This page contains all the information you need on how to begin, and keep, a romance with Kelly Chambers.
Speak with Kelly on the 2F of the Normandy.
Dinner with Kelly¶
Kelly can be romanced by either Female Shepard or Male Shepard and doing so will not prevent you from being able to romance your team. However, you cannot pursue any other relationships until you’ve had the cabin scene after the Omega Relay mission. After this, you’re safe to romance anyone else.
During your first conversation with Kelly onboard the Normandy, you’ll want to say “Are you happy here?” followed by “We won’t”, then Kelly will talk about closing her eyes and letting Shepard catch her. Here you’ll want to say “I’d embrace you” to get the romance started.
There’s three types of relationships you can create with Kelly, Professional, Friendly, and Flirty. This is decided by your choices in your next conversation with her. She’ll say she hopes she didn’t come across too flirty and you’ll want to respond with “I liked it.
You’ll now want to catch up with her after every mission and see if she has something new to say. If she does, be sure to respond with flirty comments where possible. Once you return from the Collector Ship, speak with her again and you’ll have the option to invite her up to your cabin for a meal.
The Suicide Mission¶
In order to continue this romantic relationship with Kelly, so you’ll need to make sure she survies the Suicide Mission. This can be done completing all of the available Loyalty missions before doing before collecting the Reaper IFF. After you’ve picked it up, the Collectors will turn up and kidnap the crew.
Here you’ll need to progress through the Omega 4 Relay instantly or half of the crew will be killed along with Kelly. If you have done this, then you’ll rescue the crew. Now give the crew to a loyal escort to ensure everyone survives.
Cabin Scene¶
If she survived the suicide mission, speak with her straight away and say “Are you okay?”, then exit the Normandy and return to find her giving you an option to invite her to your cabin via the Private Terminal. Do so and your intimate scene with her will begin.
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