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Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition

Dossier: The Justicar

Nathan Garvin
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This mission is one of the three new recruitment dossiers you’ll acquire after completing the mission on Horizon. To start it, you’ll need to land on Illium and talk to Liara, who will tell you about Thane and Samara. The former is your focus at the moment. After talking to Liara, head to the southern-most section of Illium and talk to Officer Dara, who will tell you about Samara and tell you how to reach the Justicar. You can even opt to start this mission during the conversation, if you wish. Failing that, head over to the nearby Taxi Stand to take a cab to start the mission.

Notable Items in This Area
Weapon: M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun
Upgrade - Research Project: Biotic Damage

(1 of 3) Talk to Officer Dara to learn Samara’s wherabouts,

When you arrive, talk to the volus named Pitne For to gain some intel on what’s happening in this dank sector of Illium. He’ll ultimately refer you to Detective Anaya, so enter the nearby police station and talk to the asari, who provides you even more information. Following the conversation, exit the station and turn left. Make your way over to the glowing blue police tape marking the entrance to the crime scene.

(1 of 2) Search a terminal for some “Shipping Details”,

Search a terminal for some “Shipping Details”, (left), and gun down any mercs you encounter. (right)

Enter the back alley and be sure to look out for a Shipping Details console and upload its contents, which will start (and all but complete) the assignment [Illium: The Justicar: Stolen Goods Found]. With that done, head forward to the end of the alley and down the stairs to salvage some circuit boards , then head up the nearby stairs. Turn right and immediately take cover – there is a large squad of Asari Eclipse mercenaries backed up by a few LOKI mechs ahead. Kill them all off and then head through the door blocked by police tape on the left to meet Samara.

(1 of 2) Chastise Ptine For for lying to you, and gain what information you can from the shifty volus,

Chastise Ptine For for lying to you, and gain what information you can from the shifty volus, (left), after which Samara will give her ultimatum: She’ll allow herself to be “detained” for a day, but no longer. (right)

You will now need to find out the information Samara is after and will regain control back in the area outside of the police station. Chat with Pitne For (during this conversation you can perform a Renegade action).

(1 of 2) Toxic cansisters are a feature of this mission - they’ll boost your biotics, but are fatal over time.

Toxic cansisters are a feature of this mission - they’ll boost your biotics, but are fatal over time. (left), Sniper rifles and other long-range options are very handy during this mission. (right)

After the conversation you will be given a key to enter the Eclipse base. Use the now active elevator nearby. As you reach the bottom, kill the LOKI mech waiting there to ambush you. Exit and head through the door on the left.

There are a number of Eclipse Vanguards and LOKI mechs in here. In addition there is a toxic chemical in the air that will damage you if you stay in it for too long. Enter the room, and stay clear of the red clouds of toxins. You can use the bar at the bottom of the screen to determine the level of danger. If it is full, you should move ASAP. Kill the enemies that enter the room through the door at the rear of the area, before entering it yourself.

(1 of 2) You can perform a Renegade interrupt to put down a scheming merc,

You can perform a Renegade interrupt to put down a scheming merc, (left), after which be sure to grab a Biotic Damage upgrade. (right)

Open the door across the room from where you entered and chat with the Asari mercenary here. You can perform a Renegade interrupt during the conversation or let her go for some Paragon/Renegade points. When she is gone, salvage the thermal clips and use the console nearby for a Biotic Damage research project . Exit the room and ascend the stairs to the right and open the door at the top.

(1 of 3) Fight through numerous Eclipse mercenaries and their pet mechs.

Turn left and eliminate the mercenaries and the mech in front of you before exiting into a open area. Fight your way through the Initiates and Vanguards to your right. As you head inside the next door another group of mercenaries will attack. Kill them and continue to the end of the hallway here to find a Med Station and a hackable Eclipse terminal . Return to where the previous enemies entered from and climb the stairs here. At the top, turn right and take cover. Eliminate the hostiles in front and stay in cover as there are a pair of heavy troops near the far wall who will fire rockets your way frequently. Kill them and then work your way over to their location and into the door on the left. There is another medical station here and another Eclipse terminal you can interact with for credits. Climb the stairs in front.

At the top, take cover behind the wall to the right and eliminate the two Vanguards at the end of the hallway in front of you. Move to their position and slowly make your way into the next room. Climb the stairs on the left side of the room and use the elevated position to take out the various baddies scattered about the room.

(1 of 3) Keep an eye out for the Scimitar Assault Shotgun.

Enter the room in the back right corner, pillage said room for thermal clips and a Med Kit, then check the datalog on the computer nearby to find out who was responsible for the murder. Finally check out the table just to the right inside the door for a new weapon, the M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun. Continue through the hallways until you reach another open area.

As you exit, kill the LOKI mechs in front and move to the far end to salvage the box of thermal clips. Turn to the left and you will see another similar platform a little way ahead separated by a small bridge. As you are about halfway across this bridge, a gunship will appear. It has a chain gun and a rocket launcher which it will use to attack you and will occasionally fly between the two platforms either side of the bridge. Take cover on the side you entered from and shoot at it until it flies over to your location. When it settles over your position, retreat into the previous hallway and take cover, popping out to shoot it when it is safe to do so.

Watch out during the fight as occasionally a FENRIS Mech or two will come to find you whilst you are focused on the vehicle. When the gunship blows up, cruise across the bridge, pick up the Med Kit on the right wall and then bypass the door nearby.

(1 of 2) Grab a Shipping Manifest,

Grab a Shipping Manifest, (left), then either encourage or discourage a drugged up Niftu Cal. (right)

Inside the room use the consoles on the left to gain key material for the assignment Illium: The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence, then open the other console for credits . Continue through the doorway and talk to the volus Niftu Cal here. He will tell you the leader of the Eclipse sisters Wasea is in the next room between bouts of delusions of grandeur. You can perform a Paragon action during this conversation or let him go and confront Wasea with his galaxy-breaking biotics - it’ll get you some Paragon/Renegade points, but otherwise doesn’t affect the upcoming fight.

(1 of 5) Wasea has barriers and armor - whittle them down with abilities,

When you are ready, enter the next door to fight Wasea. Wasea is a biotic and has armor and a shield. You will need to take these down before you can really sink the boot in. She will throw crates of the toxin at you, so be sure to avoid it where possible and change cover often to stay safe.

As the fight drags on, she will summon a good number of Eclipse Initiates to attack. Stay behind cover close to the entrance and fight her off until she retreats up the stairs at the back of the room. At this point clean up the Initiates in the immediate area, and then slowly work your way forward between cover and use her desk as cover to kill her at the top of the stairs. When she falls, clean up the rest of the baddies and hack the Eclipse console near the desk. Once done, pick Wasea’s datapad up off the table to return to the Space Port.

(1 of 3) You can sell the Shipping Manifest to Pitne For,

Before entering the police station, you can talk to Pitne For and give him the smuggling evidence you found in the Eclipse base for some Renegade points and a small sum of money, or alternatively you can hold onto it for some Paragon points in a moment.

Enter the police station and talk to Samara to complete the mission. Before returning to the Normandy though, talk to Detective Anaya and give her the evidence about the murder and if you did not give the smuggling evidence to Pitne For outside, you can give it to Anaya now for some Paragon points and a small sum of credits. Return to the Normandy to complete the mission.

Mission Completion Rewards
Experience Gained: 1000 (1250)
Credits: 30,000 + 25,000-30,000*
Platinum: 2,000
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The Justicar

ME2: Successfully recruit the Justicar

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    7 September 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Paul Williams

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The guide for Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all the main campaign Missions, Assignments, as well as a detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!

  • A complete walkthrough for the entire campaign, including all recruitment and loyalty missions, as well as details on weapons, resources and research projects found during each mission.
  • Every Assignment covered.
  • Updated media and formatting for the Legendary Edition.
  • In-depth look at the major choices in Mass Effect 2 and consequences - both short and long term - of each.
  • Full details on all possible Romances.
  • In-depth Class builds for Shepard with a focus on Insanity difficulty strategies.
  • Details on every Power.
  • Builds for all squadmates.
  • Trophy/Achievement guide, including embeded walkthrough links.

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