Purr-tect your cats!
Palicos have their own gear that consists of weapons and armor pieces. Unlike human armor, Palico armor only has two pieces: the head and the body. Additionally, Palico armor and weapons are not made from materials that you will need to use, but rather from Scraps . You get scraps whenever you make armor for yourself. If you make a full set of Mizutsune armor, you will be given 10 Mizutsune Scraps, 2 per piece. You don’t get scraps for making weapons though.
You can also trade in monster materials for Scraps. One piece of Mizutsune Purplefur will give you one Mizutsune Scrap, for example. Additionally, if a monster is hanging out in a region the Meownster Hunters can travel to, having them fight the monster gives you a chance of obtaining scraps. Humble Scraps and Handsome Scraps are easiest to find from Meownster Hunters. Check out our “Meownster Hunters” section for more information.
Armor usually will use a variety of generic and monster-specific scraps. The weapons will sometimes (very uncommonly) need actual monster materials in addition to scraps (the Mizutsune parasol weapon needs Bubblefoam and the Mizutsune Scraps). But don’t worry about having to sacrifice your beloved rarities just for some Palico weapons.
You should pay attention to the gear your Palico has. Higher defense and higher attack really does make a noticeable difference, and if you play Prowler Mode a lot you definitely want to keep your gear in shape and up to date! The proper build of cat can result in your cat having more power than the human hunter! Wow!
Note that Palico armor does not have armor skills. Skills a Palico can have are independent of armor.
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