This assignment can be found in its entirety on Illium, which you can only access after completing the core mission on Horizon. To start this assignment, you must first complete Illium: A Troublemaker and reloading the area by either boarding the Normandy and returning, or by saving and loading your game.
(1 of 3) After dealing with Conrad, return to Eternity Bar to find a slaver in a bit of a bind.
Meet these conditions and return to Eternity Bar, where you’ll find a Slave Broker and a quarian along the western end of the bar. Talk to the duo and you’ll get to learn more about Illium’s shady laws on “indentured servitude”. Simply put, the quarian got herself in financial trouble, and the slave broker is having trouble finding her an acceptable contract with which to discharge her debt… and make the broker some profit.
Offer to help, then head to the northern end of the bar to find a Synthetic Insights Rep, who will give good reasons for not wanting to take on a slave, no matter how skilled. If you succeed at a subsequent Paragon/Renegade check, all is well and good - report your success to the slaver to complete the assignment.
Alternatively you can respond with “That makes sense.” to concede the point to the Synthetic Insights Rep, then return to the slaver, where you’ll find another set of Paragon/Renegade options, which ultimately results in the quarian being set free due to a legal loophole.
Convincing the Synthetic Insights Rep to take the quarian or convincing the Slave Broker to let the quarian go both complete the assignment and net you the same reward: 2,000 Credits and 40 (50) XP.
Rewards |
40 (50) XP |
2,000 Credits |
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