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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in Vanaheim - River Delta

Nathan Garvin
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This page will reveal the location of every collectible in the River Delta, a region of Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarok.

God of War Ragnarok - River Delta Collectibles Locations in Vanaheim

Collectible Quantity
Artifacts 2
Lore 2
Odin’s Ravens 2
Buried Treasure 1
Yggdrasil Rifts 1
River Delta Favors 1

How to Find the River Delta

After completing the main quest The Reckoning you’ll be tasked with making your way to a new Mystic Gateway southwest of Freyr’s Camp. Once you reach your destination you’ll be given a choice - continue exploring the western half of Vanaheim or return to Sindri’s House and continue the main questline. Assuming you chose the former, use Sonic Arrows to clear an obstruction and continue sailing down the river. Sail down the winding river and you’ll reach the River Delta.

Finding the River Delta is one thing, actually getting the collectibles here is a good bit trickier. The River Delta is, as the name implies, fragmented into numerous bits of land, all of which are a good ways south of the actual words “River Delta” on the map, and worse, surrounded by numerous other areas with their own collectibles list. The lines between the River Delta and these other areas are blurry, and you’ll need to travel extensively to find all these collectibles.

(1 of 3) From the gate to the River Delta, take the rightmost channel as you row southeast,

There are two boat docks that count as the River Delta, one in between Pilgrims Landing and Noatun’s Garden and another just across the river from the Cliffside Ruins. The latter is fairly easy to find, but the former can be a bit tricky. From the gate that leads to the River Delta, turn left (south, southeast) to find two channels. Take the rightmost of these two channels and stick to some cliffs to the left until you find a passage (also to the left). Enter the passage, then turn left again the first chance you get to find this elusive beach.

The favor The Mysterious Orb counts as a collectible for the River Delta, and to complete it you’ll need to head to The Veiled Passage. You’ll also need to set foot on the Cliffside Ruins and Pilgrim’s Landing areas to find some of the other River Delta collectibles, so don’t expect to finish this region until you’ve covered quite a bit of ground.

Land at a hidden beach between Pilgrim’s Landing and Noatun’s Garden to find the Family Crest - Odin’s Crest.

Where to Find All Artifacts in the River Delta

Artifact - Family Crest - Odin’s Crest

Land at the boat dock between Pilgrims Landing and Noatun’s Garden and search a rock slab to the north. This Artifact, Family Crest - Odin’s Crest is lying out in the open.

You can find the Freya’s Crest Artifact just to the left of Brok’s shop, near the Mystic Gateway.

Artifact - Family Crest - Freya’s Crest

This collectible can be found at the southern of the two River Delta beaches, just sail south until you find two beaches - the southern one is the Cliffside Ruins, while the northern one will be the beach you seek. Brok’s shop and a Mystic Gateway both serve as fine landmarks. Search to the left (west) of Brok’s shop to find this collectible, the Family Crest - Freya’s Crest Artifact - near the Mystic Gateway.

Search to the left of a chest to find the Scroll - Nonviolence lying on the ground.

Where to Find All Lore in the River Delta

Scroll - Nonviolence

Land at the boat dock between Pilgrims Landing and Noatun’s Garden and head upstairs to find a bridge. Continue past the Yggdrasil Rift, cross the bridge to the northeast, and turn right at a chest to find the Scroll - Nonviolence lying on the ground.

The Lore Marker - Living Masterpiece can be found just to the right of Brok’s shop.

Lore Marker - Living Masterpiece

This collectible can be found at the southern of the two River Delta beaches, just sail south until you find two beaches - the southern one is the Cliffside Ruins, while the northern one will be the beach you seek. Brok’s shop and a Mystic Gateway both serve as fine landmarks. Search to the right (east) of Brok’s shop to find the Lore Marker - Living Masterpiece Lore collectible.

Lower both drawbridges to find a Legendary Chest. Look through a stone arch to the northwest to spot this raven.

Where to Find All Odin’s Ravens in the River Delta

Odin’s Raven #1

To take down this raven, you’ll need to land at Pilgrim’s Landing, then make your way onto some ruins to the east. You’ll have to fight through two groups of Reavers (the second group is accompanied by Cursed Nokkens) and solve two puzzles to lower some drawbridges (check out the Cure For the Dead page for more details).

Once the second drawbridge is lowered, cross it to find a Legendary Chest. From this chest, look through a stone arch to the northwest to spot one of Odin’s Ravens prancing around on a ledge. Hit it with the Leviathan Axe to finish this collectible.

You can find another one of Odin’s Ravens on a branch overlooking the river. The only way to reach it is by passing through The Veiled Passage, beyond which you’ll find yourself on the eastern edge of the Cliffside Ruins.

Odin’s Raven #2

This raven can be found on a branch overhanging the river east of the Cliffside Ruins, but spotting it and killing it are different matters. You simply don’t have the range to reach it from the easily accessible western part of the Cliffside Ruins, and instead you must pass through the entirety of The Veiled Passage to reach the eastern end of the Cliffside Ruins. Check out the linked walkthrough for The Veiled Passage for details on how to reach and pass through this area.

Once you’re done with The Veiled Passage you can slide down a chain, which will lead to the eastern section of the Cliffside Ruins. From here, head east and look down over the river to the east, southeast to spot this raven.

(1 of 2) You can find a Yggdrasil Rift at the end of a bridge.

You can find a Yggdrasil Rift at the end of a bridge. (left), Be prepared for a fight, as if you interact with the rift you’ll be attacked by two Lv5 Light Elves. (right)

How to Clear All Yggdrasil Rifts in the River Delta

Land at the boat dock between Pilgrims Landing and Noatun’s Garden and head upstairs to find a bridge. Just at the top of these stairs you’ll find the Yggdrasil Rift. Be wary, as when you interact with it you’ll be attacked by two Lv5 Light Elves, and if you’re only Lv3 at the moment (very likely, if this is your first visit), they’ll have purple life bars.

While not unbeatable, expect them to deal immense damage if they land a hit, while they can weather a significant amount of punishment. You’re probably best off jumping to the far side of the bridge and hoping one of them doesn’t chase you, or better yet, that you can knock one off the bridge as they try to pursue you. Or, you know, you can always just come back later when you’re a high level to make this fight much, much easier.

However you manage it, once you defeat the Light Elves you can loot the Yggdrasil Rift to obtain a variety of resources.

(1 of 2) You’ll find a Loot Lizard just southeast of Brok’s shop in the River Delta.

You’ll find a Loot Lizard just southeast of Brok’s shop in the River Delta. (left), You can’t kill it conventionally, but you can target a nearby Vanaheim plant that’ll do the job for you. (right)

Where to Find All Loot Lizards in the River Delta

While not technically a collectible, there is a Loot Lizard in the River Delta region, which, given how fractious it is, doesn’t really narrow things down much. Make you way to the southern of the two River Delta beaches, just sail south until you find two beaches - the southern one is the Cliffside Ruins, while the northern one will be the beach you seek. Brok’s shop and a Mystic Gateway both serve as fine landmarks. Head up a hill to the right (southeast) of Brok’s shop and you’ll find the Loot Lizard standing across from you. As usual, if you get too close or make a frontal attack, it’ll burrow to safety, and there’s no real way to get around to its flank or rear, either.

Fortunately, Vanaheim delivers. Its hazardous flora - normally a nuisance - this time proves beneficial. Look up and to the left of the Loot Lizard to find a flower on the cliff above it. Strike this plant with your Leviathan Axe and it’ll discharge some poisonous pollen, landing right where the Loot Lizard is located. An indirect kill is just as good as any other - once the Vanaheim plant has done your dirty work for you, pick up whatever the Loot Lizard drops.

(1 of 3) Look right by the raised bridge to find this Lore Marker

How to Find the Buried Treasure in the River Delta

Buried Treasure - The Giant’s Toes

Before you can start looking for this Buried Treasure, you have to find the Treasure Map for it, which itself is a Lore collectible in the Vanir Shrine. When you first arrive in Vanir Shrine, defeat all of the enemies in the room with the scorn poles. After doing that, venture to the northern side to find a bridge you have to lower. The Lore Marker - The Feast will be near the bridge. As you’re facing the aforementioned Lore Marker, turn right and you should see a dead end there. The Treasure Map - The Giant’s Toes will be on the ground, at that dead end.

With this Treasure Map in hand, return to Brok’s Shop and beach your boat there. Search to the left of Brok’s Shop, near the Mystic Gateway, to find this Buried Treasure.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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