2-star Pokke Requests
Travel to the frigid Pokke Village for this next line of Village Requests! All these quests will take place in the equally cold Arctic Ridge, so put on some mittens and grab those Hot Drinks.
Slay the Giaprey!¶
Objective: Slay 10 Giaprey
Location: Arctic Ridge
Subquest: None
Notes: Talk to the Pokke Chief for this quest. This takes place in a new area, Arctic Ridge. Bring Hot Drinks or the freezing cold will sap your stamina! Giaprey frequent areas 5 and 8, among other places. Completing this quest will unlock The Mountain Roughrider.
The Mountain Roughrider¶
Objective: Hunt a Bulldrome
Location: Arctic Ridge
Subquest: Slay 3 Bullfango
Notes: You must complete “Slay the Giaprey!” for this quest to unlock. Too bad, no “Giadrome” for you; instead, you are tasked with hunting a Bulldrome, a mighty Bullfango. Go to area 7 to meet the Bulldrome and beware his reckless charges!
Completion of the quest rewards you with new quests: A Pack of Blangos, Medicinal Mountain Herbs, and Arctic Ridge Accounting. It will also unlock the 3* Quest Shadow in the Mountains .
You will also unlock the 1* Hunter’s Hub Qust The Ingredient of Legend , and some neat gear. You get the Mafumofu and Mafumofu S armor sets, and for your Palico you will get the F Mafumofu Armor and F Mafumofu Armor S.
A Pack of Blangos¶
Objective: Slay 10 Blangos
Location: Arctic Ridge
Subquest: Mount and topple monster twice.
Notes: The environment is unstable and Bulldrome might (i.e. will) appear. Check out areas 6 and 8 for Blangos. They’re basically monkeys. Bring Hot Drinks!
Medicinal Mountain Herbs¶
Objective: Deliver 10 Mountain Herbs
Location: Arctic Ridge
Subquest: Deliver 2 Popo Tongues
Notes: Areas 1, 2, 6, and 7 are good areas to start out foraging for these herbs. Any white flowers will have a chance to give you Mountain Herbs. If you kill and carve the Popo loitering around area 1, you could deliver some Popo Tongues and fulfill the sidequest too.
Arctic Ridge Accounting¶
Objective: Earn 1,000 Wycademy Points
Location: Arctic Ridge
Subquest: Hunt a Bulldrome
Notes: Instead of just gathering items, you’ll have to gather up account items to deliver which will be turned into resource points. Earn up 1,000 and you’ll be able to go back home.
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