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God of War: Ragnarok

All Collectibles in Aurvangar Wetlands

Matt Chard
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When you reach Svartalfheim for the first time, you’ll be in the sub-region Aurvangar Wetlands. This page will guide you to obtaining all collectibles including, but not limited to Nornir Chests, Odin’s Ravens, Legendary Chests, and Artefacts plus much more. A lot of the collectibles won’t be available to you until you’ve progressed in the story, and unlocked more abilities. This guide will mention if that’s the case with as little spoilers as possible. None of the Collectibles in God of War: Ragnarok is missable as you can come back later in post-game.

You’ll traverse the Aurvangar Wetlands on a boat while you head from island to island.

God of War Ragnarok - Aurvangar Wetlands Collectibles Locations in Svartalfheim

Collectible Quantity
Nornir (Rune) Chests 2
Legendary Chests 1
Artefacts 2
Odin’s Ravens 1
Hel Tears 1
Remnants of Asgard 1

Where to Find all Ravens in Aurvangar Wetlands

Only one Raven in this sub-region. As soon as you enter the Aurvangar Wetlands, head north from the portal until you’re in the open area just in front, and if you look carefully, you can see the teal Raven perched on the boulder to the northwest.

(1 of 2) The Raven will be perched on top of the rock to your northwest.

The Raven will be perched on top of the rock to your northwest. (left), Here is where you can find it on the map. (right)

Where to Find all Nornir (Rune) Chests in Aurvangar Wetlands

There are two Nornir Chests to be found in this sub-region, and the first Nornir Chest can be found on the island where you need to fix the water wheel to progress the story. When you dock at the beach to the east, freeze the geyser with your axe, and jump over to the next area. From there, turn to the east, and jump the gap to find the Nornir Chest. To unlock it, you’ll need to destroy three runes. These runes are triangular-shaped rocks with a glowing blue glyph etched on its side.

  • Rune 1 (B) – The first rune can be found sitting on the small island behind the chest.

  • Rune 2 (F) – On the boulder to the right of the chest.

  • Rune 3 (R) – Freeze the geyser to the south of the chest (next to the first geyser you froze), and climb the ledge. The rune will be right of the tree to your left.

Head back to the chest to receive your reward which will be an Idunn Apple.

(1 of 4) Freeze the geyser, jump over and turn right, jump over the gap, and you’ll find the first Nornir Chest sitting near the water.

The second chest can be found by following the river north from the (now fixed) broken water wheel. Keep heading north until you see a Legendary Chest on a ledge on the island. Follow the wall east until you reach an opening where you can press DualSense-ButtonCircle-Filled to go under the low passageway. This will lead you to a hidden side-area where you can get a few collectibles including the second Nornir Chest. The runes for this chest require you to hit a pillar which will then spin, and show you a rune in the middle of it. You want to keep hitting the panels to you get the correct rune on each pillar which matches the chest. There are three pillars to hit, and you can find them:

  • Rune 1 (P) – Behind the geyser to the right of the chest, next to a broken wheel leaning up against the mountain. This needs to have a “P” on the pillar.

  • Rune 2 (B) – Head north from the previous pillar, and the second rune will be on your left as you approach the wooden platform. This pillar needs to have a “B” on it.

  • Rune 3 (N) – To the left of the chest is a ledge that you can grapple up to. As soon as you reach the top, turn to your right to find the pillar sitting on the side of the mountain. Finally, this pillar needs to be turned to have the “N” showing.

Head back to the chest to receive your reward which will be a Horn of Blood Mead.

(1 of 4) You can find the second Nornir Chest in front of you to the right when you get on the island. Make a note of the runes on the side of the chest.

Where to Find all Artefacts in Aurvangar Wetlands

The first can be found in the same place as the third rune for the first Nornir Chest. Freeze the geyser next to the first geyser, and grapple to the ledge above. The Artefact will be in front of the body next to the wooden pillar.

(1 of 2) You can find the Artefact lying next to the body just before the third rune of the first Nornir Chest. Freeze the geyser next to the first geyser, and grapple to the ledge above.

You can find the Artefact lying next to the body just before the third rune of the first Nornir Chest. Freeze the geyser next to the first geyser, and grapple to the ledge above. (left), Sitting on the table after using the geysers to reach the higher platform where the chain is. (right)

Kvasir’s Poem - The Sunrise of Nothingness

The second Artefact can be found on another island a bit later. When you get to the island where you need to freeze some geysers, and break the weight to reach the higher level, you can find it sitting on the table next to the chest on said higher level. You need to go here to progress the main story by pulling the chain up there, so you shouldn’t miss it.

Where to Find all Lore in Aurvangar Wetlands

You’ll find the lore in the same place as you found the second Nornir Chest. Follow the river north from the (now fixed) broken water wheel. Keep heading north until you see a Legendary Chest on a ledge on the island. Follow the wall east until you reach an opening where you can press DualSense-ButtonCircle-Filled to go under the low passageway. This will lead you to a hidden side-area where you can get a few collectibles including the Lore. The Lore in this area is in the shape of a large tablet. To the left of the second Nornir Chest is a ledge that you can grapple up to. As soon as you reach the top, follow the mountain east, and drop to the floor below. The Lore tablet will be straight in-front of you.

From the third rune pillar of the second Nornir Chest, follow the mountain to the right, and drop to the floor below. Walk forward a little to find a large stone tablet, this is the Lore.

Where to Find all Legendary Chests in Aurvangar Wetlands

You’ll find the lore in the same place as you found the second Nornir Chest. Follow the river north from the (now fixed) broken water wheel. Keep heading north until you see a Legendary Chest on a ledge on the island. Follow the wall east until you reach an opening where you can press DualSense-ButtonCircle-Filled to go under the low passageway. This will lead you to a hidden side-area where you can get a few collectibles including the Legendary Chest. To the left of the second Nornir Chest is a ledge that you can grapple up to. As soon as you reach the top, head west, and defeat the enemies there. Once you’ve dealt with them, turn to the north where you’ll find the Legendary Chest overlooking the water. Open it up to receive the Deadly Obsidian Handles.

(1 of 2) In the hidden area north of the broken water wheel. On the island, you’ll find a ledge to the left of the second Nornir chest, grapple up, head past the enemies and you’ll find the chest to your right.

In the hidden area north of the broken water wheel. On the island, you’ll find a ledge to the left of the second Nornir chest, grapple up, head past the enemies and you’ll find the chest to your right. (left), The Legendary Chest is here on the map. (right)

Where to Find All Hel Tears in Aurvangar Wetlands

You can only access this collectible later in the story, after travelling through Helheim with Atreus. Once you’ve done this, head to the point in Aurvangar Wetlands where you solved the water wheel puzzle to progress through the river at the beginning of the game. You can dock here and grapple up to the platform above to find the Hel Tear on the northern side of the island. You will need to climb down a chain to reach it, then interact with it to trigger a fight with Hel-Walkers. Once they’re dead you can close the Hel-Tear and complete the collectible.

(1 of 2) The location of the Hel-Tear in the Aurvangar Wetlands.

The location of the Hel-Tear in the Aurvangar Wetlands. (left), You need to interact with the Hel-Tear to fight Hel-Walkers and close it. (right)

Where to Find All Remnants of Asgard in Aurvangar Wetlands

The Remnant of Asgard can only be accessed after completing the main story. Assuming you’re doing this after completing the Hel-Tear, you can row the boat north through the hole in the bridge ahead. Continue rowing north until you see another hole like this in a wall facing west, then go through this to find a beach where you can dock. The Remnant of Asgard is on this beach, and you need to defeat all of the Einherjar then loot the chest to complete it.

(1 of 2) Row through the hole in the rock here.

Row through the hole in the rock here. (left), You will find a beach to dock at on the other side. (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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