Recruiting Palicos from the Meowstress
Don’t hunt alone, even in the solo campaign! You can take up to two Felyne companions with you: your Palicos ! They will accompany you and help you hunt by attacking the monster, blowing health and cheer horns, and doing other various utility tasks that will ease your quality of life. Plus, they’re adorable. What’s not to love?
In order to get lots of Palicos to have different companions for any situation, plus good Palicos to use in Prowler Mode (check the “Prowler Mode” section of this guide), you’ll need to pay zenny to recruit them. You can scout by looks or by the ability forte to narrow down what you want!
There are four NPCs you can recruit Palicos from. Bherna Village’s Palico Ranch has the Meowstress. Yukumo Village has the Grandmyama. Pokke Village has the Grandmeow. And Kokoto Village also has the Grandmeow. All of their Palicos will vary slightly so if one doesn’t have the dream Palico you want, talk to another NPC.
When looking at the Palico’s stats and information, it’s really easy to get confused. Palicos are basically their own game’s worth of information. Don’t worry, the subsequent sections will break it down so that by the time you’re done, you will be a Palico meowster!
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