This page is a walkthrough for the assignment, Serrice Ice Brandy. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to acquiring a bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy.
(1 of 2) Talk to Dr. Chakwas and she’ll lament the loss of her prized brandy.
Talk to Dr. Chakwas and she’ll lament the loss of her prized brandy. (left), You can score her a replacement bottle in various places, including Illium, Tuchanka and Omega. (right)
Speak with Dr Chakwas¶
This assignment starts by talking with Dr Chakwas in the Medical Bay on the crew deck of the Normandy. Speak with her and she’ll tell you she regrets losing a bottle of brandy. Tell her that you’ll keep an eye out for one to begin the mission.
Purchase Serrice Ice Brandy¶
To find the Serrice Ice Brandy, you need to travel to the Krogan world of Tuchanka. Visit Ratch’s Wares and you will be able to buy the liquor from the shop. Once you have obtained it, return the bottle to Dr Chakwas aboard the Normady for an amusing scene that will complete the task.
Rewards |
40 XP / Upgrades: Medi-Gel Capacity |
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