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God of War: Ragnarok

Best Rage Build in God of War Ragnarok

Matt Chard
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In this page we will show you the best way to build a Rage build in God of War Ragnarok. This page will show you what equipment, enchantments, and runic attacks you should use to maximize Rage upkeep and damage.

Kratos letting off some steam!

How to Play the Rage build

This is an aggressive build that maximizes Rage upkeep, and Rage damage in either Fury or Wrath. Starting off, you’ll want to predominantly use the Draupnir Spear as it can perform quicker attacks, and more attacks means more Rage. You can use any Grip you want for this as the Hind of Weightless Recovery is mainly chosen for its +34 Luck. For your Shield, you’ll want to use either the Dauntless or the Guardian Shield with the Rond of Aggravation attachment. This means you’ll have a chance to get a high luck chance to get a Rage Burst when parrying.

You’ll have a couple of choices for the Armor. The DLC armor set, Darkdale will offer you up to 40% Rage gain from Runic Attacks, or attacking status-inflicted enemies, or you can use the late-game Fate Breaker Set which will offer you a flat 20% Rage gain. The Fate Breaker gives you the Rage Gain for nothing other than equipping the set, while the Darkdale will double the gain, but it will require you afflicting statues on the enemies to get the best use out of it. We prefer the Darkdale, but if you didn’t get the Deluxe edition, you won’t have it.

For the Relic, the Hilt of Gram is the only option. It offers you a Rage Burst whenever you use the relic, and you can even use it outside of battle! Moving on to Runic Attacks, let’s start with the Draupnir Spear as it will be the primary weapon of the build. For the Light option, take the Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers as it offers you quick multiple attacks, especially if you make use of repeatedly pressing DualSense-R1-Filled to gain extra hits. The Heavy option should be Vindsvalr’s Windstorm as it will unleash multiple tornadoes at the enemies, hitting them many times. When combined with the Darkdale Set, this can net you a fair bit of Rage.

Now let’s talk Enchantments. You’ll want one set of Vanaheim which will give you extra damage against status-inflicted enemies, and with this build, you’ll be applying plenty of that. The next set is the very powerful Jotunheim Set as it will give you extra Rage based on your Vitality stat, and for a Rage build, more Rage is good. The last three slots can be anything, but Celestial Panacea is always useful as it will boost your resistance to most status effects by 25%. Stone Idol of Souls will give you Soulsteal which will grant you a small amount of Rage and Health when attacking enemies. Finally, Emblem of Elusion is great for evading, or Greater Regenerating Essence is nice for a health boost.

For your companion, we’ll assume this is Freya, you’ll want to equip her with the Mardoll Sword for more status afflictions, and the Seidr Exhale Runic Summon for the same reason. With her accessories, we want to increase status, which is why we take the Sonic Attunement, Sigil Amplification, and Runic Potency.

Freya (Atreus as well) will play a huge role in this build as they will be your primary way to inflict status effects on the enemies. Use Seidr Exhale whenever it is available, and spread the Hex affliction from the Hex arrows around the enemies, which should take one to two arrows per enemy. Once the majority are inflicted, use your Draupnir Heavy Runic attack to gain a nice chunk of Rage, then use the light Runic and Relic attack off cooldown. Jump into Rage whenever you need health, or you get overwhelmed by the enemies. Whenever you leave Rage, you’ll gain a brief Strength, Defense, Runic, and Stagger Resistance buff, thanks to the Fate Breaker chest piece.

Finally, we will talk about what Rage to use. They all have their benefits, but this build prefers the Fury variant. Valor is great for moments where things don’t go well, and you can heal yourself out of a bad situation. Wrath can decimate groups of enemies, and help you apply status afflictions to bosses in combination with Hex arrows from Freya. Fury gives you a bit of both, but deals Stun damage more than status. Choosing the Rage option is more preference than anything, so play what you’re comfortable with, although we suggest using either Fury or Wrath.


Weapon and Grip

Weapon Stats (Max) Grip
Draupnir Spear Luck: +50 Hind of Weightless Recovery: (Defense + 29, Luck +34) When the Maelstrom skill gauge is fully charged, successful Spear attacks have a Moderate Luck chance to grant a Blessing of Cooldown.

Shield and Attachment

Shield Stats (Max) Description Attachment
Dauntless Shield (or Guardian) Defense: +130 Cooldown: +26 Shield Rush: Charge the enemy while blocking enemy attacks. Rond of Aggravation - Riposte Rage Burst: High Luck chance to grant a Rage Burst when Parrying.


Name Piece Stats (Max) Perk
Fatebreaker Shoulder Guard Chest Strength: + 68 Defense: + 68 Runic: + 34 Vitality: + 34 Enraged Slayer: After returning from Rage, get a brief buff to Strength, Defense, Runic, and Stagger Resistance.
Darkdale Arm Guards Wrist Strength: + 64 Defense: + 34 Luck: + 30 Raging Affliction: Increases the rate at which Rage is gained when attacking Status-Afflicted enemies and using Runic Attacks (Up to 40%).
Darkdale Waist Guard Waist Defense: + 98 Luck: + 30 Raging Affliction II: Increases the rate at which Rage is gained when attacking Status-Afflicted enemies and using Runic Attacks (Up to 40%).

Best Rage Amulet Enchantments

Icon Enchantment Description Attributes
Vanaheim_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Vanaheim’s Power Increases Kratos’ Melee damage against Status-Afflicted enemies based on his Luck Defense: +12 Luck: +3
Vanaheim_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Vanaheim’s Fortitude Increases Kratos’ Melee damage against Status-Afflicted enemies based on his Luck Cooldown: +20 Luck: +2
Vanaheim_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Vanaheim’s Fortune Increases Kratos’ Melee damage against Status-Afflicted enemies based on his Luck Luck: +10
Jotunheim_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Jotunheim’s Honor Increases Kratos’s Maximum Rage based on his Vitality Defense: +4 Vitality: +4 Luck: +6
Jotunheim_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Jotunheim’s Essence Increases Kratos’s Maximum Rage based on his Vitality Strength: +4 Vitality: +4 Luck: +6
Jotunheim_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Jotunheim’s Virtue Increases Kratos’s Maximum Rage based on his Vitality Vitality: +3 Cooldown: +12
Support_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Celestial Panacea CELESTIAL PROTECTION: 25% resistance to all status effects (including frost, burn, blind, daze, poison, shock and bifrost) N/A
Support_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Stone Idol of Souls SOULSTEAL: Using Healthstone or Ragestone grants Soulsteal, during which a small amount of Health and Rage is restored when striking enemies Requires 70 Luck
Support_Enchantment_Icons_God_of_War.png Emblem of Elusion SWIFT EVASION: Gain a burst of speed and travel an increased distance when evading. Requires 60 Cooldown

This list isn’t set in stone, but it’s a good set that increases your Rage bar, and allows you to deal more damage when enemies are status-afflicted while protecting you from the many status effects that enemies can apply to you. For a full look on what enchantments to use, see our page here.

Best Rage Relics

Name Description Notes
Hilt of Gram Grants a burst of Rage and applies Stun to nearby enemies. More Rage is always good, and the bonus stun damage is always nice.

Best Runic Attacks For Rage

Draupnir Spear


Name Damage (Max) Force (Max) Stun (Max) Description
Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers (Light) God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot Perform a flurry of stabs with Draupnir which embeds Spears into the enemy. Press DualSense-R1-Filled for extra stabs!


Name Damage (Max) Force (Max) Stun (Max) Description
Vindsvalr’s Windstorm (Heavy) God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok Screenshot An array of chaotic cyclones rampages through the field, damaging all enemies in their paths.

Blades of Chaos


Name Damage (Max) Burn (Max) Stun (Max) Description
Rampage of the Furies God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot A robust flurry attack that ends in a powerful cross-slash. Holding DualSense-R1-Filled extends the barrage with both blades.


Name Damage (Max) Burn (Max) Stun (Max) Description
Tame the Beast God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot A series of Blade whips scorches nearby enemies. Press DualSense-R2-Filled again for more swipes!

Leviathan Axe


Name Damage (Max) Frost (Max) Stun (Max) Description
Hels Touch God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot An extremely quick burst of energy that interrupts and knocks back all enemies. Enables a follow-up burst by quickly pressing DualSense-R1-Filled again.


Name Damage (Max) Frost (Max) Stun (Max) Description
Breath of Thamur God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot God of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok ScreenshotGod of War: Ragnarok Screenshot A massive area-of-effect attack that deals damage to all enemies within an extremely large area.

Best Freya Sword and Accessories

Sword Runic Summon Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3
Thrunga Steel Harmony Runic Potency Runic Capacity Sigil Amplification
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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