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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in Vanaheim - The Abandoned Village

Nathan Garvin
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This page will reveal the location of every collectible in the Abandoned Village, a region of Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarok.

God of War Ragnarok - The Abandoned Village Collectibles Locations in Vanaheim

Collectible Quantity
Nornir Chests 1
Legendary Chests 3
Lore 2
Odin’s Ravens 1
Draugr Holes 1

How to Find The Abandoned Village

During the main quest The Reckoning you’ll travel to Vanaheim, passing through The Southern WIlds, Freyr’s Camp and the [Eastern Barri Woods] before reaching The Abandoned Village.

You can find numerous collectibles here - eight in total - of which seven can be acquired on your first visit. The lone remaining collectible, Odin’s Raven, can’t be found until a good bit later in the main questline, during Creatures of Prophecy. It’s also worth noting that if you miss any collectibles on your first visit, you won’t be able to return until the aforementioned Creatures of Prophecy quest. Once you’ve finished Creatures of Prophecy (and the mandatory favor [Scent of Survival]) you’ll finally be able to explore various areas along the eastern and northern ends of Vanaheim - including The Abandoned Village - at your leisure.

As you near the end of the Eastern Barri Woods area you’ll climb across some cliffs before swinging into a cave with the Blades of Chaos. Pass through the caves and you’ll be introduced to Cursed Nokken enemies, which heal nearby enemies - make them a priority whenever you encounter them. Cross a bridge to reach a house on the outskirts of The Abandoned Village, then use the Leviathan Axe to strike the panels of a crane so you can swing over to another house using the Blades of Chaos. From here there are two ways you can go - continue northeast across a bridge, which ultimately leads to the grand hall or hit the crane again so you can swing over to the northwest. You’ll want to head northwest first, where you can pick up a Lore scroll, clear a Draugr Hole and plunder a Legendary Chest, then cross the bridge to the northeast, get a Lore collectible, before finally continuing through the grand hall.

Once you reach the grand hall you’ll have to fight a horde of Einherjar, after which you’ll progress a bit, climb some cliffs and reach a crane puzzle, near which you’ll find the Nornir Chest and the other two Legendary Chests, which are the last two collectibles you can obtain at this time.

Kill The Hateful to clear another Draugr Hole.

Where to Find All Draugr Holes in The Abandoned Village

From the entrance to The Abandoned Village, use a crane to swing from one house to the next, then move the crane again to swing outside to the northwest. When you land, turn west and cross a bridge to find this Draugr Hole, where you’ll have to fight The Hateful. Defeat it to complete this Draugr Hole.

(1 of 2) Crawl through this passage to reach a house, wherein you’ll find the Legendary Chest containing the Rond of Restoration.

Crawl through this passage to reach a house, wherein you’ll find the Legendary Chest containing the Rond of Restoration. (left), After clearing the Draugr Hole, search behind the hole to find a passage. (right)

Where to Find All Legendary Chests in Abandoned Village

Legendary Chest - Rond of Restoration

Kill The Hatred to clear the Draugr Hole (see above), then search the wall northeast of the Draugr Hole to find a passage you can crawl through. Do so and leap into a building to the southeast, wherein you’ll find a Legendary Chest containing the Rond of Restoration.

(1 of 2) Hit a Scorn Pole with the Leviathan Axe to stop it from spewing poison,

Hit a Scorn Pole with the Leviathan Axe to stop it from spewing poison, (left), then loot a Legendary Chest to obtain the Shatter Star Shield. (right)

Legendary Chest - Shatter Star Shield

After searching the village proper, enter the grand hall and fend off some Einherjar. Once they’re defeated, open a gate and turn left (north) and head down a passage, stopping to freeze a Scorn Pole with the Levithan Axe before continuing through a doorway to the left. Destroy some bursting plants, then use the Blades of Chaos to destroy some bramble to free a chain, then climb up the chain to reach a wooden walkway. Proceed forward and turn right when you find another ledge to spot this Legendary Chest just off the walkway, in a depression full of poisonous mist. Use the Leviathan Axe on another Scorn Pole to clear the poison, then loot the Legendary Chest to obtain the Shatter Star Shield.

(1 of 4) After the bridge-crane puzzle you’ll reach a second crane puzzle. Enter some ruins,

Legendary Chest - Helios Flare

After the Nornir Chest (see below), continue forward and you’ll reach a second crane puzzle (you’ll have to defeat an Einherjar Captain named Fiske along the way). Drop down a ledge and search some ruins to the southwest, where you’ll find a hole in a wall - the torch beyond makes it pretty easy to see this hole. Jump on in, turn left twice, then look up to the north to spot a weak pillar you can topple with the Blades of Chaos. This will allow you to manipulate the crane outside.

Exit the hole in the wall and return northeast to return to the ledge you dropped down earlier. Hit the panels on the crane until you can swing across to the southwest, then follow a path around a tree to reach another ledge - you should see the Legendary Chest across the gap to the northeast. Move the crane again until you can swing across, then loot the Legendary Chest to obtain the Helios Flare, a Light Runic Attack for the Blades of Chaos.

(1 of 2) When you reach the Abandoned Village, swing over to the northwest to find the Scroll - Chores Lore pickup.

When you reach the Abandoned Village, swing over to the northwest to find the Scroll - Chores Lore pickup. (left), Search the front of the grand hall to find the Rune Read - Prayer to Freya Lore collectible. (right)

Where to Find All Lore in Abandoned Village

Scroll - Chores

From the entrance to The Abandoned Village, use a crane to swing from one house to the next, then move the crane again to swing outside to the northwest. When you land, turn east and search the ground near some wicker containers to find the Scroll - Chores Lore pickup.

Rune Read - Prayer to Freya

From the entrance to The Abandoned Village, use a crane to swing from one house to the next, then cross a bridge to the northeast. Search the entrance to the grand hall (the large building in front of you) to find some glowing blue runes on the wall to the north. Examining them will earn you the Rune Read - Prayer to Freya Lore collectible.

(1 of 2) Use the Blades of Chaos to ignite some brambles,

Use the Blades of Chaos to ignite some brambles, (left), then swing over to an island use the Blades of Chaos to sweep a brazier into some more brambles. (right)

Where to Find All Nornir Chests in The Abandoned Village

After going through the grand hall and subsequently climbing some cliffs you’ll find yourself at a broken bridge. Fortunately there’s a crane to the left (southwest) with panels you can strike to turn the machine. Unfortunately, some bramble is clogging up the works. To get across, follow these steps:

  • Head up a short flight of stairs near the bridge to reach a ledge. Use the Blades of Chaos to burn away the brambles entrapping the crane, revealing a hanging brazier in the process.

  • Turn the crane until you can swing across to an island to the southwest.

  • Head to the western end of the island and look northwest to find more brambles obstructing the far end of the broken bridge. Hit the crane to bring the brazier between you and the brambles, then use the Blades of Chaos to swing the brazier into the brambles, burning them.

(1 of 2) The first rune brazier can be found opposite the Nornir Chest.

The first rune brazier can be found opposite the Nornir Chest. (left), Find the Nornir Chest under the western half of the bridge. (right)

You can now swing back to the northeast, then swing across from one broken section of bridge to the other side (west). Continue west and turn right to find a trail leading downhill beside the broken bridge. You’ll find the Nornir Chest to your right, under the western section of the broken bridge. This particular Nornir Chest is another rune brazier puzzle, and you’ll have to use the brazier hanging off the crane to light two of these rune braziers. Being able to freely operate the crane and cross the broken bridge was a precondition for solving the puzzle, the solution for which is below:

  • Rune 1: The first brazier - and the only one that doesn’t involve the crane - can be found opposite the Nornir Chest. Just look northwest from the Nornir Chest and you should spot the brazier - ignite it with the Blades of Chaos.

(1 of 3) Note the location of the second rune brazier,

  • Rune 2: Make your way back to the island south of the crane, then turn the crane until the hanging brazier is to the north. The rune brazier is nestled between the roots of a tree to the northwest - use the Blades of Chaos to swing the hanging brazier to the left and it should ignore the rune brazier.

(1 of 3) Spot the third rune brazier,

  • Rune 3: From the island south of the crane look northeast and you should see this rune brazier on a ledge. Swing across to the northeast, then head to the eastern end of the broken bridge. Use your Blades of Chaos to swing the hanging brazier left into the rune brazier on the ledge below.

Return west across the water and loot the Nornir Chest to claim your prize - either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead.

You can find one of Odin’s Ravens nestled in a tree just outside the grand hall.

If you still need help with this Nornir Chest, see the video below.

Where to Find All Odin’s Ravens in The Abandoned Village

Odin’s Raven #1

The lone Odin’s Raven in this area is the only collectible you can’t obtain on your first visit. When you come back to Vanaheim later during the main quest Creatures of Prophecy you’ll be tasked with recovering the stolen moon, which can be found in the grand hall in The Abandoned Village. Kill the Einherjar and afterwards you’ll need to chase an Einherjar Captain. Follow your foe through an arched structure, beyond which is a Draupnir Spear placement you can swing across. Before using the Draupnir Spear and continuing your pursuit, however, look southeast to find one of Odin’s Ravens in a tree.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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