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Monster Hunter Generations

7-star Quests

Vincent Lau
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This is the end of the end, my friends!

Okay well not really, you still have deviant monsters and Hyper Monsters to duel with, don’t you? In any case, there is no HR8 after this, and once you’ve completed the Urgent Quest that caps off this section, you’ll unlock a ton of Advanced Quests in this tier for you to do (that will feature Hyper Monsters) plus your Hunter’s Rank will no longer be capped. It will increase freely. Each quest rewards you with hunter’s rank points and you can level up your hunter’s rank until level 999. Certain bosses will become available as you hit HR50, 70, etc. and other milestones before and after. So keep on playing to get everything!

Quest Objective Location Subquest
Stop the Wheel Slay a Shagaru Magala Sanctuary Mount and topple monster twice
A Gathering of Wyverns Slay an Astalos and a Rathian A. Steppe Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
A Song of White and Lapis Hunt a Mizutsune and a Malfestio P. Forest Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
A Cold Set of Armor Hunt a Gammoth and a Zamtrios F. Seaway Earn 500 Wycademy points
Rocked and Rolled Hunt a Brachydios V. Hollow None
Hammer vs. Blade Hunt a Glavenus and an Uragaan V. Hollow Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
URGENT: Hellfire Star Slay Nakarkos Wyvern’s End None

The following table will show you the quests that you can unlock as you increase your Hunter’s Rank. The quest will be shown with all information as usual, and a new column shows the HR requirement.

HR Quest Objective Location Subquest
35+ The Frozen Dictator Slay a Kushala Daora or repel it Sever Kushala Daora’s tail
35+ Kushala Daora Strikes Slay a Kushala Daora or repel it Wound Kushala Daora’s wing
35+ Beyond the Silence Slay a Chameleos or repel it Sever Chameleos’s tail
35+ The Elder Dragon of the Mist Slay a Chameleos or repel it Break Chameleos’s horn
35+ The Emperor of Flame Slay a Teostra or repel it Sever Teostra’s tail
35+ The Fires of Devastation Slay a Teostra or repel it Wound Teostra’s head
HR Quest Objective Location Subquest
45+ Child of Destruction Hunt a Rajang Break Rajang’s horns
45+ A Shock in the Dark Hunt 2 Rajang None
60+ Grim Tidings Slay an Akantor Ingle Isle Wound Akantor’s back
60+ Absolute Zero Slay an Ukanlos Polar Field Wound Ukanlos’s back
70+ The Looming Calamity Slay an Amatsu Sacred Mountain Wound Amatsu’s head
80+ The Brilliant Darkness Slay an Alatreon Ingle Isle Break Alatreon’s horns
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    3DS, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 August 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun

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You assume the role of a hunter who sets out on a journey to hunt the most dangerous creatures in the land. Spread across four villages, three from past games and a brand new village, players will have a plethora of quests and items to collect. All 14 weapon types from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate return and new “Hunting Styles” and “Hunting Arts” have been added. With a wealth of content and options to suit almost every playstyle, Monster Hunter Generations cries out for a comprehensive guide.

Version 1.50:

  • Basic information about quests and all the mechanics that beginners need to know to be successful
  • Weapon guides
  • Palico guide
  • Bestiary
  • Daamage calculation, motion values, and how you can apply this in a practical manner to improve your hunts!
  • Kinsect upgrade
  • Elder Dragons
  • Details of all areas including the special areas
  • Full DLC docket with tips for the special ones

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