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Monster Hunter Generations

3-star Other Quests

Vincent Lau
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Several of the quests in this tier are, naturally, neither key nor village requests (and are obviously not Prowler Mode exclusive quests). So they will be listed here! You should still do them anyways.

Harvest Tour: Deserted Island

Objective: Survive until time expires or deliver a Paw Pass Ticket

Location: Deserted Island

Subquest: None

Notes: Do you have items you need to gather, but don’t want to go on a quest to hunt monsters just to retrieve them? That’s where Harvest Tours come in! Gather to your heart’s desire, then pick up the Paw Pass Ticket dropped in your supply box, and deliver that to the red delivery box. Piece of cake, and super convenient!

Harvest Tour: Marshlands

Objective: Survive until time expires or deliver a Paw Pass Ticket

Location: Marshlands

Subquest: None

Notes: Do you have items you need to gather, but don’t want to go on a quest to hunt monsters just to retrieve them? That’s where Harvest Tours come in! Gather to your heart’s desire, then pick up the Paw Pass Ticket dropped in your supply box, and deliver that to the red delivery box. Piece of cake, and super convenient!

Chasing Tail

Objective: Hunt 2 Great Maccao

Location: Jurassic Frontier

Subquest: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear

Notes: Your first true double-monster quest! Don’t worry, though. Multiple monster quests means each monster has had its HP deliberately lowered to make it easier on you. Bring Dung Bombs in case the Great Maccao decide to team up in the same area. Throw it to repel the monster and make him leave!

Bit by the Fashion Bug

Objective: Slay 20 Bnahabra

Location: Jurassic Frontier

Subquest: None

Notes: Bnahabra, if you haven’t noticed yet, are those giant pink wasps that love to sting you, and can paralyze if you aren’t careful. Bring your best poison weapon, some poison shots, or a bunch of Poison Smoke Bombs if you want to guarantee carves after killing them. Otherwise, just make sure you have good aim and a lot of patience! This quest is unstable.

Konchu Collector

Objective: Slay 15 Konchu

Location: Dunes

Subquest: Hunt a Cephadrome

Notes: Cephadrome might show up and is in fact the subquest of this quest, so why don’t you go ahead and beat him down? Konchu are little bugs that all weapons bounce off of. However if you hit them, they’ll flop around and expose their softer undersides, which you can then slice and dice to your heart’s content. Be sure to bring Cool Drinks.

Of interesting (and irritating) note is that Konchu will sometimes latch onto monster parts. If you hit the monster in that part, you are guaranteed to bounce. Which can spell death for you if you bounce at the inopportune moment and get hit!

Deliver the Liver

Objective: Deliver 5 Apceros Livers

Location: Dunes

Subquest: Deliver 5 Royal Rhinos

Notes: Apceros Livers should be old hat for you by now, but if not, defeat those big club-tailed herbivores and carve their bodies. Royal Rhinos are bugs you can catch if you want to complete the subquest. This quest is unstable.

Farming Frustrations

Objective: Slay 20 Velociprey

Location: Verdant Hills

Subquest: Hunt a Velocidrome

Notes: More small mook killing? Honestly you should be a pro at this by now. Velocidrome is the subquest here and you should hunt him!

Financial Focus on Fungus

Objective: Deliver 10 Unique Mushrooms

Location: Verdant Hills

Subquest: Deliver 2 White Livers

Notes: Just what is it with this game and its mildly creepy obsession with fungus? White Livers can be obtained from, as usual, stunning and carving Kelbi.

Snow with Occasional Lagombi

Objective: Hunt a Lagombi

Location: Arctic Ridge

Subquest: Wound Lagombi’s head

Notes: This quest might not be key but is still very worth doing because Lagombi produces some great ice weapons! When Lagombi’s ears look like they’ve lost their top half, you’ve successfully broken Lagombi’s head. Bring Hot Drinks! Area 6 is where Lagombi awaits your challenge. This is also good practice for, you know, Snowbaron Lagombi.

Anteka Anticipation

Objective: Slay 8 Anteka

Location: Arctic Ridge

Subquest: Deliver 1 Khezu Whelp

Notes: Anteka are the polar version of Kelbi, and Khezu Whelps are disgusting. Mine in Area 8 for a Khezu Whelp to carry back if you really want to—they will sap your health as you carry them.

Bully the Bullfango

Objective: Slay 20 Bullfango

Location: Misty Peaks

Subquest: Hunt a Bulldrome

Notes: Nothing new here, but Bulldrome will show up to bully you so make sure you defeat him too! 20 Bullfango is a lot, so be patient and just circle the map waiting for the Bullfango to respawn.

Pack Woes

Objective: Slay a total of 20 Jaggi or Jaggia

Location: Deserted Island

Subquest: None

Notes: Instead of only having Jaggi or Jaggi contribute to your kill count, both do, meaning this quest should go by twice as fast. Beware the unstable environment!

Pest Control

Objective: Slay a total of 20 Vespoid or Hornetaur

Location: Marshlands

Subquest: None

Notes: Vespoid and Hornetaur are more bugs and you have to kill twenty, so get on with it. Vespoids fly and Hornetaurs jump on the ground. Similar to Bnahabra, they won’t always leave behind carveable bodies, so poison them if you need their parts. This quest is unstable.

Royal Rhinos Gone Wild

Objective: Deliver 10 Royal Rhinos

Location: Marshlands

Subquest: Deliver 5 Auristone Pieces

Notes: Royal Rhinos can be caught from any of the bug spots in the Marshlands. Auristone Pieces come from mining. This quest is unstable.

Deserted Island Accounting

Objective: Earn 1,000 Wycademy Points

Location: Deserted Island

Subquest: Hunt a Tetsucabra

Notes: Is just a regular old Harvest Tour not good enough for you? Then try an Accounting tour! Not only should you gather up useful materials, you need to gather up Account Items, then deliver them to the delivery box to fill up your resource point quota. Additionally these quests are unstable and the subquest target is guaranteed to show up and rain on your parade, so be a dear and take it out, why don’t you?

Marshlands Accounting

Objective: Earn 1,000 Wycademy Points

Location: Marshlands

Subquest: Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku

Notes: Is just a regular old Harvest Tour not good enough for you? Then try an Accounting tour! Not only should you gather up useful materials, you need to gather up Account Items, then deliver them to the delivery box to fill up your resource point quota. Additionally these quests are unstable and the subquest target is guaranteed to show up and rain on your parade, so be a dear and take it out, why don’t you?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    3DS, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 August 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun

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You assume the role of a hunter who sets out on a journey to hunt the most dangerous creatures in the land. Spread across four villages, three from past games and a brand new village, players will have a plethora of quests and items to collect. All 14 weapon types from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate return and new “Hunting Styles” and “Hunting Arts” have been added. With a wealth of content and options to suit almost every playstyle, Monster Hunter Generations cries out for a comprehensive guide.

Version 1.50:

  • Basic information about quests and all the mechanics that beginners need to know to be successful
  • Weapon guides
  • Palico guide
  • Bestiary
  • Daamage calculation, motion values, and how you can apply this in a practical manner to improve your hunts!
  • Kinsect upgrade
  • Elder Dragons
  • Details of all areas including the special areas
  • Full DLC docket with tips for the special ones

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