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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in The Barrens

Nathan Garvin
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This page will reveal the location of every collectible in The Barrens, a region of Alfheim in God of War Ragnarok.

God of War Ragnarok - The Barrens Collectibles Locations in Alfheim

Collectible Quantity
Nornir Chests 1
Legendary Chests 3
Lore 2
Artifacts 3
Buried Treasure 1
Odin’s Ravens 2
Draugr Holes 1
Berserker Gravestones 1
Remnants of Asgard 1
Secret of the Sands 1

How to Find The Barrens

During the main quest, Groa’s Secret, you’ll travel to Alfheim, where you’ll end up exploring the The Strond and the Temple of Light. Afterwards you’ll return to the Mystic Gate from whence you came, but before you go through a new region will be revealed, and you’ll be given the opportunity to explore.

Go through the circular gate to the northeast and you’ll reach The Canyon, a linear area you’ll need to pass through in order to reach a much larger, collectible-rich area - The Barrens. As you’re making your way from The Canyon to The Barrens you’ll be approached by a Gulon-drawn sled, which functions much like the wolf sled you used at the beginning of the game.

Hunting for collectibles in this region is initially somewhat difficult, as there’s a storm raging, lowering visibility. This doesn’t make it impossible to track down the various collectibles here, but it is a nuisance… and what’s more, it’s a nuisance you can do something about. We suggest you complete the favor Secret of the Sands along the south-center of The Barrens before you begin earnestly exploring, as it’ll make navigating much easier.

(1 of 5) Use the Leviathan Axe to destroy some hive tendrils,

Where to Find All Nornir Chests in The Barrens

Along the northern end of The Barrens is a ruined tower, where numerous collectibles can be found. From this tower head east to find some more ruins. Along the southern end of these ruins is a Nornir Chest with three rune braziers that need to be lit to dispel the runes sealing the chest. You can’t presently see the Nornir Chest, however, due to some hive growth obscuring it. To fix that, head to the desert north of the ruins and loot south at the ruins to spot a line of hive tendrils. Line them up and throw the Leviathan Axe so that you sever all three to clear the hive. This will expose the Nornir Chest and a fire pot on the roof of the southern edge of the ruins.

Now that the hive has been dealt with, here are the rune brazier locations:

  • Rune 1: Along the northeastern end of the ruins, standing prominently on some rocks. Just go east a bit from where you severed the hive tendrils.

  • Rune 2: Head to the desert south of the ruins, then look up at the roof of the ruins. You should be able to just see a fire pot on the roof. Hit it with the Leviathan Axe to smash it and light up a rune brazier, which is also on the roof.

  • Rune 3: Last and least, this is the obligatory freebie rune located near the Nornir Chest. You’ll find it on some rocks just to the left of the Nornir Chest.

Light up all three rune braziers and claim your prize from the Nornir Chest - either an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead.

Under a ruined tower along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a Legendary Chest containing the Gauntlets of Radiance.

If you still need help with this Nornir Chest, see the video below.

Where to Find All Legendary Chests in The Barrens

Legendary Chest - Gauntlets of Radiance

Along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a ruined tower, the ruins at the base of which house several collectibles, as well as some Dark Elves. Climb up onto the base of the ruins and defeat two Dark Elves and a Dark Elf Lord, after which you can plunder the area’s collectibles in peace.

Search the southwestern edge of these ruins to find this Legendary Chest, which contains Gauntlets of Radiance.

Find a massive skeleton along the eastern end of The Barrens. Climb inside and fight your way southeast, then ascend a ledge to find a Legendary Chest, inside of which is the Belt of Radiance.

Legendary Chest - Belt of Radiance

Search along the eastern edge of The Barrens to find a gargantuan skeleton. Climb in the skull, then climb some walls to the south, southeast to find an impromptu arena. Kill the Grims and Explosive Wretches that attack you, then climb a wall to the south, southeast (near the Lore Marker - The Desert of Our Ignorance) to reach a ledge with a Legendary Chest, wherein you’ll find the Belt of Radiance.

(1 of 2) With the aid of a Twilight Stone and some quick timing you can sever three hive tendrils,

With the aid of a Twilight Stone and some quick timing you can sever three hive tendrils, (left), freeing a Legendary Chest, wherein you’ll find the Rond of Affliction. (right)

Legendary Chest - Rond of Affliction

From the entrance to The Barrens from The Canyons, follow the cliffs southeast, but keep looking to the right to spot a partially opened stone door just past a pillar. Squeeze through the opening and you’ll find yourself in a small room. This chest is to the south, buried under hive growth.

To clear it, head to the southwestern end of the room (near the Tribute to Freyr - Horn Artifact) and aim up at a twilight stone on the wall to the east. You need to bounce the Leviathan Axe off the twilight stone and through three hive tendrils, but on its normal, unassisted trajectory, you’ll only hit two. Recall that the Leviathan Axe cuts when it’s returning to your hand - that’s the key to this puzzle. You’ll need to make sure you’re in the right position so the Leviathan Axe will cut through the hive tendrils on its return, and you need to recall it at the right time to ensure it’s on the right trajectory. Standing near the hive blocking your way south and summoning the Leviathan Axe right after it severs the second hive tendril worked for us, but you may need a bit of trial, error, practice and repositioning to get things to work.

Once you clear the hive, loot the Legendary Chest for the Rond of Affliction.

(1 of 2) Along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a ruined tower, near which is a scroll that starts “The Lost Pages” labor,

Along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a ruined tower, near which is a scroll that starts “The Lost Pages” labor, (left), you can also find the Lore Marker “The Tower’s Purpose”. (right)

Where to Find All Lore in The Barrens

Lore - The Lost Pages

Along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a ruined tower, the ruins at the base of which house several collectibles, as well as some Dark Elves. Climb up onto the base of the ruins and defeat two Dark Elves and a Dark Elf Lord, after which you can plunder the area’s collectibles in peace.

Search the southwestern edge of these ruins to find a scroll on the ground. Pick it up and you’ll start The Last Pages, which counts as a Lore collectible.

Lore Marker - The Tower’s Purpose

Along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a ruined tower, the ruins at the base of which house several collectibles, as well as some Dark Elves. Climb up onto the base of the ruins and defeat two Dark Elves and a Dark Elf Lord, after which you can plunder the area’s collectibles in peace.

Search the northern edge of these ruins to find the Lore Marker - The Tower’s Purpose, which naturally counts as a Lore collectible.

Find a massive skeleton along the eastern end of The Barrens. After you defeat some enemies to the southeast, search the chamber they occupied for the Lore Marker - The Desert of Our Ignorance.

Lore Marker - The Desert of Our Ignorance

Search along the eastern edge of The Barrens to find a gargantuan skeleton. Climb in the skull, then climb some walls to the south, southeast to find an impromptu arena. Kill the Grims and Explosive Wretches that attack you, then exploring the south, southeastern end of the chamber to find the Lore Marker - The Desert of Our Ignorance.

Along the eastern edge of The Barrens you’ll find a circle of elven totems. Search this area to find the Lore Marker - Gulon Cull.

Lore Marker - Gulon Cull

Along the eastern end of The Barrens, just southeast of the behemoth skeleton, you’ll find a clearing encircled by elven totems. Enter the clearing and search the southeastern end to find the Lore Marker - Gulon Cull

Under a ruined tower along the northern end of The Barrens you can pick up the Tribute to Freyr - Horn Artifact.

Where to Find All Artifacts in The Barrens

Artifact - Tributes to Freyr - Horn

Along the northern end of The Barrens you’ll find a ruined tower, the ruins at the base of which house several collectibles, as well as some Dark Elves. Climb up onto the base of the ruins and defeat two Dark Elves and a Dark Elf Lord, after which you can plunder the area’s collectibles in peace.

Search the northern edge of The Barrens and you’ll find a Tribute to Freyr - Horn Artifact, easily distinguished by its purple glow.

Along the southern edge of The Barrens you’ll find a crack you can slip into. Do so and search the cavern beyond for the Tribute to Freyr - Harp Artifact.

Artifact - Tributes to Freyr - Harp

From the entrance to The Barrens from The Canyons, follow the cliffs southeast, but keep looking to the right to spot a partially opened stone door just past a pillar. Squeeze through the opening and you’ll find yourself in a small room. This Tribute to Freyr - Harp Artifact is glowing its customary purple in the southwestern corner

Find a massive skeleton along the eastern end of The Barrens. Climb inside and fight your way southeast, then ascend a ledge to find one of Kvasir’s Poems.

Artifact - Kvasir’s Poem - Celestial Construct

Search along the eastern edge of The Barrens to find a gargantuan skeleton. Climb in the skull, then climb some walls to the south, southeast to find an impromptu arena. Kill the Grims and Explosive Wretches that attack you, then climb a wall to the south, southeast (near the Lore Marker - The Desert of Our Ignorance) to reach a ledge with a Legendary Chest and a Kvasir’s Poem Artifact.

Find a massive skeleton along the eastern end of The Barrens. The Vulture’s Gold Buried Treasure is inside the skull.

Where to Find All Buried Treasure in The Barrens

Treasure Map - Vulture’s Gold

To get this collectible, you must first pick up the Treasure Map: Vulture’s Gold in The Canyons. It’s the first collectible you’ll find in that area, on the ground near a dark elf corpse just after you go through the gate connecting The Strond to The Canyons.

Once the map is yours, make your way to The Barrens and search the eastern cliffs until you find the skeleton of a massive beast. Climb up in the skull and search a pile of disturbed earth to the northwest to claim your prize - a variety of crafting ingredients. This will also complete the Buried Treasure collectible.

(1 of 2) One of Odin’s Ravens can be found on a tree near a ruined tower.

One of Odin’s Ravens can be found on a tree near a ruined tower. (left), Along the eastern end of The Barrens you’ll find a massive skeleton. Search the northern eye socket, where one of Odin’s Ravens roosts. (right)

Where to Find All Odin’s Ravens in The Barrens

Odin’s Raven 1

From the entrance to The Barrens from The Canyons, follow the cliffs on the edge of The Barrens northwest, then northeast. Along the way you’ll find a gate to the left which you can’t open on your first visit (immediately after Groa’s Secret). Keep going northeast and you’ll spot a tower in the distance, in front of which is a tree. This Odin’s Raven is perched on a branch.

Odin’s Raven 2

On the eastern edge of The Barrens you’ll find the skeleton - most prominently the skull - of a massive creature.Head to the desert north of the skull and look up at the eye socket to spot another one of Odin’s Ravens.

You’ll find a Draugr Hole along the western end of The Barrens, when The Hateful will once again rise to oppose you.

Where to Find All Draugr Holes in The Barrens

From where you enter The Barrens from The Canyons, turn left (northwest) and keep an eye out for a rock island in this sea of sand - it’ll be to the right as you follow the cliffs enclosing this area. You know the drill here, climb onto the rocks and you’ll find a Draugr Hole, where The Hateful will spawn and attack. Defeat it any any subordinate Draugr it summons and you’ll be able to loot the Draugr Hole for a variety of treasures, including another Chaos Spark.

(1 of 3) You can spot the telltale rippling rainbow distortion that marks the Remnants of Asgard site from a good distance away,

Where to Find All Remnants of Asgard in The Barrens

You can only clear the Remnants of Asgard if you’ve reached the main quest Beyond Ragnarok. Once done, return to The Barrens and head to the southwestern edge of the region, where you’ll find some drab gray stones encircling an Einherjar camp. These stones are new additions to this region, and you can identify what they protect due to the ribbons of rainbow energy rippling around these gray stones.

Circle around the gray stones to the north to find a ledge you can climb to reach the interior of the camp, where you’ll encounter two Einherjar Captains. Kill them to clear this collectible and note that you can also pick up the Lore Scroll - Next Steps that they drop, although this doesn’t count as a collectible for this area.

(1 of 2) You can find a Berserker Gravestone ringed by elven statues along the eastern edge of The Barrens.

You can find a Berserker Gravestone ringed by elven statues along the eastern edge of The Barrens. (left), Be wary, as when you interact with the Berserker Gravestone you’ll have to fight three powerful foes. (right)

Where to Find the Berserker Gravestone in The Barrens

Berserker Gravestone - Svipdagr the Cold

Along the eastern edge of The Barrens you’ll find a ring of elven statues, in the midst of which you’ll find this Berserker Gravestone. Before you can activate Berserker Gravestones, you must find the Inert Hilt of Skofnung, which you’ll acquire automatically during the main quest The Word of Fate. You can use the hilt to activate Berserker Gravestones any time you’re free to explore afterwards, although waiting to improve your gear might be a wiser course of action.

This fight is particularly nasty, as you’ll be forced to face off against Svipdagr the Cold and the two Sisters of Illska, and three aggressive enemies at once is, frankly, more than this game’s combat was designed for. It doesn’t help that Svipdagr can perform unblockable leap AoE attacks and the Sisters of Illska will pelt you with ranged attacks, and if you focus on the more aggressive Svipdagr and manage to bring him down, the Sisters of Illskar will both become significantly more aggressive to pick up the slack. It’s easily one of the most difficult battles in the game, so be prepared before you start sticking sword hilts in places they don’t belong.

Once you defeat all three enemies you’ll complete this collectible, and your foes will drop the Berserker Cuirass, Asgard’s Security and a Frozen Flame.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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