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Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition

N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay

Nathan Garvin
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Before you can start this assignment you’ll need to complete the assignment N7: Blood Pack Base. You’ll also need to complete the mission on Horizon to access Illium, which is located in the same cluster.

You’ll find this assignment on the planet Tarith.

Once that’s done, head to the Lusarn system in the Crescent Nebula cluster and scan the planet Tarith for an anomaly. You’ll face some enemies with armor, and one with barriers, but most are fairly unprotected, so you can really go nuts with biotics this assignment, if you wish… at least on lower difficulties. Squad up appropriately.

(1 of 3) Seek out beacons and activate them,

Land on the planet and follow the path away from the landing site until you reach an abandoned camp. Check out the crates for a datapad , and activate the beacon on the left side. Continue down the path and hit the next beacon terminal you see on the left. As you approach the third beacon , you will be attacked by a Klixen so just keep your distance and pop it before activating the terminal.

Look to the left to find a raw material deposit containing Platinum , then follow the beacon into the mist. Eliminate another few Klixen then head to the very left portion of this area for another raw mineral deposit . Find your way up the hill, using the blue stream of energy as a guide. At the top of the path you will enter another derelict camp. Here you will find another datapad . Activate the beacon terminal here.

(1 of 2) As you explore the planet you’ll encounter numerous Klixen - easy enough to dispatch, as they have no secondary defenses,

As you explore the planet you’ll encounter numerous Klixen - easy enough to dispatch, as they have no secondary defenses, (left), they will, however, explode when they die, so keep your distance. (right)

Follow the path down the hill into the mist. At the fork, check the left area first for another raw material node before cruising down the path to the right towards the next beacon. As you approach, a group of three Klixen will approach through the mist to the left. So destroy them before picking up the PDA nearby and activating the beacon . Continue onwards to the left. In the next area, check out the right side for a raw material node , then return to the right and climb the hill. Hit the next beacon at the top before continuing down the path towards the next beacon. Kill the two Klixen that attack you, and then hit the beacon .

Climb the hill nearby and kill the pair of Blood Pack Vorcha defending the top. Look behind them for a canister of Refined Platinum . Return down the hill and follow the blue energy to the final beacon . After hitting this switch, make your way up to the relay at the top of the mountain.

(1 of 2) Take down Salamul’s barrier and armor while being wary of his lurking vorcha,

Take down Salamul’s barrier and armor while being wary of his lurking vorcha, (left), then pick off Salamul. (right)

When you arrive you will be attacked by a named Krogan - Salumal - who has a barrier and a shield and likes to charge at you along with his contingent of 3-4 Vorcha Troopers. When they are dead, bypass the communications terminal nearby to complete the mission.

Mission Completion Rewards
Experience Gained: 125 (156)
Credits: 3,750 + 3,750
Platinum: 2,000
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    7 September 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Paul Williams

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The guide for Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all the main campaign Missions, Assignments, as well as a detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!

  • A complete walkthrough for the entire campaign, including all recruitment and loyalty missions, as well as details on weapons, resources and research projects found during each mission.
  • Every Assignment covered.
  • Updated media and formatting for the Legendary Edition.
  • In-depth look at the major choices in Mass Effect 2 and consequences - both short and long term - of each.
  • Full details on all possible Romances.
  • In-depth Class builds for Shepard with a focus on Insanity difficulty strategies.
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