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God of War: Ragnarok

The Last Remnants of Asgard

Matt Chard
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The Last Remnants of Asgard is a Favor that becomes available after finishing the story. Although the battle with Asgard is finished, the destruction of its realm has scattered wreckage across the nine realms. The Einherjar soldiers still loyal to Odin have made camps across the realms and may reorganize if left alone.

Completing this Favor leads to another Favor which involves fighting the super boss in God of War Ragnarok. If you’re hunting down 100% completion of each area, these count towards it, and you’ll need to complete this, and the following quest if you want the trophy for all favors.

How to Unlock The Last Remnants of Asgard in God of War Ragnarok

As mentioned above, this Favor is only unlocked after you finish the main story. After the ending, you’ll end up back in Midgard, descend the Hoddmimis Holt mountain by following the linear paths which lead you to the Lake of Nine, here, you’ll get a pop up about post-game. Once the tutorial disappears, the Favor “The Last Remnants of Asgard” will be automatically accepted, and completing this Favor will lead to the Favor “Defend Your Valor” which will see you battle against the new Valkyrie Queen of the game, Gna.

Where to Find All Remnants of Asgard Locations

There are 10 remnants scattered across five of the realms, and when you get close to them, you’ll see a bifrost fog around the area. Here there’ll be Einherjar in the area, and depending on the camp you are at, the types of Einherjar will change. After defeating all the enemies in the camp, you can open a red chest. These chests will reward you with various crafting resources that’ll allow you to upgrade some of your gear to level 9.

Realm Location
Svartalfheim Aurvangar Wetlands
Svartalfheim Jarnsmida Pitmines
Svartalfheim Alberich Hollow
Alfheim The Strond
Alfheim The Barrens
Vanaheim Freyr’s Camp
Vanaheim Eastern Barri Woods
Midgard Well Of Urd
Midgard Lake Of Nine
Muspelheim Burning Cliffs

Svartalfheim Auravangr Wetlands Remnant

Einherjar Tamer
Einherjar Warriors
Einherjar Archers

The Aurvangar Wetlands camp can be found in the secluded area north of the Mystic Gateway. You’ll need to go under the small gap on the eastern side of the rocks to get there.

This remnant camp can be found in the secluded area north of the Auravangr Wetlands Mystic Gateway. From the Mystic Gate, proceed north through the river until you reach the first right bend. In the corner is a hidden location where you’ll need to find a small gap in the rocks to take your boat under. Just hug the left wall, and you’ll find it. As soon as you dock the boat, the camp will be right in front of you.

The enemies here shouldn’t cause you any problems as they’re just your generic Einherjar soldiers, take out the Tamer first. This particular enemy can summon other enemies with its blue-ring attack, after that, take out the ranged attackers, as they’ll just keep hitting you with bifrost, and use Rage (Fury) to take out any of the beefier enemies. Once you’ve dealt with them, open the red chest which can be found to the southwest of your boat. These chests will reward you with crafting resources that’ll allow you to increase some of your gear to level 9.

(1 of 2) This camp will have you battle various Einherjar, but the Tamers should be your priority as they can summon more enemies.

This camp will have you battle various Einherjar, but the Tamers should be your priority as they can summon more enemies. (left), Once the camp is defeated, open the chest to the left of your boat. (right)

Svartalfheim Jarnsmida Pitmines Remnant

Einherjar Brute
Einherjar Warriors
Einherjar Archers

The Jarnsmida Pitmines camp can be found right next to the Mystic Gateway.

Next on the list is Jarnsmida Pitmines. Head to the nearest Mystic Gateway, and hover over the area where the Pitmines is, and teleport to the gateway there. Climb up the nearby chain, and you’ll be in the camp. This is a little tougher than the previous camp as you’ll have to deal with some Brutes. The easiest way to deal with this camp is to go straight into Rage (Fury), and take out the harder hitting enemies like the Brutes first. After that, mop up the archers, and open the red chest next to the chain you climbed to get in the area.

(1 of 2) This camp will have you battle various Einherjar like Brutes, Warriors, and Archers.

This camp will have you battle various Einherjar like Brutes, Warriors, and Archers. (left), The chest can be found next to the chain you climbed up to get to the camp. (right)

Svartalfheim Alberich Hollow Remnant

Einherjar Captain
Einherjar Warriors

From The Watchtower Mystic Gateway, row southeast to find Alberich Hollow.

While you’re still in the region, teleport to The Watchtower Mystic Gateway, and head to the southern dock. From there, row the boat to the southwest, and dock at the beach. If you haven’t been back here since the beginning of the game, you’ll need to climb the chain, and throw your spear in the wall to the left. Climb up the platform, and open up the way forward with the runic pedestal with your chisel, and the camp will be on the other side of the bridge.

This can be quite tough as the Einherjar Captains are no joke. They have a lot of health, they don’t stagger much, and they have a few hard-hitting attacks. Focus on taking out the other enemies first while keeping an eye on where, and what the Captains are doing. When the other enemies are taken care of, defeat the Captain. Like most of the strategies above, abuse your Rage (Fury) to take him out. If you don’t outright kill him, he won’t have much fight left in him. The only real attack you need to watch out for is his Bifrost bolts which you can get hit from ranged, but you can avoid this easily by rolling to the side. Once you’ve dealt with all the enemies, it’s time to open the chest. You can find this at the end of the southern path, against the rocks.

(1 of 2) The Alberich Hollow camp will have you battle against the resilient Einherjar Captain.

The Alberich Hollow camp will have you battle against the resilient Einherjar Captain. (left), The chest can be found at the back of the camp. (right)

Alfheim The Strond Remnant

Fire-Shield Einherjar Brute
Frost-Shield Einherjar Brute
Einherjar Warrior

The Strond camp can be found near the end of the area, not too far from the Temple of Light.

Time to head to Alfheim, more specifically, The Strond. This camp is near the end of The Strond, near the door to the Temple of Light. Teleport to The Strond Mystic Gateway, and head up the eastern platforms. When you reach the top, head south, and go through the small gap in the wall. On the other side, climb up the platforms to the southwest, and drop to the path below. Follow the path west, and jump across the gap, and go through the cave where the Twilight Stones are. Go through the gate, head north, and climb up the wall to the east. Head out of the cave, and follow the linear path southwest where you’ll find the camp.

When you get to the camp, you’ll have to fight two Einherja Brutes of which come equipped with elemental shields One with a fire-shield, and one with a frost-shield. Among them will be a warrior. Take out the warrior first, as it’ll just attack you from behind while you deal with the more serious threats, but make sure to keep an eye on the Brutes. When you have just the Brute’s left, attack them with the weapon of the opposite element, so Blades of Chaos on the Frost Brute, and Leviathan Axe on the Fire Brute.

You can just use the spear on both, and detonate it to take their shields down too. When their shields have been stripped, can you think of what to do next? You guessed it, Rage time! Go into Rage, and focus on taking one of them down, and attack the other with whatever Rage you have left. After that, you’ll just have a half-health brute left to deal with which Runic Attacks should take down in no time. Once they’re dealt with, open the red chest to the west.

(1 of 2) The Strond camp will have you battle Frost, and Fire shielded Einherjar Brutes.

The Strond camp will have you battle Frost, and Fire shielded Einherjar Brutes. (left), The chest in The Strond can be found in the west side of the camp. (right)

Alfheim The Barrens Remnant


You’ll find The Barrens camp to the far east of the area, northeast of The Below.

The second remnant of Alfheim can be found in the optional area, The Barrens. Teleport to The Canyons Mystic Gateway or if you haven’t been there, take the other path from The Strond teleport. Either way, jump onto the sled at The Canyons, and follow the winding path to the northeast. When you get into the open area, head east, around the canyon, and past “The Below”. The Einherjar camp will be where you can see the Bifrost fog in the distance. Head over to it, and climb the large step on the easter side to enter the camp.

This camp will have you battle two minibosses who go by the names Stinnr, and Sterkr. You’ve most likely fought a few of these by now, and if you can remember, they can be quite tough as they don’t get staggered, and they can deal huge damage. Like always, jump into Rage (Fury), and start pummeling on either one. As soon as the DualSense-R3-Filled prompt appears, make sure you do it, as it’ll strip them of their armor, and significantly weaken them. Continue pummeling on them, and it’ll either be dead, or close to it. Finish the first one off if you need to, and start on the next.

(1 of 2) This remnant camp is different from all the others as it’ll pit you against the two minibosses, Stinnr and Sterkr.

This remnant camp is different from all the others as it’ll pit you against the two minibosses, Stinnr and Sterkr. (left), The chest can be found to the west of the tent in the camp. (right)

Vanaheim Freyr’s Camp Remnant

Three Einherjar Brutes

This remnant camp can be found just outside Freyr’s Camp, near the entrance you created with your spears.

This camp can be found just outside from Freyr’s Camp, teleport to the Freyr’s Camp Mystic Gateway, and row your boat to the western entrance. When you get off the boat, head south, and you’ll see the camp. Hmmm, this camp looks suspiciously quiet, try opening the red chest to see what happens. When you open the chest, three Einherjar Brutes will ambush you. The Brutes are quite strong, but nothing a simple Rage can’t deal with. Make sure you focus down one at a time as they have a fair bit of health. When they’re defeated, open the chest again to get your real rewards.

(1 of 2) No enemies will spawn until you open the red chest, when you do, you’ll be ambushed by three Einherjar Brutes.

No enemies will spawn until you open the red chest, when you do, you’ll be ambushed by three Einherjar Brutes. (left), After the fight has concluded, head back to chest to get your real rewards. (right)

Vanaheim Eastern Barri Woods Remnant

Einherjar Tamers

To reach the Eastern Barri Woods remnant camp, you’ll need to leave Freyr’s Camp from the gates to the east.

One of the worst camps to find mainly because Barri Woods can be a pain to get through. There’s two ways to get to this camp. The first (and longest) is by unlocking the Mystic Gateway via the map at the top of Eastern Barri Woods, and making your way south. Or, you can head into Freyr’s Camp, and take the northeast exit with the doors, next to Sif, and Hildisvini. Follow the linear winding path north, and when you get to a crossroads with the blocked path, take the southern path. Keep following the path, and you’ll end up with a hole you can crawl through. Go through it, and you’ll be in the area with the ruins. Head through the hole in the ruin, and head across the gap to grapple to the ledge above. Drop to your right, and you’ll be in the camp.

This camp isn’t too difficult as long as you kill the Einherjar Tamers as quickly as possible, otherwise, you’ll find yourself fighting Wyverns. Jump into Rage, and take the Tamers out, and at best you may only have to fight the single Wyvern.

(1 of 2) The Eastern Barri Woods camp will have you battle Einherjar Tamers, and Wyverns.

The Eastern Barri Woods camp will have you battle Einherjar Tamers, and Wyverns. (left), You can find the chest to the right of the tent in the eastern Barri Woods camp. (right)

Midgard Well Of Urd Remnant

Einherjar Brute
Einherjar Rider
Einherjar Warriors

The Well of Urd camp can be found in the northwest of the Lake of Nine.

The first camp in Midgard can be found in the northwest of the Lake of Nine, near the Well of Urd. Teleport to the Lake of Nine Mystic Gateway, jump on the sled, and head northwest. When you get as far northwest as you can, hop over the large step to the west. As soon as you jump over the step, you’ll be in the camp.

This can be a fairly tough camp mainly due to the Einherjar Rider. Take out the smaller enemies first with AoE Runic attacks, then Rage down the Rider. Once you’ve dealt with the enemies, you can open the red chest at the back-right of the camp.

(1 of 2) The Well of Urd camp will have you battle various Einherjar with the toughest being a Rider.

The Well of Urd camp will have you battle various Einherjar with the toughest being a Rider. (left), You’ll find the chest among the wreckage at the back of the camp. (right)

Midgard Lake of Nine (Tyr’s Temple) Remnant

Einhjerjar Riders

The Lake of Nine camp can be found on the bridge connecting to Tyr’s Temple. You’ll need to use the nearby elevator to reach it.

You’ll find this camp on the bridge connecting to Tyr’s Temple. Teleport to any of the nearby Mystic Gateways, and make your way to the bridge of the temple. Use the nearby elevator which can be found on the southern side, and it’ll take you up to the top of the bridge. Once you’re up there, head along the bridge to find the camp.

This camp will only have two Einherjar Riders. Although the Einherjar won’t be mounted at the start, they’ll jump on their mounts once you initiate combat. A nice way to start this fight is to throw charged Drill Spears at the Einherjar, if you’re lucky, you may take them out before they can mount. Either way, like always, focus on one of them while in Rage, and you should be able to take it down relatively easily. Now go and pound on the other one until the Rage goes, and finish it off with melee/rune attacks. Once they’re dealt with, open the red chest which can be found behind the frozen torch on the right, under the archway.

(1 of 2) This camp will have you battle two Einherjar Riders.

This camp will have you battle two Einherjar Riders. (left), The chest can be found behind a frozen brazier, about three quarters across the bridge. It’ll be under the archway. (right)

Muspelheim Burning Cliffs Remnant

Einherjar Warrior (Bifrost)
Einherjar Archers

The Muspelheim camp can be found near Surtyr’s forge. Follow the linear path southeast until you reach it.

Saving the best till last, teleport to the Burning Cliffs Mystic Gateway, and follow the linear path to the place where you have to walk along the ledge over the lava pool. As you’re crossing it, you should see the Bifrost Fog in the distance. Once you’re across the pool of lava, follow the path east, and jump over the large step at the bottom to enter the camp. The camp is more or less near Surtyr’s Forge. The only enemy here that may cause a problem is the Bifrost enchanted Einherjar Warrior, but nothing that Rage can’t take care of. After you’ve dealt with them, take out the archers, and open the chest which you find in the middle of the camp next to some rocks.

(1 of 2) The Burning Cliffs camp will have you battle a Bifrost Einherjar Warrior and some archers.

The Burning Cliffs camp will have you battle a Bifrost Einherjar Warrior and some archers. (left), The chest will be near the ruined pillars in the camp. (right)

Once you’ve done this remnant, the Favor will be complete, and you’ll unlock the Favor “Defend Your Valor” which involves defeating the Valkyrie Queen Gna, the super boss of the game.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Fighting, Hack-n-slash
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    9 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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God of War Ragnarök is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio released on November 9th, 2022. Follow Kratos, and his teenage son Atreus as they journey through the Nine Realms to prevent Ragnarök from occurring. As you progress through the story, you’ll uncover many secrets left by the Giants regarding the impending doom that awaits them.

This guide offers information on all the essential aspects of the game, including:

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