The Special Permits menu is from the same area as all Hunter Hub Quests.
A spiritual successor to Guild Quests in 4 Ultimate , Generations brings in special permit quests . Special monsters known as deviant monsters are extremely powerful and are not to be taken lightly. As such, the hunter’s guild and the wycademy have locked them behind special permits to prevent lesser hunters from going to their doom.
In order to unlock special permits, you must have surpassed through the 1-star hub quests. You don’t need to 100% them, just do the keys and complete the urgent quest and you will be given notices by important NPCs in the hub about monsters who have “escaped notice of the guild and progressed”. You must purchase special permits, and each time you embark on hunting. Buy from Neko (means “Cat”) for resource points or from the Felyne Courier. Special permits will disappear after use.
Completing the special permit quests will level them up . For example, Snowbaron Lagombi, deviant Lagombi, will have a level 1 quest that says “Snowbaron I: Hunt”. Completing it will unlock the next level (the first few levels do not disappear, allowing them to be farmed). The next level is “Snowbaron II: Capture”. This will continue through up to level 10. The quests start in low rank and will eventually require high rank gear lest you be defeated in one hit.
Each level of quest will reward you, in addition to monster materials, a ticket . The level 1 hunt will give you a Snowbaron I ticket, level two gives you a Snowbaron II ticket, and so on and so forth. As you upgrade your deviant armor and gear, each upgrade needs an increasing level of ticket, which is why you’ll need to farm levels multiple times, especially if you want armor in multiple classes. Deviant weapons charge hunting arts 33% faster.
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