The Everlasting Dragon is a secret boss in God of War Ragnarok which can be found on Dragon Beach in Svartalfheim. We’ll show you how to unlock it and how to defeat it.
Where to Find The Everlasting Dragon on Dragon Beach in Svartalfheim¶
The Everlasting Dragon can actually be found fairly early on in the game, as you explore the Dragon Beach in Svartalfheim. You’ll see it as a dragon seemingly carved in stone, as shown in the screenshot below, but you won’t be able to awaken it until you acquire the Mystical Heirloom Relic. This can be found in a hidden area on the Lake of Nine in Midgard, but you’ll need the Draupnir Spear (acquired during the Forging Destiny main quest) to access it.
(1 of 2) The location of the Dragon Beach in Svartalfheim.
The location of the Dragon Beach in Svartalfheim. (left), You will find The Everlasting Dragon in the form of a rock carving on the beach. (right)
How to Awaken The Everlasting Dragon - Mystical Heirloom Location¶
Once you have the Draupnir Spear, go to the Lake of Nine in Midgard and look for a marking in the ice just southwest of Tyr’s Temple. The exact location of this is shown in the screenshot below. You need to throw the Draupnir Spear into the marking and then press to detonate it, breaking the wall in the process and granting you access to the area behind it, where the Mystical Heirloom can be found next to a corpse.
(1 of 3) The location of the ice wall on the Lake of Nine in Midgard.
With the Mystical Heirloom equipped, you need to go back to the Dragon Beach in Svartalfheim, stand in front of the dragon rock carving, and use the Mystical Heirloom by holding and pressing
. The rock will immediately begin to crack and The Everlasting Dragon will awaken, marking the beginning of the boss fight.
You can see this happen in the video below.
Boss Fight: How to Defeat The Everlasting Dragon¶
Unfortunately, The Everlasting Dragon doesn’t have any special moves that you haven’t already seen in dragon fights in God of War Ragnarok. These are generally disappointingly easy fights with predictable attack patterns. Having said that, you could still find yourself in some trouble if you’re caught off guard, especially on the harder difficulties, so it’s worth keeping some basic points in mind.
One of the first attacks that the dragon will likely use is a kind of meteor shower. It will shoot burning rocks at you as it raises its neck, so look out for this animation and be ready to block the attack. There is a second element to this attack which occurs when the rocks hit the ground, at which point they explode. You can avoid this explosion by dodge rolling out of the way just before it happens. It won’t inflict as much damage as the meteor shower though, so you don’t need to worry about it too much.
The dragon has a basic bite attack which can be blocked, parried, or dodged, and it is preceded by a yellow ring indicator. Look out for this and be ready to avoid it. There is also a fire breath attack which occurs with the same yellow ring indicator warning. This can be blocked with some shields (such as the Stone Wall), but the parry on others won’t be enough to block it continuously. The easiest way to avoid this attack is a simple dodge, but keep in mind that it will light the ground on fire for a while afterwards, so you need to get out of the area if you want to avoid damage from burning.
Once you inflict enough damage to take at least a quarter of the health from the dragon, it will fly into the air and begin passing over you with frost blast attacks. You can easily dodge this as you see them coming, but you need to keep your vision focused on the dragon to see where it’s coming from. There is also a fire breath version of this attack, and both of them cannot be blocked or parried.
To avoid being at the mercy of the dragon in the air for too long, you should aim to knock it out of the sky by throwing a Draupnir Spear at it as soon as possible. It only takes one successful hit to bring the dragon down, and it will be stunned briefly as it hits the ground, giving you some time to inflict damage without having to worry about any retaliatory attacks.
The main thing you should focus on doing while the dragon is on the ground here is using as many of your most damaging Light and Heavy Runic Attacks to inflict as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. This should fill the dragon’s stun bar fairly quickly, which will inflict another burst of massive damage. The aim here is to reduce the amount of time the dragon has in the air, but also prevent it from using special attacks on the ground. Runic Attacks are perfect for this since most of them interrupt any special attack (preceded by a red ring indicator) that the dragon may attempt to use.
Other than special attacks, be ready to spam melee and ranged combos while always being conscious of the need to dodge any fire or frost breath attacks. Once the dragon’s health is fully depleted, all you need to do is perform a stun grab by pressing to finish it off.
(1 of 4) Be ready to block or parry the meteor shower.
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