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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in Vanaheim - Goddess Falls

Jarrod Garripoli
Nathan Garvin
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This page will reveal the location of every collectible found in the Goddess Falls area of Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarok.

Vanaheim is one of the nine realms you will visit during the main course of the story, and was the home of Freya. One of the areas of Vanaheim you will explore is called Goddess Falls, although it is initially locked to you, until you do a specific task. You won’t be able to explore this area during the main story section, but after that is over, you will have a large optional area to visit. One of these optional areas holds the key to unlocking the way to Goddess Falls.

God of War Ragnarok - Goddess Falls Collectibles Locations in Vanaheim

Collectible Quantity
Nornir Chests 1
Lore 1
Odin’s Ravens 1
Buried Treasure 1

How to Find Goddess Falls

After completing the main story quest, The Reckoning, you will be tasked with going to a Mystic Gateway to return to Sindri’s House. However, you have the option to continue exploring Vanaheim, with there being a log with some Soundstone on it blocking the path. Use your Sonic Arrows to clear the obstruction, then begin sailing down the river. Eventually, you will reach another Mystic Gateway that also has Brok’s shop. Across from them will be another area where you can dock, called Cliffside Ruins, which is where you need to go in order to unlock the way to Goddess Falls.

(1 of 2) To reach Goddess Falls, you need to use Freya’s Sigil Arrows to clear some bramble and climb a chain,

To reach Goddess Falls, you need to use Freya’s Sigil Arrows to clear some bramble and climb a chain, (left), then use your enchanted chisel and Freya’s magic to open a channel. (right)

To open the way to Goddess Falls (as well as The Veiled Passage), land on Cliffside Ruins and defeat the enemies there (a Revenant and some Nightmares). There will be a wall you can climb here, so look for that and at the top, look for some crumbling walkways you can hop on to your north. The southernmost platform is the one you want, where you should see some vines holding a chain in place. Use Sigil Arrows to place three sigils to the left of the vines, making sure the one is in range of your Blades of Chaos. Do the thing to destroy the vines, then climb the chain that drops. Follow this path to the end and use the chisel on the mirror thing to clear the rocks out of the way.

Return to your boat and follow the river in that direction, avoiding the side path that goes through a cave (The Veiled Passage). At the end, you will find a beach, so dock your boat and you will be at Goddess Falls.

Where to Find the Nornir Chest at Goddess Falls

There is only one Nornir Chest located at Goddess Falls, with it being situation on the upper cliff. Climb the first wall, then grapple across the gap to find a second wall to climb. At the top, head to the north and grapple across one more gap to find the Nornir Chest. This one will require you to light three Rune Torches, all of which can be found in the upper area.

  • Rune 1: The first torch is to the southeast, and is situation on a cliff just out of reach of your Blades. You will need to use Freya’s sigils to make a path to the torch, with it taking three sigils to get to it. Once you’ve placed three, light the one closest to you with the Blades to get it to light the torch.
  • Rune 2: The second torch will be located to the north of the Nornir Chest, with it being situation on a small raised piece of land. Similar to the previous one, you will need to use the sigils to blaze a path to the torch. Also, you will likely need three sigils here, one on each little pillar.

  • Rune 3: Go to where the grapple is on this upper area, then turn to look at the nearby waterfall, with the torch being on the rock at the top of the waterfall. As with the other two, you will need to place sigils to light the torch. The catch with this one is that there’s enough of a gap between the rocks, where a small sigil won’t really work. You can shoot the same sigil to make it bigger, up to two times, but it shortens the lifespan of them. Two fully sized sigils should do the trick though here, so keep trying until you get the right positioning.

Once all three torches are lit, head back to the Nornir Chest and receive your prize.

Where to Find the Lore at Goddess Falls

Lore Marker - Anything I Can Do

The Lore Marker is in a small cave right after climbing the first wall

After taking out the enemies upon first arriving at Goddess Falls, locate the lone wall you can climb to get to the second tier. As soon as you’re at the top, you should see a cave to your right. Be careful here, as there are those exploding plants (two of them) inside, so take them out from a distance with the Leviathan Axe. When you have, you can go inside and reach the Lore Marker - Anything I Can Do.

Where to Find the Odin’s Raven at Goddess Falls

It’s easier to hit the Raven at the top of Goddess Falls

As soon as you dock your boat at Goddess Falls, look up in the sky and you should see Odin’s Raven flying around up there. While you can try to hit it from the ground, you will have a much easier time at a higher elevation. Climb the first wall, then grapple across the gap to find another wall you can climb. At the top of this one, you should be in a much better position to strike the Raven as it passes by. As with any other moving Raven, it’s best to avoid chasing after it and continually aim at the same spot until you get it.

Where to Find the Buried Treasure at Goddess Falls

(1 of 2) You will find the treasure map in Noatun’s Garden

You will find the treasure map in Noatun’s Garden (left), Look for the golden glow at the top of Goddess Falls for the treasure (right)

There is one bit of Buried Treasure at Goddess Falls, but before you can go digging it up, you will first need to find the Treasure Map (Under the Rainbow). That will be located at Noatun’s Garden, another area on the River Delta. That is found on the ground, next to some rocks, on the northern end of the area, not too far from the Legendary Chest there. Once you have the map, return to Goddess Falls (if you had to leave) and climb the second wall. As soon as you do, hop over the first gap and you should see the golden glowing spot right there, at the edge. You’ll receive some resources, and the Niflheim’s Virtue Amulet Enchantment.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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