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Dragon's Dogma 2

Unmaking Arrow Locations

Scott Peers

The "Unmaking Arrow" iconUnmaking Arrow in "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 provides one of the easiest ways to defeat some of the toughest enemies in the game, but you’ll want to save them for two specific encounters, namely defeating the "Sphinx" iconSphinx and the Gigantus. There are currently two reliable ways to get an Unmaking Arrow, one as part of the Sphinx riddles and one is from the Dragonforged NPC. On this page, we’ll give you a brief overview of how to find both.

The fight with the Gigantus is one of the longest in the game without the use of an Unmaking Arrow.

Get an Unmaking Arrow from the Sphinx Riddles

To get an Unmaking Arrow from the Sphinx riddles, you need to find her at her second location after completing the first set of riddles. The second location is at the "Frontier Shrine" iconFrontier Shrine, southwest of the "Checkpoint Rest Town" iconCheckpoint Rest Town, and the riddle you need to complete is the Riddle of Recollection, which requires you to accurately show the Sphinx how many riddles you’ve completed so far for the Sphinx.

The most important thing to remember when doing this riddle is that finding the Sphinx for the second time at the Frontier Shrine counts as solving a riddle in and of itself, known as the Riddle of Reunion. If you want to make sure that you answer this riddle correctly so that you can get your hands on the Unmaking Arrow, see our Sphinx Locations and Riddle Solutions page.

Buy an Umaking Arrow from the Dragonforged NPC

The second method for obtaining an Unmaking Arrow in Dragon’s Dogma 2 requires you to reach the region of Battahl first. From here, you can travel to the Bay Wayside Shrine, located northeast of "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl, where you’ll find the Dragonforged NPC. You’ll be directed to this location as part of the Flickering Shadows quest, so you can wait until this point if you prefer.

All you need to do to get an Unmaking Arrow from the Dragonforged is purchase it using 8 "Wyrmslife Crystal" iconWyrmslife Crystals. These can be obtained by defeating "Drake" iconDrakes, "Lesser Dragon" iconLesser Dragons, or regular Dragons, and there’s no shortage of Drakes in particular, so you should be able to get them easily enough. If you’re struggling to defeat Drakes, see our Drakes Enemy Guide for a detailed walkthrough.

(1 of 2) Look for the Bay Wayside Shrine north of Bakbattahl.

Look for the Bay Wayside Shrine north of Bakbattahl. (left), You can only purchase one Unmaking Arrow from the Dragonforged. (right)

And there you have it – a quick overview of where to find Unmaking Arrows in Dragon’s Dogma 2. It’s worth remembering that the game will make a hard save whenever you use one, and they will be removed from your inventory with each use, so be sure to use them wisely!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    6 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the long-awaited sequel to a predecessor that gained a cult following for its quirky pawns and charming jank, not to mention the diverse combat options that came with access to several unique vocations. All of that and more is expanded upon with DD2, while some of the mechanics have been simplified to make them more accessible, but still retaining that unapologetic focus on rewarding exploration at the heart of its gameplay. You are the Arisen, fated to confront the Dragon’s Dogma, and the initial path you take is a familiar one to those who played the original, but you’ll soon find that there’s more to this story than meets the eye. In this guide, we cover the following:

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