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God of War: Ragnarok

Endurance Muspelheim Challenge

Scott Peers
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This page details a guide for how to complete the Endurance Muspelheim Challenge in God of War Ragnarok.

Survive by killing 99 enemies of various types

How to Complete the Endurance Muspelheim Challenge in God of War Ragnarok

As Muspelheim Challenges in God of War Ragnarok go, this is one of the easiest and simplest to complete, especially with a good build. However, the main danger here is becoming complacent, since the challenge can take quite a while. It took us between 6 - 8 minutes to complete this one, although your timing may vary depending on how quickly you kill all 99 enemies. There are a lot of different enemy types that you’ll encounter in this challenge, and you’ll find that tougher enemies are introduced as time goes on. You can expect to see groups of Reavers, Raiders, Grims, Wisps, Dark Elves, Light Elves, Hel-Walkers, Draugr, Wild Wretches, and Einherjar. There will also be a Gradungr beast and an Ogre introduced to the fight, some time around halfway through.

At this point in the game you will have experienced almost all of the enemies noted above multiple times, but not quite in the same numbers as you will here. You will need to look out for the most potentially damaging attacks or abilities from each of these foes, and you’ll need to be aware that you could be dealing with them from multiple enemies at the same time. The Reavers will be the first that you encounter, and you need to make sure that you step away from them after defeating one. This is because they will almost always explode a few moments after falling, inflicting AoE (Area of Effect) damage.

You can defeat Hel-Walkers more quickly in general by using the Blades of Chaos against them, so don’t be afraid to switch between weapons when necessary. The weakest Hel-Walkers here have a habit of jumping on your back and rendering you immobile, but you can stop this by quickly spamming DualSense-ButtonCircle whenever it happens. For the others, they shouldn’t cause too much trouble so long as you avoid their frost attacks, which can slow or even freeze you for a few moments if you’re caught by them too often.

(1 of 4) You need to shoot the orbs cast by Light Elves before they reach you.

In terms of the Light and Dark Elves, you will have experienced their special attacks multiple times by now. The signature Dark Elf move is the blinding attack, which occurs if you’re hit by one of the flashing orbs that they can fire in front of you, or cast on the ground as they’re retreating. The best way to avoid these is to not be too eager to run towards the Dark Elves whenever they’re in the air, since this is the time when they’re most likely to use the attack. Instead, remain cautious and wait for the flashing orbs to explode when you see them fired, and only then make your advance.

The Light Elves will often use melee combo attacks which can be difficult to avoid unless you have a decent blocking shield such as the Stone Wall Shield. You can try to dodge these, but the elves will usually follow wherever you move without ceasing the attack, so it’s better to stop them in their tracks where possible. You can do this by using Light or Heavy Runic Attacks to interrupt their combo, but waiting out the attack with a well timed series of blocks or one precise parry works too, before retaliating with a combo of your own. The main concern you should have about the Light Elves is for their casters: these will cast orbs of light which float towards you can explode upon contact. They will hone in on you like a missile, so you need to shoot them before they reach you, either by using your companion arrows, or by throwing the Leviathan Axe / Draupnir Spear.

You will find that the Einherjar spawn mostly towards the end of the challenge, and these are generally tougher than the other enemies. You may encounter a few elites which will be more difficult to kill due to their increased health and resistances, but that’s nothing a few Runic Attacks can’t handle. The Gradungr beast and the Ogre also have a lot more health than the other enemies, but high-damage Runic Attacks will make short work of them, and you can use the Ogre to your advantage by stun grabbing it, then using it to hit other enemies in the vicinity while keeping yourself safe atop the Ogre.

(1 of 3) You can stun grab enemies to heal if you have the Nidavellir armor equipped.

Best Gear and Build for Muspelheim Challenges in God of War Ragnarok

Ultimately, this is a fairly easy challenge so long as you’re confident with blocking, parrying, and dodging, but there’s one particular build that you will find useful for this challenge, and many others. This build ensures that you can regenerate both health and rage whenever you stun grab an enemy, although the rage regeneration is dependent on you wielding the Draupnir Spear when you stun grab an enemy. The health burst is provided by an armor perk, though, so this will execute regardless of the weapon that you’re wielding at the time. The build also focuses on increasing your stun damage in general, which means you’ll be able to acquire both the Health Burst and Rage Burst as quickly and as often as possible.

Equipment Type Effect
Nidavellir’s Finest Plackart Chest Armor Stun Grabbing an enemy grants a Health Burst
Nidavellir’s Finest Arm Guards Wrist Armor Reduces how quickly enemy Stun bars drain by 50% (100% with both pieces equipped)
Nidavellir’s Finest Waist Guard Waist Armor Reduces how quickly enemy Stun bars drain by 50% (100% with both pieces equipped)
Battle-Scarred Sauroter Spear Handle Stun Grabbing an enemy grants a Rage Burst
Niflheim Amulet Enchantments x3 Amulet Enchantment Set Increases Kratos’ melee damage when he is above 75% health based on his Defence
Svartalfheim Amulet Enchantments x3 Amulet Enchantment Set Increases stun damage inflicted based on Kratos’ Defence
Stunning Fang Amulet Enchantment Hitting Stunned enemies unleashes shockwaves and has a chance to grant a stack of increasing Strength and Stun damage
Regenerating Essence Amulet Enchantment Adds a small amount of constant health regeneration
Greater Regenerating Essence Amulet Enchantment Adds a great amount of constant health regeneration

As you can see from the above gear listed in the table, the Health Burst comes from the Nidavellir’s Finest Plackart, while both the Nidavellir’s Finest Arm Guards and Nidavellir’s Finest Waist Guard increase the rate at which enemies can be stunned, especially if they’re combined. The Battle-Scarred Sauroter spear handle for the Draupnir Spear is what provides the Rage Burst, but you need to execute the stun grab while using the spear for this to work. If you upgrade all of these armor pieces, and use other weapon handles which increase the Defence stat, you should be able to attain 500+ Defence. This also works well with the Niflheim Amulet Enchantments set bonus, which will increase your melee damage based on Defence, so when you’re above 75% health, which you should be most of the time with the Health Burst from stun grabbing, you will be inflicting massive damage while retaining excellent Defence.

The real boost to stunning enemies quickly here comes from the Svartalfheim Amulet Enchantments set bonus, and the Stunning Fang enchantment. Both of these have the capacity to increase your overall stun damage, especially with a high Defence stat for the Svartalfheim ones. Finally, if you need a bit of extra passive health regeneration, the Regenerating Essence and Greater Regenerating Essence are ideal for this challenge, although not essential for this build to work. You could just as easily swap them out with others that you think might be more suitable to your playstyle, so be sure to check them all on our Best Amulet of Yggdrasil Enchantments And Upgrades page.

Endurance Muspelheim Challenge Rewards

Other than Surtr’s Scorched Cuirass, you can complete the Endurance Muspelheim challenge multiple times to earn the same amount of material rewards listed below.

Reward Quantity
Kratos XP 1500
Companion XP 1500
Blazing Embers 1
Smouldering Embers 3
Glowing Embers 2
Divine Ashes 2000
Hacksilver 40000
Surtr’s Scorched Cuirass 1 (Unique Chest Armor)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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