3-star Purr-owler Quests
As usual, this tier boasts a relatively healthy number of Prowler Mode exclusive quests. So break our your cats, comb your whiskers and dust off your paws, it’s time to be furr-ocious!
Verdant Hills Bully¶
Objective: Slay 8 Melynxes
Location: Verdant Hills
Subquest: None
Notes: Melynx are black cats who like to steal your stuff. So have your revenge! Instead of dying, Melynxes will merely dig to escape and sometimes might leave behind shinies. This quest, once completed, unlocks the remainder of the Prowler Mode Quests in this tier, and also increases the maximum number of Palicos you can hire to 36!
Lucky Hills Cat¶
Objective: Earn 800 Wycademy Points
Location: Verdant Hills
Subquest: None
Notes: An Accounting quest tour scaled down for your cat! You know the drill.
The Mining Drag¶
Objective: Deliver 8 Balmstone Pieces
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: None
Notes: Balmstone Pieces are an account item you mine up from the various mining nodes scattered in the area. Prowlers have infinite Bug Nets and Pickaxes so it should be easy for you to turn up 8 for delivery!
Felyne Fishing Weekly¶
Objective: Deliver 3 Premium Sashimi
Location: Verdant Hills
Subquest: None
Notes: You’ve had to fish up Premium Sashimi before, so remember: the fishing spot in base camp won’t give you any of them!
Grooming the Moofahs¶
Objective: Deliver 5 pieces of Moofah Fur
Location: Deserted Island
Subquest: None
Notes: Just like “Moofah Must-haves”, bring a cutting weapon for your cat, and then hit the Moofahs. They’ll drop a shiny, which is the fur that you cut off of them to, well, groom them. Deliver 5 and try not to kill anbody. Please?
Bug Reports¶
Objective: Slay a total of 10 Vespoid or Hornetaur
Location: Marshlands
Subquest: None
Notes: Vespoids are the wasp-like insects that fly around. They are different from Bnahabra, although the two look quite similar. Hornetaur are giant grasshoppers that are groundbound and a bit harder to see, but much easier to hit and kill. In order to unlock this quest, you need to complete at least 2 Prowler Quests within the 3-star tier. Completion of the quest will also unlock the 4-star Prowler Quest “Great Maccao Headbreaker”.
Finally, you’ll get the Moga Bee Yard for use with Neko (means “Cat”) and his trade carts.
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