Objective: Enter the Prison Block¶
When we regain control, exit the building via the hole in the wall in front. Follow the walkway here all the way to the end and use the zip line. Hit the button prompt when it appears over Lara’s head and then jump to the ledge on the left.
Follow the set route down the zip lines (left) and across the exterior buildings (right).
Drop down and quickly dispatch the enemy on the small platform here. Hop down to the wooden platform below and use the grapple axe on the overhead beam here to reach the next platform. From the ramp in this location run and jump to the next ledge for a brief scene. Move along the beam to the right.
Climb out of the water silo. Either drop to ground level and use the ladder or stay up top and use the beams to swing across to the far end of the area. Use the zip line here to reach a circular observation platform in the distance.
As you land, sneak up and kill the guard and before utilizing the next zip line, follow the platform to the end to find an Explorer’s Satchel . Look down into the courtyard below to spot a vehicle shoot the red barrels by this to blow up its Fuel Tank [Scorched Earth 04/04] .
Use the zip line to enter the building.
After reaching the circular platform, shoot the fuel tank below (left). Enter the prison and look beneath the stairs for Document 04 (right).
Objective: Find Jonah in the Prison Block¶
When you land, look for the spiral staircase nearby and descend to the bottom. On a crate beneath the staircase there is a Document [04/04] . Return up the stairs and proceed through the open doorway ahead for another cut-scene.
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