Type | Petitioner | Location | Reward |
Notice Board | Gatsly (Rabanastre: The Sandsea) | Dalmasca Westersand, Galtea Downs | 500 Gil, Headguard, Teleport Stone |
Lv | HP | Weakness | Steal |
6 | 380 | Wind | Pebble, Potion, Wolf Pelt |
Resistances | Status Immunities |
– | Petrify, Doom, Reverse, Disable, Immobilize, Berserk |
Read the notice then find the petitioner, Gatsly, who is sitting on the floor near the Notice Board. Hear his tale of woe - a typical “kill the monster to protect my business interests!” story, then accept his request to officially start the hunt. Seems like this Thextera is in the Westersand area known as the Galtea Downs. The Westersand is more dangerous than the Estersand, but fear not, as you don’t have to progress very far to find your Mark.
The weather in the Westersand can be much more extreme than in the Estersand, and any time you enter you run the risk of being caught in a sandstorm. Right now, such storms are quite common and will reduce visibility considerably. This is more of a nuisance than anything else, but the weather does also affect enemy spawns and elemental damage. If a sandstorm is active, tough monsters may spawn - like the Gnoma Entite and earth, fire and wind elemental damage is increased by 20%, while water elemental damage is reduced 50%. At this point in the game, and for this particular task, neither of these should matter all that much, as you’re unlikely to stumble across a Gnoma Entite, nor are you likely highly reliant on water elemental damage. If you find the weather displeasing, however, simply leave the Westersand and return, as each time you change zones the weather might change.
There are two distinct weather conditions in the Westersand - sandstorms (left) and clear (right). Zone in and out of the Westersand until the weather suits your need.
Anyways, when you’re content with the weather, it’s time to proceed with the Thextera hunt. Finding the beast is easy in any weather, as it’s invariably located in the southeastern corner of the map. From the area transition to Rabanastre, simply follow the wall west, then south, and as long as you run along this wall you should find your Mark. Be sure to kill any Wolves you find along the way, especially any near Thextera and note that these Wolves are somewhat stronger than the ones in the Estersand. Expect them to do about 16~ damage per hit and to have more HP. This increase in monster strength is more than offset by having Penelo around.
Thextera can usually be found in the company of lesser Wolves, but there’s no mistaking Thextra for an ordinary hound. Given the Mark’s size and coloration, it clearly stands out amidst its lesser brethren. It doesn’t only differ in size, however, it’s much stronger and has a wider, more dangerous array of attacks. In addition, it boasts 380 HP, nearly three times what normal Wolves in the Westersand have. Speaking of which, focus on Thextera’s attendant Wolves before you target him, which will make taking down Thextra easier. Thextra can summon more Wolves with its “Cry for Help” ability, but that wastes precious time, and you can quickly dispatch any reinforcements.
Its normal attacks aren’t too bad, landing around 25~ damage per hit. They can, however, inflict poison on characters, so be sure to have a stock of Antidotes handy. You can buy Antidotes from Migelo’s, or, if you’ve been looting urns regularly in your travels you may have accumulated a stockpile. Don’t try to weather the poison, as the damage can quickly become unmanageable, especially since you want to keep your HP safely above 100. The reason you want to closely chaperone your HP is due to Thextra’s “Fangs” attack, which can deal over 100~ damage if it hits. Be on the lookout for it and have Potions ready to bring the injured character back into fighting form. Finally, when Thextera’s HP are low it’ll attempt to use the “Saber” ability - a desperation attack of sorts that doubles Thextera’s attack power, but reduces its HP every time it attacks while the ability is active. Just keep up the pressure to finish Thextera off.
With Penelo backing you up, Thextera shouldn’t be too much to handle (left). After defeating Thextera, return to Montblanc to earn a reward (right).
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