This assignment can be found in its entirety on Illium, which you can only access after completing the core mission on Horizon. Furthermore, you must have kept the colonists on Feros alive during Mass Effect 1 and spared Shiala after defeating the Thorian.
(1 of 2) Talk to Shiala and she’ll tell you about some troubles Zhu’s Hope is having,
Talk to Shiala and she’ll tell you about some troubles Zhu’s Hope is having, (left), which you can resolve by passing a Paragon/Renegade check when talking to Erinya. (right)
Assuming those conditions are met, make your way to the southeastern corner of Illium, where you’ll find Shiala sitting near the Tracking Office. Talk to Shiala and question her about the medical issues the colonists of Zhu’s Hope are facing, which led to an even worse plague: binding corporate medical contracts. Offer to help to start this assignment.
Fortunately, this assignment doesn’t take you very far - head upstairs to the south to find Erinya standing near the Baria Frontiers kiosk. Talk to her and she’ll do her best to shut you down immediately. Say what you will until you get the dialog option “That sounds personal.”, which will lead to a Paragon/Renegade choice. Pass either one and you’ll get the outcome you want for Shiala. Report to her and you’ll complete this assignment.
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