This assignment will take place entirely during the mission Dossier: The Justicar, which you can’t start until after you finish the mission on Horizon. After completing the mission on Horizon, land on Illium and talk to Liara, who will tell you about Thane and Samara. After talking to Liara, head to the southern-most section of Illium and talk to Officer Dara, who will tell you about Samara and tell you how to reach the Justicar. You can even opt to start this mission during the conversation, if you wish. Failing that, head over to the nearby Taxi Stand to take a cab to start the mission.
(1 of 3) Near the end of the mission “Dossier: The Justicar” you’ll find a Shipping Manifest.
At the start of the mission you’ll need to talk to a volus named Pitne For and an asari named Detective Anaya, after which play through the mission. The key element for this assignment won’t begin until near the end of the mission, in the area right before you run into the volus Niftu Cal, which in turn is just before the final fight in the mission. Search a console and you’ll acquire some evidence implicating Pitne For in criminal activity, after which, defeat Wasea and get the intel you need for the mission.
Before you return to Samara/Detective Anaya, you can talk to Pitne For and offer to sell him the incriminating evidence. Doing this will net you 40 (50) XP and 9,000 Credits. Alternativel, you can just ignore Pitne For and talk to Detective Anaya, who will offer you the same 40 (50) XP and a more meager 4,000 Credit reward. Either way, the assignment is complete once the evidence is out of your hands.
Rewards |
40 (50) XP |
4,000 or 9,000 Credits |
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