On the western side of the Shipping and Cargo area (near where you enter) you’ll find a salarian complaining about a missing datapad and some trigger-happy mercenaries. This is related to the assignment Illium: The Assassin: Salarian Family Data, although the assignment won’t actually start here. You’ll need to keep an eye out for said missing datapad during the mission Dossier: The Assassin.
(1 of 2) During the mission Dossier: The Assassin, grab a PDA off the floor,
During the mission Dossier: The Assassin, grab a PDA off the floor, (left), then give the datapad to a salarian on Illium to complete the assignment. (right)
During the aforementioned mission Dossier: The Assassin you’ll have to defeat a krogan and two Eclipse Engineers, after which you’ll ride an elevator. Once off you’ll enconter an isolated Eclipse mercenary, where you can indulge in an amusing (if sociopathic) Renegade interrupt. Afterwards you’ll find a Datapad on the ground nearby - be sure to examine it.
After the mission, return to the salarian on Illium and give him this datapad to complete the assignment. For your effort you’ll earn 1,500 Credits and 40 (50) XP.
Rewards |
40 (50) XP |
1,500 Credits |
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