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Sea of Stars

Moorlands Walkthrough - Sea of Stars

Jarrod Garripoli
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After being tossed across the sea, you will land at X’tol’s Landing, on Sleeper Island. Your goal is to get a boat to make it to Wraith Island, before the eclipse happens. Of course, there’s quite a few areas in your way before even thinking about Wraith Island, with the first obstacle being the Moorlands.

The Moorlands is the next stop on your adventure!

Enemies in the Moorlands in Sea of Stars

Ant Bruiser

All Treasures in the Moorlands in Sea of Stars

Power Belt
4x Teal Amber Ore
Silver Sword
Rock Lid
Recipe: Mushroom Soup

Upon first entering the Moorlands, you will see a save point and south of that, you will notice the ground is moving. These are some enemies, Ant Bruisers, which are a little difficult to get a pre-emptive on, if you’re trying. They are quite resilient against normal attacks, so use your specials to take them out. Backtrack a little to the start and grab the Grains on the left, then look to the right of where the enemies were located, for some cracked ground. Go to the other side of that spot and climb the ledges, then head north to a dead end with some Tomatoes.

(1 of 5) The cracked ground spots require you to jump from a higher ledge.

Double back to where you climbed the ledges and jump off the spot right above the cracked ground. You’ll fall into a cave that will have nothing but some Mushrooms, so grab them all and climb out of there. Continue to the east and you will eventually run into a new enemy, the Srower, who are weak to Sword attacks. Their special attack is throwing some bombs at your entire party, and you’ll want to time the block right before the bombs explode. Once the coast is clear, climb up the ledges to the left and hop across the gaps, then head south first to loot some Grains.

There will be another battle across the small bridge (two Ant Bruisers and a Srower), then one more battle just a little more to the right (one of each enemy). After the fight is over, look to the north for some Grains, then drop down the small ledge to the south for some Bell Peppers. You should see some blue crystals in between the two fights, but you can’t do anything about this right now, so ignore it. However, climb the ledges next to those crystals and head east to find a chest, which contains a Power Belt. This will increase a character’s ATK by 4, so put it on whomever you want.

Drop down and continue to the east, where you’ll find some more cracked ground. You’ll get to that in a little bit, so enter the nearby cave for now. An enemy will be right inside (2 Srowers and an Ant Bruiser), so defeat them all and climb the nearby wall. Loot the Tomatoes and Lettuce, then take the nearby exit. You should now be above where you first entered the cave. Climb up, loot the Potatoes, then climb up to the ledge in the center. Approach the edge and jump down, crashing through that cracked ground from before. There’s nothing in this cave and you can climb the wall to return to the previous area, if you want, but just continue right for now.

(1 of 4) You won’t be able to open this chest on your first time through the place.

Follow the path to the cave’s exit, climbing out of it, and back to some daylight. Fight the enemies to your right (2 Srowers and an Ant Bruiser), then look around the immediate area. There’s another chest high on a ledge, as well as a green crystal to your lower left. You can do nothing with either one, so ignore them and jump into the water on your right. Swim south, climb onto dry land, then head west to grab the chest you saw below the green crystal (4x Teal Amber Ore).

Sticking to the land, return west and cross the bridge to the north, where you’ll find a campfire and save point (some Potatoes, as well). When you’re ready, drop back down into the water and navigate your way to the east, where you’ll find more enemies waiting for you (2 Ant Bruisers and a Srower). There is also more cracked ground here, and to get to it, there is a ledge you can drop down just south of it. Climb the ledges there, then at the top, jump off and through the ground, landing in another cave that has one more bit of cracked ground.

(1 of 3) Go south of the cracked ground to find the spot to break it.

This one is a bit easier to get to, so do the same thing here to drop into a deeper cave, with a battle (three Ant Bruisers). Loot the Mushrooms after you’re done, then start making your way out of the two caves, grabbing the chest (Silver Sword) along the way. Upon making it back outside, head northwest, through the little arch and you’ll fight one more battle (a Rochevre and two Srowers). To the left of them will be some kind of stone formation, which you can promptly ignore, and northeast will be some Lettuce. Continue east and drop into the water, when able to, and loot the chest on the little island there (Rock Lid).

Follow the water to the right and you’ll find another cave, so go inside and there will be a battle here (3 Srowers). Ignore the chest on the higher ledge and exit the cave to the south. You will now have two ways to go, with the western path taking you to the world map, where you can access the fishing lake. Continuing to the right will eventually take you to the exit leading to Stonemasons Outpost. For now, head west, defeat the enemies (two Ant Bruisers) and exit to the world map.

(1 of 3) You can find this chest on a small island by the water.

Windy Loch Walkthrough - Sea of Stars

This is the second fishing spot you will unlock during the course of the game, which is always optional. If you swim to the northern end of the lake, you can find some Potatoes and Grains. The lake contains two new fish, as well as one you likely already caught at Sunglow Lake, the Lunar Trout. The two new fish are the Grass Haddock and the Hardshell. If you know what you’re doing (check the How to Fish page, if not), then neither are hard to catch.

Return to the Moorlands after you’re finished and back to the fork. Head east this time, then north, where you see more ledges to climb. Look around this area for some Potatoes and Grains, then jump into the hole here from the highest point. You should land on the ledge with the chest you saw earlier and couldn’t reach; open it for the Recipe: Mushroom Soup item. Note that this recipe is great, as the food it makes heals the entire party, instead of just a single character.

Double back to the fork once more, heading straight east and you’ll meet up with an NPC. Her name is Teaks and she’s a traveling historian, meaning she goes around looking for artifacts. Basically, as you journey through the game, you’ll find special items that Teaks will be able to read, offering some lore about the world. The first story you can hear about is called The Vespertine. When you’re done, rest at the campfire and continue eastward.

(1 of 5) Make sure you jump into the hole from the top spot.

You will eventually run into one more battle (one of each enemy), so take them down and a pedestal with a light beam will appear. Rotate the beam to light up the two moon runes, then quickly get to the sun one last. If done correctly, you will solve this little puzzle and be rewarded with a new combo skill, Solar Rain, for Zale and Garl. A little more to the east, you can climb up some more ledges and loot some Red Berries. There is an NPC up here and if you keep talking to him, he will hand over a Mushroom Soup.

The rest of the way is uneventful and will lead you straight to the world map, where the next destination will be Stonemasons Outpost.

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Guide Information
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    3 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Sea of Stars is a retro-inspired Japanese role-playing game that pays homage to classics like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. Featuring a turn-based combat system that engages the player, as well as beautiful pixel work, the game will bring you back to those classics and fill you with nostalgia.

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