This page is a walkthrough for the assignment, Krogan Sushi. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully finding out info on fish in the Presidium .
Listen in on the Krogans conversation on floor Zakera Level 27.
Quest Rewards |
40 XP / 1,000 Credits |
How to begin¶
To acquire this mission, head to the Souvenirs Shop which can be found at Zakera Level 27, then look opposite and you’ll find two Krogans speaking. Listen in on the conversation and you’ll obtain this assignment.
Talk to Presidium Groundskeeper¶
Make your way up to the Dark Star Lounge which is located at Zakera Level 27. Here you’ll want to speak with Presidium Groundskeeper and say “Fish on the Presisdium”. You’ll now face a choice, either return to the Krogan and inform them that there is no fish at the Presidium to complete the assisgment with +5 Paragon Points.
(1 of 2) Speak with the Presisdium Groundskeeper in the Dark Star Lounge
Speak with the Presisdium Groundskeeper in the Dark Star Lounge (left), and ask about fish on the presisdium. (right)
Another option is going to the Citadel Souvenirs Store and purchasing any fish which you can then sell to the Krogan whilst claiming its a Fish from the Presidium. However, this will give you +5 Renegade Points.
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