2-star Yukumo Requests
Now it’s time to travel to the exotic and peaceful Yukumo Village , cradled within the mountains and known best for its healing footbath. The Village is closest to the locale Misty Peaks so expect all quests to be happening there. Prepare yourself for some refreshing, cool mountain air…and a few monsters.
Bye Bye Jaggia¶
Objective: Slay 8 Jaggia
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: None
Notes: Talk to the Yukumo Chief for this quest. This takes place in a new area, Misty Peaks. This time you must slay the bigger female Jaggia (they have big, droopy ears), and the smaller male Jaggi won’t count. Areas 4, 6, and 9 have Jaggia for you to kill.
Completion of the quest unlocks Arzuros the Azure Beast.
Arzuros the Azure Beast¶
Objective: Hunt an Arzuros
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: Mount and topple monster twice
Notes: No Great Jaggi here; instead, you will hunt Arzuros, a small bear monster who loves honey. Go to area 5 for the introductory cutscene. If you are able, mounting the monster twice will allow you subquest completion. Similar to “The Land Sharq”, consider using an Insect Glaive or the aerial hunting style if you want easier subquest completion.
Completion of the quest unlocks Howling Harassment, Fungal Fad, Sunsnug Sprout Courier, and Misty Peaks Accounting. It will also unlock the 3* Quests For Whom the Egg Yolks, Royal Honey Hunt, Royal Spit Take, and The Crabbiest Catch. And it will unlock the 4* Quest Peddling Practice. Completion of this quest in addition to the 5* key quest A King, Robed in Smoke will unloc the 5* village quest Island Head.
Completion of this quest will also unlock in the 5* Hunter’s Hub Liver and Let Die.
Finally, you will also get the Yukumo and Yukumo Sky armor sets for hunters, and for the Palico you get the F Yukumo Bokken, F Yukumon Bonito, and F Yukumo and F Yukumo S Palico gear.
Howling Harassment¶
Objective: Slay 15 Jaggi
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: Wound Arzuros’s front leg
Notes: This time you get to kill the little males. They’re small, spindly, and have a miniature crest instead of droopy ears. Arzuros will show up as a guest monster, and you can get some sweet break rewards if you take the time to break its front leg “braces”.
Fungal Fad¶
Objective: Deliver 10 Unique Mushrooms
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: Deliver 5 Super Sprouts
Notes: Areas 2, 5, and 7 are littered with mushrooms. If you want Super Sprouts, go to area 3, the Felyne camp of Misty Peaks, and you’ll find atop a ledge an infinite spot that gives you Super Sprouts.
Sunsnug Sprout Courier¶
Super Sprouts are tucked away a bit, but it’s an infinite gathering spot!
Objective: Deliver 10 Super Sprouts
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: Deliver 3 Secret Stashes
Notes: Talk to the Headwhiskress in Yukumo when she appears for this request. Super Sprouts can be found in area 3 of Misty Peaks. Unfortunately for you, somebody decided it’d be a hilarious prank to block the entrance from area 2 to 3 with some huge, immovable boulders. As a result, you’re going to have to take the long way (area 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 3 in that order), and that’s going to put you right in the middle of the path of an Arzuros. Defeat it if you want to and continue on your way. Then you will have to take the same route back. Thankfully, the Super Sprouts spot is an infinite spot and will give you nothing but Super Sprouts. Defeat Melynx and pick up shiny objects they might leave behind for Secret Stashes.
Misty Peaks Accounting¶
Objective: Earn 1,000 Wycademy Points
Location: Misty Peaks
Subquest: Hunt an Arzuros
Notes: Instead of just gathering, be sure to gather up those account items to cash in for some Wycademy Points to spend on lots of things. Arzuros will show up so if you want something to beat up, look no further.
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