few party-wide healing skills (outside of food, of course). Arcane Moons is a good one to use on offense, since it only costs a single point and hits all enemies on the field. Soonrang is another one, as it combines both sun and moon elements, plus you can keep it going for as long as possible. Lastly, Conflagrate may be expensive (three Combo points), but you can control the fire tornado, so you can concentrate it on a single enemy, like a boss. Any Combo that does three damage types is also good, depending on the situation and Locks involved.

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  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    3 November 2023
    Version History
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Sea of Stars is a retro-inspired Japanese role-playing game that pays homage to classics like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. Featuring a turn-based combat system that engages the player, as well as beautiful pixel work, the game will bring you back to those classics and fill you with nostalgia.

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