To start this assignment, travel to the Dirada system in the Pylos Nebula cluster and scan the planet Canalus. When you’ve found the anomaly, land on the planet and deploy characters capable of dealing with geth: bonus damage against shields and synthetics will serve you well.
The assignment “Anomalous Weather Detected” takes place on Canalus.
Note that for this mission you will be travelling through very low visibility - you’ll need to be cautious, as you’ll at best see the eerie blue light from a geth’s head before they open fire. From the start, look in front of the shuttle to the left to find a flare revealing a path up the hill here; after picking up the three nodes of Palladium up here, return to the shuttle. This time, head straight forward and away from the shuttle into an open area. Look behind the stone column to the right for another Palladium node. Turn around and make your way towards the glowing blue object in the distance.
(1 of 3) Keep an eye out for multiple lodes of Palladium as you explore.
Try to hug the left side of the area as much as possible as there are multiple pieces of cover here and when you are about a third of the way across the area, Geth will start to shoot at you through the fog. You will be unable to see them, but if your reticule goes over them, the target indicator will appear. Killing as you go, work your way between cover until you reach the base of a hill. At this point, a pair of Geth Hunters will come down the hill to confront you. Kill them and continue moving from cover to cover until you reach the top of the path.
Eliminate any remaining hostiles here, and then move down into the valley below towards the weather device. As before, move from cover to cover and destroy any Geth that get in your way. As you move down the hill towards the device, you will walk past five Palladium deposits, so pick them up as you pass. When you start moving up a hill again, take cover and eliminate the enemies as they come down the hill. Work your way to the base of the Geth tower and destroy all the synthetics in the area. Check out the deposit of Palladium in front of the tower.
Use the Geth terminal at the base of the Geth structure to end the mission.
Mission Completion Rewards | |
Experience Gained: | 125 (156) |
Credits: | 3,750 + 3,750 |
Palladium: | 2,000 |
Research Project: | Ablative VI (Damage Protection) |
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