Objective: Follow the Mongolian path and search for signs of the Lost City¶
If you neglected to complete the Challenge Tomb, if you keep moving past the objective marker (if you completed the Tomb you’ll already be here!) you can find a chest containing Relic [03/03 – Enamel Brooch]. Be sure to examine the back of the Brooch to boost Lara’s Greek language skill!
From the objective marker, jump across to the ice wall opposite and climb to the ledge above. Jump across successive gaps and enter the next pool of water when you come across it. Dive underwater and mash the swim faster button to pilot Lara to the far end of the underwater tunnel. Surface as soon as you are able.
Follow the set path (left) until you reach the pool of water. Upon surfacing at the far end, turn around to find Document 04 (right).
Climb out of the water and immediately look behind and to the right to spot a small alcove with Document [04/04 - Russian] .
Move up the nearby ramp and follow the linear path until you exit the cave. As you exit, move down the hill and approach the Base Camp for a scene.
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