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Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

Trophy Guide (2)

Ben Chard
Jarrod Garripoli
, &
Nathan Garvin
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This is one doozy of a trophy, as it requires you to defeat at least one of every single enemy in the game (with very few exceptions). This includes every single Mark/Hunt, all 80 Rare Game, every Esper and all other normal enemies. This is annoying, as you will need to backtrack through some of the beginning areas, as there will be high-leveled enemies there that you won’t be able to defeat on your first encounter. There are also plenty of optional dungeons/sidequests in the game, leading to bosses and unique enemies. Note that you will find a lot of enemies during Trial Mode, which you will have to do in order to get two trophies, so it’s possible to bypass some enemies in the main game (like Yiazmat, who has a lot less HP in Trial Mode).

Another important thing to consider is that the list below is what is shown in the Clan Primer. There are a large number of normal enemies that can be found in multiple areas. For example, the Sleipnir is listed in the Giza Plains, as there is a single one that can be found in the dry season. However, you can also find them roaming about in the Dalmasca Westersand. It doesn’t matter which ones you kill, as you only need to defeat a single one to add it to your Clan Primer bestiary list. None of the enemies are missable, as you can return to almost every area in the game later on. For those areas that are inaccessible, the game seems to put the enemies fought within in your bestiary.

Location Enemy List
The Dalmasca Sands Cactoid, Cockatrice, Dive Talon, Gnoma Entite, Ichthon, Wild Saurian, Wolf
Giza Plains Great Tortoise, Happy Bunny, Hyena, Mardu Entite, Silicon Tortoise, Slaven, Sleipnir, Storm Elemental, Urstrix, Werewolf, Wildsnake, Wooly Gator
The Garamsythe Waterway Baritine Croc, Dire Rat, Garchimacera, Gespenst, Ghost, Gigantoad, Malboro Overking, Water Elemental
Barheim Passage Battery Mimic, Bomb, Dead Bones, Flan, Mimeo, Mimic, Skeleton, Skull Defender, Specter, Steeling, Suriander, Tiny Battery, Tiny Mimic, Zombie
Lhusu Mines Bug, Dark Lord, Dullahan, Gazer, Headless, Killer Mantis, Pandora, Vampyr
The Yensa Sandsea Alraune, Axebeak, Danbania, Salamand Entite, Wyvern, Yensa
Tomb of Raithwall Lesser Chimera, Lich, Lost Soul, Ragoh, Seeker, Skull Warrior, Tallow, Zombie Mage
Ozmone Plain Chocobo, Hybrid Gator, Mesmenir, Sylphi Entite, Viper, Wu, Zaghnal, Zu
Golmore Jungle Diresaur, Gargoyle, Great Malboro, Hellhound, Malboro, Panther, Treant
Location Enemy List
Henne Mines Etem, Gizamaluk, Hecteyes, Jelly, Necrofiend, Nightmare, Thunderbug, Tyranorox
Paramina Rift Dark Skeleton, Emperor Aevis, Garuda-Egi, Ice Elemental, Leshach Entite, Lizard, Skull Knight, Slaven Warder, Twintania, White Wolf, Wild Onion, Yeti
Stilshrine of Miriam Balloon, Blood Gigas, Crystalbug, Darkmare, Dragon Aevis, Facer, Ghast, Ghoul, Miriam Facer, Miriam Guardian, Night Walker, Redmaw, Zombie Warrior
Mosphoran Highwaste Ash Wyrm, Clay Golem, Fire Elemental, Humbaba, Python, Slaven Wilder, Vulture, Worgen
The Salikawood Antares, Malboro King, Pumpkin Head, Sprinter, Wyrdhare
Phon Coast Air Elemental, Archaeosaur, Bagoly, Iguion, Mandragora, Piranha, Pyrolisk, Silver Lobo
Tchita Uplands Coeurl, Earth Elemental, Feral Croc, Serpent
Sochen Cave Palace Abysteel, Focalor, Gorgimera, Imp, Pit Fiend, Striker, Wendigo, Zombie Knight
Location Enemy List
The Feywood Alraune King, Basilisk, Behemoth, Cerberus, Deadly Nightshade, Golem, Holy Elemental, Mandragora Prince, Mirrorknight, Mu, Onion Queen, Preying Mantis, Pumpkin Star, Tartarus, Topstalk
Giruvegan Diakon Entite, Forbidden, Gargoyle Baron, Giruveganus, Mom Bomb, Mythril Golem, Necrophobe, Ose, Reaper, Shadonir, Skulwyrm, Vivian
Ridorana Contract Cassie, Deathclaw
Pharos at Ridorana Abaddon, Aeronite, Brainpan, Bune, Cataract Aevis, Chimera Brain, Crusader, Deidar, Dragon Lich, Magick Pot, Mistmare, Purobolos, Reaver, Undin Entite
Zertinan Caverns Archaeoaevis, Bogey, Buer, Grenade, Mallicant, Scythe Mantis, Shambling Corpse, Slime, Speartongue
Cerobi Steppe Adamantitan, Bandercoeurl, Charybterix, Shield Wyrm
Nabreus Deadlands Banshee, Emeralditan, Foobar, Leamonde Entite, Leynir
Necrohol of Nabudis Babil, Dark Elemental, Elvoret, Oversoul, Zombie Warlock
Marks Atomos, Bloodwing, Braegh, Catoblepas, Croakadile, Darksteel, Deathgaze, Deathscythe, Diabolos, Enkelados, Fafnir, Feral Retriever, Flowering Cactoid, Goliath, Ixtab, Lindwyrm, Marilith, Mindflayer, Nidhogg, Overlord, Piscodaemon, Pyrlaster, Ring Wyrm, Roblin, Rogue Tomato, Thextera, Vorpal Bunny, Vyraal, White Mousse, Wild Malboro, Wraith, Wyvern Lord
Location Enemy List
Elite Marks Antlion, Behemoth King, Carrot, Chickatrice, Cluckatrice, Enkidu, Fenrir, Gil Snapper, Gilgamesh, Ixion, Orthros, Pandaemonium, Phoenix, Rocktoise, Shadowseer, Slyt, Trickster, Yiazmat
Espers Adrammelech, Belias, Chaos, Cuchulainn, Exodus, Famfrit, Hashmal, Mateus, Shemhazai, Ultima, Zalera, Zeromus, Zodiark
Bosses Ahriman, Ba’Gamnan, Daedalus, Demon Wall, Earth Tyrant, Elder Wyrm, Firemane, Fury, Hell Wyrm, Humbab Mistant, Hydro, King Bomb, Mimic Queen, Omega Mark XII, Rafflesia, Tiamat, Tyrant, Vinuskar
Rare Game (1) Abelisk, Aerieel, Aeros, Alteci, Ancbolder, Anchag, Anubys, Apsara, Arioch, Aspidochelon, Avenger, Barmuu, Biding Mantis, Bluesang, Bombshell, Bull Chocobo, Bull Croc, Crypt Bunny, Crystal Knight, Cubus
Rare Game (2) Cultsworn Lich, Dheed, Disma, Dreadguard, Drowned, Dustia, Etherian, Evil Spirit, Fideliant, Gavial, Gemhorn, Glaring Eye, Grave Lord, Greeden, Grey Molter, Grimalkin, Helvinek, Imdugud, Ishteen, Ithuno
Rare Game (3) Juggernaut, Kaiser Wolf, Killbug, Kris, Larva Eater, Lindbur Wolf, Luxollid, Matriarch Bomb, Megabomb, Melt, Midgardsormr, Minibug, Molen, Myath, Nazanir, Negalmuur, Nekhbet, Pallicant, Phyllo, Pineapple
Rare Game (4) Rageclaw, Rain Dancer, Razorfin, Ripe Rampager, Skullash, Spee, Tarasque, Terror Tyrant, Thalassinon, Tower, Urutan Exile, Vagrant Soul, Velelu, Victanir, Vishno, Vorres, Wary Wolf, Wendice, Wood Toad, Zombie Lord
Humanoids Baknamy, Bangaa, Garif, Seeq, Urutan-Yensa
Archadian Empire Doctor Cid, Imperial, Imperial Armament, Imperial Elite, Judge Bergan, Judge Gabranth, Judge Ghis
Trophy/Achievement Icon


Completed the Bestiary.

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The description for this trophy is a bit misleading, as it says you need to have learned every Magick. However, what it really means is that you need to have acquired every Magick in the game; you don’t even have to get a License on anyone’s board. One tip you can use to see which magicks you’ve learned is to go to Party on the main menu and press Square, which will list every single Magick, Technick and the ailments they can heal with a Remedy. If you see a “???” shown, then you have not acquired that Magick yet. All of the Magicks will be split according to their type, so you will have all White Magicks together, then all Black Magicks and et cetera.

Magicks in Final Fantasy XII can usually be acquired in one of two methods, the obvious one being that they can be bought from shops. At the beginning of the game, you will have a limited selection, but as you progress in the main story, you will find more available from the various merchants. Those that are purchaseable in the listings below will only have a single merchant available, which is usually the earliest you can purchase it. The other way to obtain magicks is by finding them in chests, with the majority of them always having a 100% spawn rate (there is only one magick that doesn’t fall under this). There are a few magicks that can be found in multiple spots and both locations will be listed; once you find one of the two, the other chest will disappear.

White Magicks Location
Cure Balthier/Fran join party with this
Cura Buy in Westersand after Leviathan
Curaga Buy in Mt. Bur-Omisace
Curaja Buy in Balfonheim
Renew In chest in Henne Mines (Special Charter Shaft; 100% spawn)
Raise Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
Arise Buy in Balfonheim after Treaty Blade
Esuna Buy in Eruyt Village
Esunaga Buy from hidden merchant in Necrohol of Nabudis after entering Pharos
White Magicks Location
Blindna Buy from merchant in Barheim Passage
Vox Buy in Rabanastre after Barheim Passage
Poisona Buy in Rabanastre after Barheim Passage
Stona Buy in Jahara
Cleanse In chest in Cerobi Steppe (The Terraced Bank; 20% spawn)
Dispel In chest in Raithwall (Royal Passage; 100% spawn)
Dispelga In chest in Feywood (White Magick’s Embrace; 100% spawn)
Protect Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
White Magicks Location
Protectga In chest in Necrohol of Nabudis (Cloister of Distant Song; 100% spawn)
Shell Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
Shellga In chest in Great Crystal (Sirhru Phulaam Pratii’vaa; 100% spawn)
Bravery In chest in Necrohol of Nabudis (Cloister of the Highborn; 100% spawn)
Faith In chest in Necrohol of Nabudis (Hall of the Ivory Covenant; 100% spawn)
Regen In chest in Giza Plains (Rains) (Nomad Village; 100% spawn) In chest in Tchita Uplands (The Lost Way; 100% spawn)
Confuse Buy in Balfonheim
Holy In chest in Pharos - First Ascent (Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight; 100% spawn)
Black Magicks Location
Fire Fran joins party with this
Fira Buy in Jahara
Firaga Buy in Phon Coast
Thunder Buy from merchant in Barheim Passage
Thundara Buy in Eruyt Village
Thundaga Buy in Archades
Blizzard Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
Blizzara Buy in Mt. Bur-Omisace
Blizzaga Buy in Balfonheim
Black Magicks Location
Aero Buy in Rabanastre after Leviathan
Aeroga Buy in Mosphoran Highwaste after Mt. Bur-Omisace
Aqua Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
Bio Buy in Mt. Bur-Omisace after Stilshrine of Miriam
Shock Buy in Balfonheim after Treaty Blade
Scourge Buy from merchant in Barheim Passage after Treaty Blade
Flare In chest in Pharos - Third Ascent (Spire Ravel - 1st Flight; 100% spawn)
Scathe In chest in Lhusu Mines (Staging Area; 100% spawn)
Black Magicks Location
Blind In chest in Giza Plains (Dry) (Toam Hills; 100% spawn)
Blindga In chest in Tchita Uplands (Fields of Eternity; 100% spawn)
Silence In chest in Dalmasca Estersand (Yardang Labyrinth; 100% spawn) In chest in Lhusu Mines (Shaft Entry; 100% spawn)
Silencega In chest in Necrohol of Nabudis (Hall of Effulgent Light; 100% spawn)
Sleep In chest on Leviathan (Starboard Section; 100% spawn) In chest in Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Platform 1 - East Tanks; 100% spawn)
Sleepga In chest in Giruvegan (The Haalmikah Water-Steps; 100% spawn)
Poison In chest in Dalmasca Estersand (Sand-Swept Naze; 100% spawn)
Toxify In chest in Barheim Passage (East-West Bypass; 100% spawn)
Time Magicks Location
Haste In chest in Eruyt Village (Fane of the Path; 100% spawn)
Hastega In chest in Great Crystal (Uldobi Phullam Pratii; 100% spawn)
Slow Buy in Rabanastre
Slowga Buy in Balfonheim
Stop Buy from Dyce in Nam-Yensa (he will move as you progress)
Immobilize Buy from merchant in Barheim Passage
Disable Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
Bleed Buy in Jahara
Break Buy in Eruyt Village
Countdown In chest in Stilshrine of Miriam (Ward of Velitation; 100% spawn)
Time Magicks Location
Berserk Buy in Mt. Bur-Omisace
Float In chest in Tchita Uplands (Oliphzak Rise; 100% spawn)
Vanish In chest in Raithwall (Royal Passage; 100% spawn)
Vanishga Buy in Mosphoran Highwaste after Mt. Bur-Omisace
Reflect In chest in Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Primary Tank Complex; 100% spawn)
Reflectga In chest in Feywood (Edge of Reason; 100% spawn)
Balance In chest in Nam-Yensa Sandsea (Demesne of the Sandqueen; 100% spawn)
Warp In chest in Nabreus Deadlands (Lifeless Strand; 100% spawn)
Gravity Buy in Rabanastre after Leviathan
Graviga Buy in Balfonheim after Treaty Blade
Green Magicks Location
Oil Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre after reaching Hedge Knight
Reverse Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre after reaching Knight of the Round
Decoy Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre after reaching Moppet
Drain Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre after reaching Vanguard
Bubble Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre after reaching Riskbreaker
Syphon Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre after reaching Paragon of Justice
Arcane Magicks Location
Dark Buy in Rabanastre after getting Sunstone
Darkra Buy in Mt. Bur-Omisace
Darkga Buy in Balfonheim
Death In chest in Paramina Rift (Karydine Glacier; 100% spawn)
Ardor In chest in Pharos - Third Ascent (Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight; 100% spawn)
Trophy/Achievement Icon


Learned every Magick.

Trophy icon


As with the Runeweaver trophy, this one will require you to get all of the Technicks in the game. You don’t need to have access to classes to use them all, but you just need to have acquired them. Opening up the main menu, selecting Party and then pushing Square will bring up a list of all Magicks and Technicks. Any of them that appear as “???” means you have not obtained them yet. Once the list has no more of those question marks, then you will receive this trophy.

Technicks Location
Steal Vaan has this from the beginning
Libra Buy in Rabanastre
Poach Buy in Rabanastre after Leviathan
First Aid Buy in Rabanastre after obtaining Shadestone; Fran/Balthier have this from the beginning
Telekinesis In chest in Cerobi Steppe (Old Elanise Road; 100% spawn)
Numerology In chest in Lhusu Mines (Transitway 1; 100% spawn)
Souleater Buy in Mt. Bur-Omisace
Sight Unseeing In chest in Zertinan Caverns (Canopy of Clay; 100% spawn)
Technicks Location
Charm In chest in Salikawood (Quietened Trace; 100% spawn)
Achilles In chest in Garamsythe Waterway (No. 4 Cloaca Spur when drained; 100% spawn)
Charge Buy in Bhujerba after Lhusu Mines
Infuse In chest in Leviathan (Sub-control Room; 100% spawn) In chest in Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Platform 1 - East Tanks; 100% spawn)
Gil Toss In chest in Draklor Laboratory (70th Floor - Room 7002 East; 100% spawn) In chest in Pharos - Second Ascent (Station of Ascension; 100% spawn)
1000 Needles In chest in Sochen Cave Palace (Falls of Time; 100% spawn)
Revive In chest in Paramina Rift (Spine of the Icewyrm; 100% spawn)
Stamp In chest in Mosphoran Highwaste (Rays of Ashen Light; 100% spawn)
Technicks Location
Shades of Black In chest in Raithwall (Cloister of Flame; 100% spawn)
Traveler Buy in Rabanastre after Raithwall
Horology Buy in Rabanastre after Leviathan
Bonecrusher In chest in Henne Mines (Phase 1 Dig; 100% spawn)
Wither In chest in Pharos - Subterra (Abyssal - North; 10% spawn)
Addle In chest in Henne Mines (Special Charter Shaft; 10% spawn)
Expose In chest in Lhusu Mines (Site 9; 100% spawn)
Shear In chest in Barheim Passage (The Zeviah Span; 100% spawn)
Trophy/Achievement Icon


Learned every Technick.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, Steam, Switch, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2017
  • Last Updated
    17 December 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin, Jarrod Garripoli

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Enter an era of war within the world of Ivalice. The small kingdom of Dalmasca, conquered by the Archadian Empire, is left in ruin and uncertainty. Princess Ashe, the one and only heir to the throne, devotes herself to the resistance to liberate her country. Vaan, a young man who lost his family in the war, dreams of flying freely in the skies. In a fight for freedom and fallen royalty, join these unlikely allies and their companions as they embark on a heroic adventure to free their homeland.

This guide contains the following:

  • A walkthrough that’ll guide you through the story, help you obtain all the best weapons and armor, and defeat every monster.
  • An interactive map of the Giruvegan Great Crystal; featuring all weapons, armors, save crystals, gate stones, way stones, bosses and rare enemies.
  • Tips for getting the best equipment from the Bazaar and from enemies.
  • A detailed Job Guide featuring all twelve job classes in the game, and the best ways to combine them and characters to form the ultimate party.
  • How to find and defeat all Hunt Marks and Rare Game.
  • Citations of the differences between this version of the game and the original.
  • A thorough explanation of all of the game’s mechanics.
  • All sidequests, including Trial Mode.
  • A trophy guide that will get you that shiny Platinum Trophy.

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